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 Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request! 
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Post Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
Hello, forums...
Sorry if I placed this call for aid in the wrong place... :oops:
I have an idea for a Tech of Clockwork robots, who use a powerful, mostly energy based element called "Source" (Lock's quest, i know!)
Its not going to be easy, as i am only following the specific combat each unit was designed for, with futuristic tech replacing steam punk improvisation. The idea is to have several (3-4) squads of 4 droid teams on maps of 2500 oz. the bodies will be cheap(ish) yet the robot's weapons will be more expensive than some other techs (german and Loyalist techs aside).
They also need to focus WHOLLY on armour (as in tough 'clothes') as their primary body is only slightly tougher than the dummies. it Will take a while... as i am totally new to modding...
But PLEASE help me! i am going to check though the guides on the mod making post, but i may need help on the more complex LUA... as this blue, firey element is going to be the basis of ALL their weapons ('nades, melee, rifles, pistols, etc.).
PLUS i need to keep this up to date with any updates that data realm eventually get around to adding...
... thanks in advance for any help you can give...
(Trolls, notice the alien [to you] word, 'help')

Sun May 18, 2014 9:38 am
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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
as someone thats a fan of steampunk stuff, i'm curious how far will your mod being going? willl it do systems and modules or just a bunch of actors, weapons and craft.

Sun May 18, 2014 9:59 am

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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
A bit of everything... but the basics will be there whatever happens

Sun May 18, 2014 10:03 am
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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
I'd be happy to help on the Lua aspect. Just send me a PM when you've got an idea on what you want scripted.

Sun May 18, 2014 10:08 am
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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
here's a door inspire from a cowplow as for modules i would suggest something that is made from stone blocks.

File comment: Prototype Door
SlideLongA protype.bmp [1.85 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
Sun May 18, 2014 10:36 am

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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
I am thinking of a Mix of steam-punk, with futuristic adaptations.
We are also going to need crafts, and bunker modules/systems too.
The LUA is mostly going to be the weapons, as their entire arsenal revolves around the Element (267th) 'source', as mentioned earlier. also, can anyone explain to me how to add armour as it will be the only toughness the clockworks have (tweak bodies though not to impact, yet strong armour to counter that) and We might have to create a Void wanderer/unmapped lands pack if this gets famous...
Unlikely though.

Sun May 18, 2014 12:11 pm
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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
Take a look at the Coalition Heavy soldiers for an armor example.

This is the code for the armor piece itself:

And this is the piece of code in the actor part that attaches it to the actor:

Sun May 18, 2014 11:36 pm

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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
Anyone want to give suggestions...?
Its going to be a while before i get the WIP Bronze clockwork ready.
I need ideas for traps and weaponry. might also need help with melee weapons as all the clockworks will have a 'free' melee weapon, so their expensive guns are only for tougher situations (lika bunker full of SAW) rather than using them on weaker foes (combine, empire, loyalist, the vanillas, etc.)

So, ideas? need to be steampunk, and you might have to help...
P.S for an idea on how the units themselves will look like, search google of "Lock's Quest"
I really like the enemies (clockworks) and thought i could cortex command them... pun intended.

Mon May 19, 2014 12:31 pm

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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
Just want to post this WIP of the clockwork actual head... the armour stuff is what I will attempt next. I would like help on making this head more clockwork like, as cortex command's 16 bit style is NOT kind to gears and cogs!
P.S what are the minimum pixel measurements for helmets? It needs a full face one, with horns coming out the top, like a viking... thanks

File comment: I HOPE this looks ok...
clockworkHeadA.bmp [1.18 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
Mon May 19, 2014 12:56 pm

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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
forget about the P.S for now... i have done the helmet and am posting it here...
simply hope its not rubbish! :sad:
any ideas about weapon designs, modules ect, tell me about them. if you examples or even finished work, then post it my way... but...

File comment: THIS is what players will see when they order/spawn/notice the clockwork troopers. its a bronze...
clockworkHelmetA.bmp [426 Bytes]
Not downloaded yet
Mon May 19, 2014 1:37 pm
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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
Try here for spriting help, not much people come to this subforum. There you'll get the ball rolling regarding your sprites.

Ideas for weapons design? The most steampunk think I can imagine would be something like Cortex Command's blunderbuss, but stylized with a longer and more narrow cannon, making it feel like a semi automatic rifle. It could include a bayonet.

Mon May 19, 2014 5:37 pm

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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
I have decided to 'delegate' tasks for this mod... i hope you aren't offended. I simply won't be able to release this within next month at this rate... considering I have only completed the main head and helmet of the first robot...
So i am asking you to design the guns for me... if that isn't too much of a problem... :-(
The ONLY limitations are as follows:
Needs to have a 'steam-punk' design,
Rounds NEED to be a type of blue (so LUA is all we need to fix with the equipment)
The weapons need to be placed in three categories, as there are three types of clockwork troopers.
BRONZE (a light/dark brown): NEED to be one handed
SILVER (a metallic grey, or as close as): comparable to vanilla two handed, yet SLIGHTLY better
BLUE(darker than glass): The best legion, so cool weapons. extra LUA is accepted, BUT NOT PELICAN GRADE ♥♥♥♥! seriously...
Post them here. if anyone wan to score forum points, then your completion needs to send a copy here! thanks, this means i can deal with the specific actor construction!
P.S anyone wan to deal with the tech icon? needs to contain a cog... anything else is up for you imagination! thanks in advance.

Tue May 20, 2014 12:31 pm

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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
Also, the modules are going to be more based around a brass design.
I am also thinking about 'brain' hero units... like the Red clockworks and even Emperor Agonius (get where i am going here... no relation though, just wanted to have a cool user name.) oh, and can anyone pm me about how you start a competition? do i have to grovel up to Data Realm himself...?

Tue May 20, 2014 1:01 pm
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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
I think you are trying to make a lot of things in your first project. The enthusiasm is good, but try not to overwhelm yourself!

Why don't you start with a gun? A simple weapon to get an idea of what modding is about, to understand the basics and things of the like. Actors are a tad more complicated to do, mainly because you have to define much more things (and need more sprites, too).

After that you'll probably feel more confident with your skills and you'll be ready to continue with more complicated things.

Tue May 20, 2014 7:47 pm
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Post Re: Looking for help with my upcoming mod... thats the Request!
Inclined to agree with Asklar on this one. Focus on one thing at a time, because it reads - at times - a lot like you want everyone else to do almost all of the work for you now that you've set out some core/key concepts.

Very few mods are huge collaborative projects, most being the work of single modders.

Look at either building up core skills (spriting/coding) or developing your actual faction plan. You have all the time in the world, more or less.

Tue May 20, 2014 11:54 pm
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