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 Build 30 Feedback Thread 
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Post Build 30 Feedback Thread
I couldn't find one of these, but I thought it could be useful to have a central thread for public to give feedback on the latest build. (Build 30)

Overall here is mine :


- The game has slightly more polish than it did, which is fantastic and I'd love to see more done here in that aspect.
- Performance is much better - I used to play this game at around 20fps. Before build 30, after one min of booting the game up, it would slow to around this much and wouldn't change. However for the most part it runs quite smoothly and solidly.
- Enjoying some of the smaller new additions, such as Ronin sniper, new combat bot for imperatus etc.
- It's nice to see the AI no longer has an IQ of a particularly intelligent dog.

Some things I'd like to see:

- Some more polish would be great. Whilst staying that the framerates have improved, it has been fluctuating more than it did previously. It was a solid 20 fps before, but now for the most part it runs well, but can slow down, and sometimes speed up. Is there any way of locking the Fps, or allowing people to adjust this in the options.
- The AI still has some faults - namely there have been quite a few incidents where I've set up a squad to act as sentrys and gone to attend to other things. When I've come back due to an enemy assault, I've sat and watched as 4 sentries where bested by an imperatus scouting robot with one bullpup, because they just sat and watched it. Is there a way to improve the reaction times of the units so they are a little more aware of enemy fire?


- The metagame - is there anyway of having more options to control the AI within the metagame part? It could be a nice idea to have a small selection of AI personalities, such as aggressive / defensive / attrition, where the AI metagame will decide what to do each turn dependent on their personality.

Really quite pleasantly surprised at how this has improved the game somewhat. I'm hoping that you'll still continue to develop this however to make it the game it deserves to be.

Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:09 pm
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
Yea I definitely agree that it's a problem that my sentries let enemies walk right up and shoot them. There's seemingly nothing you can do to fix it either. I've tried re-clicking "sentry" mode, or even changing them to "patrol". Taking control of them and then releasing them doesn't seem to fix it either. They still just completely ignore enemies. I can't be sure if it is somehow related to their weapon loadout or what, but I would say this is my #1 priority requested fix.

Another problem you didn't mention is that in the default "Campaign", more often than not, doors will auto-break upon being built...and more than once I've had to manually place a brain (that was already placed earlier in my turn using the builder mode) because a new door was built (that didn't break) and now there is no "path to the sky" so it thinks my brain placement was invalid.

I also think for balance-sake, that AA bots should not be allowed in Campaign mode. Since actors are permanent between battles, you can simply pepper your maps with 2 or 3 AA bots that will still be there when the next attack comes, and the enemy brain never makes it to the ground....

Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:15 am
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
Considering that now we have options for making clear path to orbit and flash on brain damage optional, why not add a third option to turn on/off friendly fire?

Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:30 am
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
Asklar wrote:
. . . why not add a third option to turn on/off friendly fire?

Ah that would be great! That was half the fun in multiplayer! I would love to see FF again.

Unfortunately if I can recall correctly, somebody said doing that is not as easy as it seems for one reason or another.

Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:35 pm
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
Yeah, I guess it's something that has to be directly coded in the engine and isn't easily replaceable as if it was a variable in a Lua file.

Well, there's no problem in asking at least :P

Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:08 pm
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
I had a look at adding a FF toggle for B30, but it just wasn't worth the effort. That time was much better spent on fixing bugs.
But I made a little activity for anyone who wants to test B30 with FF on. Only three extra lines of Lua.

File comment: 2014-04-30 [4.31 KiB]
Downloaded 425 times
Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:16 pm

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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
I asked about friendly fire what, in 2011? >.>

I used to play CC even before B18 I think but when FF was disabled I cried a little. Please, if it's at all possible do try to find time for toggling the FF, I shall wait patiently until that moment.

Last edited by SkyTime on Wed May 07, 2014 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 06, 2014 9:02 pm
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
Thank you for that file Abdul! I will have to play it with friends now to enjoy FF to the fullest. Nothing like shooting from a sniper just to have it come back around the map and hit you in the back of the head! haha! :grin: Is there a way to disable the Computer player on it?

Tue May 06, 2014 9:15 pm
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
SkyTime wrote:
I asked about friendly fire what, in 2011? >.>

I used to play C&C even before B18 I think but when FF was disabled I cried a little. Please, if it's at all possible do try to find time for toggling the FF, I shall wait patiently until that moment.

If you paid any attention the post above you has a mod for toggling FF on.

Wed May 07, 2014 12:01 pm

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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
Yes, but that isn't a toggle-able FF now is it? Just one activity. Besides, as much as I enjoy and love CC, I've had my fair share of meddling around with games and I'm just looking for easy enjoyment.

As I said, even if it wasn't in your list of priorities for the patches to come I'll probably just wait it out.

Thank you anyway, I'll probably end up checking that anyway, some time.

Last edited by SkyTime on Wed May 07, 2014 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 07, 2014 5:17 pm
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Post Re: Build 30 Feeback Thread
SkyTime wrote:
I used to play C&C
SkyTime wrote:
I enjoy and love C&C
SkyTime wrote:

Wed May 07, 2014 5:57 pm

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Post Re: Build 30 Feedback Thread
My bad. Probably explained by similar love for that series too, just like CC, eh?

♥♥♥♥ happens, glad that you pointed out so I don't look that stupid for too long.

Wed May 07, 2014 8:46 pm
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