Re: Ship Thrusters No Longer Do Damage?
He means that the exhausts from the thrusters don't hit your own team's actors.
It's pretty easy to mod it in though, but don't forget to make back ups when messing with Base.rte.
Open up Base.rte/Actors/Dropships/Dropships.ini and add this to the top (don't forget to change the spaces to tabs!):
AddEffect = MOPixel
CopyOf = Jet Air Blast
PresetName = Dropship Air Blast
ScriptPath = Base.rte/Edits/HitEveryTeam.lua
Then do a search for these lines:
AddEmission = Emission
EmittedParticle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Jet Air Blast
and change the last to read "CopyOf = Dropship Air Blast".
For the lua all you need is a lua file with this code:
function Create(self)
self.Team = -1