Re: how do you attach actors to each other?
I'm not sure if you can simply use "AddAttachable = Actor" on the .ini of the actor, but what has been done multiple times is using Lua for it.
A simple script on the main actor, for example,
function Create(self)
self.Turret = CreateACrab("My OP turret");
self.Turret.Team = self.Team;
self.Turret.Pos = self.Pos + Vector(X,Y); --Set X,Y to the corresponding position you want the turret on
function Update(self)
--Make the position of the turret flip if the main actor flips
if self.HFlipped then
self.flip = -1;
self.flip = 1;
if self.Turret.Health > 0 then
self.Turret.Pos = self.Pos + Vector(X*self.flip,Y);
This is a very simple script for this. I don't see any reasons of why it shouldn't work, but it definately can be improved to work better.
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