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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 6)
Roll 268 - 6

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -

Your waiting pays off as you see Karina pass by in front of you, and you ask if she's seen someone in a black robe recently.

Karina: "Not that I can remember. Why?"

She seems like she needs to go do urgent healer things, but could stop to hear a word or two.


Kineria Forge
[ - ] = -

"Yes, I'll be willing to fight. Do you have any weapons to spare? Oh, and is there anything more suitable to wear into battle than this white robe?"

???: "There's a large brown tent a little up the road, it has clothing, armor, and other equipment for combat. You'll have to wear that robe until you get there, sorry.

Oh, and my name's Karina. I do most of the healing around here, and unfortunately there are still more people to be healed."

With that, she leaves. You still have your dagger on you, but the backpack with the bracer is still on the ground.


Thu May 15, 2014 9:47 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 6)
>Look around

Thu May 15, 2014 10:36 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 6)
"Thank you!"
> Grab the bracer with the stone embedded on it, and also take the backpack along with me, then exit the tent and travel down the road to that brown tent and see what I can find.

Thu May 15, 2014 1:56 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 6)
"I think he was trying to start trouble using Darla. Again. He shouldn't be coming around anymore, but I'm not sure if he already did."

Thu May 15, 2014 5:09 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 7)
Roll 268 - 7

[ - ] = -

You look around. Well, to the left there's a circular metal plate in the wall, with a hole through it. Looking closely, it looks like something was supposed to fit into it, like a crank or something. but there isn't any item of the sort lying around.


John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -

"I think he was trying to start trouble using Darla. Again. He shouldn't be coming around anymore, but I'm not sure if he already did."

Karina: "I don't think she's done anything other than sleep since you left, so maybe he wasn't around. Anyways gotta go, I'll have to talk to you another time."

She heads off, and into another tent not too far away.


Kineria Forge
[ - ] = -

"Thank you!"

You grab the bracer and put it on your left arm, and sling the empty backpack over your shoulder. Exiting the tent, you head up the road.

The road takes you out of the white cluster of tents, and you find yourself crossing a large grassy plain, with tents coming up ahead, and cottages and buildings further off behind them.

You make it to a large brown tent beside the road, opened for anyone to walk feely in and out. Peeking inside, it has racks of weapons, armor, and sturdy clothing along the walls, and a table with a map on it in the center.

There's a black-haired woman seated at the table with her head planted down on the map, as if sleeping, or perhaps inspecting it very closely.


Fri May 16, 2014 9:58 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 7)
"Yes! We'll follow the north road a way and look for signs of them.
> Go

Fri May 16, 2014 9:02 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 7)
> Look around and see what weapons and armor are around, then ask the lady if I could use them.
"Pardon me, but could I take some of these weapons and armor?"

Sat May 17, 2014 4:27 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 7)
> Hrmm. Station myself outside Darla's tent for now I guess. Blizzard will probably come here with news soon.

Sun May 18, 2014 12:16 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 8)
Roll 268 - 8

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -

You stand idle outside of Darla's tent. A bit of time passes, and you see Mist coming up the road from the south. Following him is a harpy-creature thing like Aucupe, but a bit taller and inverted colors. Instead of Aucupe's blue eyes and white feathers with black tips, this one has red eyes and black feathers with white tips.


(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -

"Yes! We'll follow the north road a way and look for signs of them."

The two of you follow the road north, passing through a grassy plain contained in the wall, until you reach a large cluster of white tents. In front of one of them, you see John, standing idly in his armor.


Kineria Forge
[ - ] = -

Looking around, there's various plate armor and leather armor for protection, as well as a few shields. For offense, there are halberds, swords, maces, bows, crossbows, arrows, and bolts.

"Pardon me, but could I take some of these weapons and armor?"

She slowly lifts her head off of the table and blinks several times while staring ahead of her, before finally turning to face you. She appears to be wearing a heavy black coat that could probably hold off a few sword blows, and over it is a set of harnesses probably to hold armor. There are various blood splotches here and there, but she doesn't seem to be injured.

???: "Oh, good to see you're still alive. Yeah, take whatever you need. Also you've been promoted to captain, because the last captain just died. We need to send a couple of troops to fend off a rabble of corrupted to the east, and an extermination force to eliminate what's left of the ones to the north. Which one do you want?"


Sun May 18, 2014 5:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 8)
"Do you know what this is for Maargral?"

Sun May 18, 2014 5:49 am

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 8)
> Grab a longbow (Hopefully one that has magical properties) as well as a quiver, stuffed with arrows. Swap my silly white robe out for a set of leather armor.
"I'll head east and fight off the corrupted hordes there. Is there anything that can help me learn some magic?"

Sun May 18, 2014 9:02 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 8)
"Sorry I'm late! John this is Horoma, Horoma this is John. What did I miss?"

Sun May 18, 2014 11:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 8)
> Poke the strange mass with my sword. Be ready for anything.

Sun May 18, 2014 7:56 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 268 - 8)
"Oh. Hey. We got Atra working again, Tara and Vaatii and a weaponsmith are working on a permanent fix right now.
Blizzard found a dangerous guy and is taking care of him.
Darla's in here sleeping.
Horoma, you remind me of Aucupe."

Sun May 18, 2014 8:25 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 269)
Roll 269

[ - ] = -
> "Do you know what this is for Maargral?"

The wolf looks at the metal plate in the wall, squinting into the dark hole.

Maargral: "It looks like something to open the gate, as if a crank was meant to go here."

He shoves the end of his sword into the contraption, and starts to turn the blade. The gate creaks, and then slowly raises up until half-way open, enough for all of you to crouch under.

Maargral: "It is open now, but I wonder why it was sealed off in the first place."

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -
> Mist: "Sorry I'm late! John this is Horoma, Horoma this is John. What did I miss?"

"Oh. Hey. We got Atra working again, Tara and Vaatii and a weaponsmith are working on a permanent fix right now.
Blizzard found a dangerous guy and is taking care of him.
Darla's in here sleeping.
Horoma, you remind me of Aucupe."

Horoma: "I haven't seen Aucupe yet, but Mist said she'd be here. Do you know where she is?"

While Aucupe reminds you of an angry, battle-hardened warrior mixed with a socially awkward toddler, Horoma seems more like a cuddly big sister.

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 50/50)

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -
> "Sorry I'm late! John this is Horoma, Horoma this is John. What did I miss?"

John: "Oh. Hey. We got Atra working again, Tara and Vaatii and a weaponsmith are working on a permanent fix right now.
Blizzard found a dangerous guy and is taking care of him.
Darla's in here sleeping.
Horoma, you remind me of Aucupe."

Horoma: "I haven't seen Aucupe yet, but Mist said she'd be here. Do you know where she is?"

Conditions :

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -
> Readying yourself for anything, you poke the strange mass. And then jump back as it flinches from contact.

It seems... Alive? But it also seems to be composed entirely of rubble.

Koa: "Is everything okay?"

The room lightens up more as Koa enters, and the mysterious creature huddles tighter in its corner.

Koa: "Were you moving things around? There was a sound like stone sliding on stone."

Conditions :
- Manticore Armor (Absorbs damage)
-- (Energy: 18/20)

[ - ] = -

Conditions :

Kineria Forge
[ - ] = -
> You grab a longbow, which unfortunately isn't magical, a quiver stuffed with arrows, various leather armor pieces, as well as some proper clothing conveniently laying around.

"I'll head east and fight off the corrupted hordes there. Is there anything that can help me learn some magic?"

The lady gives you an odd look.

???: "Don't you already know magic? Anyways, there are a couple of squads waiting at the east gate."

She stands up and hands you a metal badge with an image of a lion on it.

???: "Your captain badge, so they know you're the one commanding them. I'll be organizing the extermination force now, good luck."

With that, she heads out of the tent and to the north.

Conditions :
- Discolored skin (pale with black blotches)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Dragon Armor (+6 Actions, +3 Defense)
-- (Energy: 45/60)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :

Koa Tsinthula

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Ettiin Enku

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws

Rudo Liimas

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :

World Events:
Time of day: Day

Combat Maps

World Map

Sun May 18, 2014 11:28 pm
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