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 Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Blood/Gore! 
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Non-Lethal!
Good, good.

Thing is, it should be a balanced and... "non-fancy"? I mean, some modders would have a clear advantage if Lua is allowed. Or just in general, to be honest, some really fancy things can be made using only .ini.

Or like, "vanilla extension weapon". There are many mods that work like this, like the Dummy Expansion by Major or 4zK's vanilla extensions. So basically, a gun that could fit in any chosen faction, in both look and feel.

This could make it easier to have all the modders on "the same level".

Fri May 02, 2014 8:49 pm
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Non-Lethal!
yes creative like how 4zk's untitled faction gose with ronnie and imper robot things.

Fri May 02, 2014 11:35 pm
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Non-Lethal!
So, is the theme "Balanced Weapon + Not Fancy/No Lua" or "Faction extension"? The factions are starting to have their own fancy weapons and many already use Lua, so it's a bit unclear.

Sat May 03, 2014 2:48 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Non-Lethal!
I think the first is more approriate

Sat May 03, 2014 3:13 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Non-Lethal!
To be fair, "Balanced Weapon + Not Fancy/No Lua" could be a bit boring theme.

But! For the sake of letting new modders participate, and not making a contest that would be too tedious to participate in, let's keep it like that.

So, it must contain one weapon of any kind (pistol, rifle, rocket launcher, sword, axe, etc.):
  1. It can have mildly fancy .ini, but please, don't over do it! Let's keep it newb-modder friendly.
  2. It can also contain Lua, but only very simple scripts, like the Base.rte shotgun reload, or using the Pie Menu for different kind of ammunition (again, a shotgun with explosive bullets can be taking it too far, so let's just keep them at buck shot/slugs).
  3. If Lua script is used, it CAN'T be the central or an important aspect of the gun! A gun that must be charged to fire a continuous laser beam, a gun that can freeze opponents, make them burn, make them explode randomly, make them bleed panda bears, or that can have interchangeable attachments like laser modules/scopes/underslung grenadelauncher-flamethrower, etc. won't count towards the competition!
  4. Sprite must be original! Changing the color of a gun does technically count, but that will probably guarantee less votes :P

Sat May 03, 2014 3:15 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Non-Lethal!
Don't u Need a lua file for like weapon alternives like gernade luncher and burst fire and auto

Sat May 03, 2014 4:02 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
Theme is up! Check OP for details.

Sat May 03, 2014 4:04 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Non-Lethal!
haloman wrote:
Don't u Need a lua file for like weapon alternives like gernade luncher and burst fire and auto

Indeed, but read point 2 and 3 more carefuly again. It states that you can, but you CAN'T use Lua for anything more complex than that.


Also, yes! I'll start working in a gun ASAP! :D

Sat May 03, 2014 4:11 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
Ok lua files can't do every thing

Sat May 03, 2014 4:25 am

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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
Doesn't that limit people a bit much? When I heard balanced I had some fun ideas to get me back into CC modding a bit, but personally I'm all lua and basically useless at ini so this is kind of a turn off. Maybe that's just me though.
Also, lua doesn't necessarily make good. It can mean interesting or novel stuff but any solid mod or weapon is mostly well done ini stuff.

Sat May 03, 2014 5:30 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
Hmmm, yeah, probably bad phrasing from the start. I did mean something like "basic" rather than "balanced". The idea was for pretty much trying to get more people into modding, starting with a simple thing. I was hoping that maybe going Steam would bring an influx of people interested in modding or something.

But anyway, this is just a simple theme to get us started! Eventually we will get more themes and more interested people again! :D

Sat May 03, 2014 5:41 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
I'll once again offer to contribute a prize; a copy of Killing Floor gifted via steam to the first place winner.
PM me if I forget.

Sat May 03, 2014 6:03 am
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
Thanks Azukki, updated OP.

I also threw a post into the CC steam discussion, hopefully it'll draw some more participants, and maybe more forum members that stick around.

Sat May 03, 2014 6:37 am

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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
I'll join in, it should be fun!

Why not simplify the lua rules to only base scripts and minor modifications of base scripts?

Sat May 03, 2014 4:31 pm
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Post Re: Modding Theme of the X Time Period *Balanced Wep +Not Fancy!
And here I was, about to make a gun that shot guns that balanced themselves after they bounce off something.

Sat May 10, 2014 4:45 pm
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