Re: CC could be remove from steam for false advertising
Lizardheim wrote:
Yes it does, you're claiming that the fact that the intro isn't playable in its entirety makes the whole ship go down for false advertising.
Oh, Now i see how your attempting to use that.. in that case the introduction for half life 2 is playable but can only be access VIA console commands or glitchs but even then you've also got the fact that valve never advertise that introduction scene like which has been done with the brain bot in cortex command which is clearly being feature in the games promotional work and other stuff unlike half life 2 which has everything in the game that is advertise.
As a result valve would never take down the product because is isn't advertising falsely and then you've also got the other thing that they wouldn't remove half life 2 from steam because that's just crazy to think that because as like any company they are naturally bias towards to their product you should know this better than most as you work for data realms.
Now do you now understand what i'm trying to say?? because interesting enough i did actually raise a similar point with Space Engineers a few months back and they've taken the time to add all the stuff that was being advertise but wasn't preset.