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 Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign 
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Post Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
I tend to play as dummys because lets face it they are awesome, expect for their weapons which are almost useless.. but I'm having trouble finding a faction that is actually hard to fight! I've already beaten the campaign against all the factions on workshop and it was a complete blow through as they all followed the same predicable pattern and the only problem was if you had a build up of their troops.

so whats a truly menacing faction? that will make me will make me regret asking this.

Sat May 17, 2014 6:22 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
As the default campaign is pretty easy, I would recommend Unmapped Lands 2. And for harder factions, try Void Walker Amalgam, (I personally find it way to OP) The Pelian Army or the Mu-Ilaak.

UL2: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=31383

Mu-Ilaak: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=31436

Void Walker Amalgam: ... earchtext=

Pelian Army: ... earchtext=

Sat May 17, 2014 9:19 pm
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Void Walker Amalgam: Defeated*
Pelian Army: Defeated*

Like i said everything that's already on workshop has been roll over.

Sat May 17, 2014 10:30 pm
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Sims_Doc wrote:
Void Walker Amalgam: Defeated*
Pelian Army: Defeated*

Like i said everything that's already on workshop has been roll over.

What faction/difficulty are you using?

Sat May 17, 2014 11:32 pm
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Mr_Rainbow wrote:
Sims_Doc wrote:
Void Walker Amalgam: Defeated*
Pelian Army: Defeated*

Like i said everything that's already on workshop has been roll over.

What faction/difficulty are you using?

Dummy and on Nuts

Sun May 18, 2014 12:01 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Sims_Doc wrote:
Mr_Rainbow wrote:
Sims_Doc wrote:
Void Walker Amalgam: Defeated*
Pelian Army: Defeated*

Like i said everything that's already on workshop has been roll over.

What faction/difficulty are you using?

Dummy and on Nuts

Alright. Try UL2. You can fight all of the harder factions at the same time

Sun May 18, 2014 12:25 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Mr_Rainbow wrote:

Alright. Try UL2. You can fight all of the harder factions at the same time

i'll take a look at it but if i end up raining supreme again then i honestly think its maybe time to look at the AI.

Sun May 18, 2014 12:58 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Sims_Doc wrote:
Mr_Rainbow wrote:

Alright. Try UL2. You can fight all of the harder factions at the same time

i'll take a look at it but if i end up raining supreme again then i honestly think its maybe time to look at the AI.

Work out well?

Tue May 20, 2014 12:13 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Hmmm, how about: No Weapon Steal, No Kidnapping... Effectively, Purist Faction Run (Weapons/Actor/etc).

The main issue is the Dummies are probably one of the more powerful factions with higher kinetics, and particles.

Tue May 20, 2014 1:13 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Mr_Rainbow wrote:
Sims_Doc wrote:
Mr_Rainbow wrote:

Alright. Try UL2. You can fight all of the harder factions at the same time

i'll take a look at it but if i end up raining supreme again then i honestly think its maybe time to look at the AI.

Work out well?

was rather boring as it lack almost everything the game has and was basically a risk game.

Foa wrote:
Hmmm, how about: No Weapon Steal, No Kidnapping... Effectively, Purist Faction Run (Weapons/Actor/etc).

The main issue is the Dummies are probably one of the more powerful factions with higher kinetics, and particles.

So projectile dive bombing with a rocklet and a bomb, simple to do and its also to do with the dummys being extremely cheap and every other faction being expensive so i can use swarm tactics and before you know it the entire map is being mine and everything is under my control while you've got a single brain mining a bit of gold and i farm.

Tue May 20, 2014 2:34 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Stop playing with the easy faction then.

Tue May 20, 2014 5:11 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Asklar wrote:
Stop playing with the easy faction then.

I don't know if you guys stopped making easy factions i wouldn't have easy factions to play against.. actually we could remove this entire problem if they just added a muitplayer lobby.

Tue May 20, 2014 5:35 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
Except this has gone through multiple arguments and it's clear that to track each individual pixels and MOID etc for multiplayer to work properly would be nigh impossible. Especially on the current engine. You would need a really powerful computer to run the server and a really really strong internet connection as well as a powerful computer at each of the clients; and even then it would probably run at 10FPS and lag like crazy. You have to understand that you're tracking each of these pixels, each with it's own physics etc... Imagine if each pixel was a block in minecraft. Now you need to add physics to each and every block. And there also needs to be hit detection etc. Perhaps feasible if the engine was built around optimizing such a scenario.

Back to the topic at hand. AI usually end up being massively overpowered or stupidly weak. In this case AI are a little (alot) stupid. Perhaps the best way to increase the difficulty is to impose your own rules (like nuzleaf challenge for pokemon). Win without getting gold (only 2000 gold). Win only using pistols. The problem isnt the factions are weak. Or necessarily the ai are that stupid. Perhaps you're looking for a way to lose while having indefinite starting gold or something. Basically make sure you stick to your own rules and impose them to make it more challenging. Otherwise i suggest you play I wanna be the Boshy or Dark Souls II (I trust you dont need a link for this one)

Edit: Use only undead for maximum difficulty

Tue May 20, 2014 6:53 am
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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
dragonxp wrote:
Except this has gone through multiple arguments and it's clear that to track each individual pixels and MOID etc for multiplayer to work properly would be nigh impossible. Especially on the current engine. You would need a really powerful computer to run the server and a really really strong internet connection as well as a powerful computer at each of the clients; and even then it would probably run at 10FPS and lag like crazy. You have to understand that you're tracking each of these pixels, each with it's own physics etc... Imagine if each pixel was a block in minecraft. Now you need to add physics to each and every block. And there also needs to be hit detection etc. Perhaps feasible if the engine was built around optimizing such a scenario.

Back to the topic at hand. AI usually end up being massively overpowered or stupidly weak. In this case AI are a little (alot) stupid. Perhaps the best way to increase the difficulty is to impose your own rules (like nuzleaf challenge for pokemon). Win without getting gold (only 2000 gold). Win only using pistols. The problem isnt the factions are weak. Or necessarily the ai are that stupid. Perhaps you're looking for a way to lose while having indefinite starting gold or something. Basically make sure you stick to your own rules and impose them to make it more challenging. Otherwise i suggest you play I wanna be the Boshy or Dark Souls II (I trust you dont need a link for this one)

Edit: Use only undead for maximum difficulty

so in other words muitplayer is something obviously won't happen then as developers wouldn't bother to rewrite and the engine and implement it.

In the AI defense they aren't that dumb and they aren't that smart its just they always fall for simple traps that always work to my advantage. As for gold set i always use minimum amount of gold on start, i can't really imagine why you would want or even need infinite gold beyond testing in sandbox mode that is..


as for using undead i've thinking of doing something with them but since free trade lacks little weapons beyond digging tools and few other bits, what would you suggest weapon wise to use?

Tue May 20, 2014 7:10 am

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Post Re: Looking for Harder Faction to fight in Campaign
At some point data gave a very valid explanation of why it's impossible, a lot or all of the physics in CC are random, not deterministic. The same action could cause two different results on two different computers. As I understand it, the only way for it to work is for the hoster's computer or the server computer to play it and send out all the information, which is terrible. The engine would probably need some extremely extensive rewrites to make it all deterministic and it's basically a lost cause.

As for more difficulty and staying on topic, as dragonxp said, impose artificial limits. Don't use cheap tactics, limit yourself to certain bodies or weapons, try not mining at all or only let your brain mine with golddig ai, take only one territory for most of the game (and don't mine) so the ai has a huge cash advantage, etc. I find the metagame pretty boring after a couple playthroughs so I probably don't have any very innovative ideas, but I'm sure there are good ones out there.

Tue May 20, 2014 9:28 am
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