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 Help Requested: Strange error 
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Post Help Requested: Strange error
Basically all I did was re-texture the coalition head(A copy that is). Now I get this error for some odd reason telling me it can't find it or it isn't path'd right owo



Conversation between Asklar and I. (Start from the bottom) I've also included my file. Hopefully someone can shed some light and help a newbie out.

"That shouldn't be a problem though... I'm not sure what's not working. That's the kind of error that happens when CC isn't able to read the file in the specified location, or there isn't a file in the location, but none of both seem to be it.

Why don't you ask in the forums? I'm quite bad at debugging .ini anyway, haven't done it in so long.
Rolf The Meth Addict

Okay, well. this started after I finished the head in Gimp.

I went to export it and then change it to bmp. Perhaps I messed up there? :o

This is so weird. I can't fix it, not sure what it might be. Since when the error began appearing?

Rolf The Meth Addict

Always learning something new
And it's the exact same as the others >.>
Message subject: Re: Needing some more help :PFolder: Inbox
It seems that you don't have the head in the path listed in the error, or you do have it listed but with another name. Remember that it matches caps when looking up for sprites. Also, you can upload things without compressing them on this forum.
Rolf The Meth Addict
I actually sat down and read through it, I got the hang of Gimp now :) Thank you.

I did everything and now I get this.

RTE Aborted! (x_x)
Failed to load datafile object with following path and name:


The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

You can copy this message with Ctrl+C

Kaldaris.rte.rar [69.16 KiB]
Downloaded 355 times
Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:29 am

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Post Re: Help Requested: Strange error
I don't know enough about Gimp, but I basically opened the image, changed the palette and saved out through photoshop and it worked fine.

Maybe someone who knows more about gimp could shed some light on what you should be doing to save files properly. The palette you saved with was correct at least.

Are you saving directly to an 8-bit BMP or are you saving as like png and just changing the extension?

File comment: HeadA_2
HeadA2.bmp [1.21 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Last edited by Corpsey on Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:42 am
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Post Re: Help Requested: Strange error

That's be really awesome if you could do that for me. I'm clueless at the moment. Perhaps I didn't do the palette right? .-.

Yeah, me either :E

Basically what I did after I finished the head. It did one of two things to see if either work'd.

1. I saved it as the XCF.

2. I exported it as a bmp.

I'm very new to modding CC and I've only just gotten down the basics. So I can assume that I did something I wasn't suppose to do and it didn't like that too much.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 3:49 am

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Post Re: Help Requested: Strange error
Okay, when you're exporting as Windows BMP Image, check "Do not write color space information" under Compatibility Options.


Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:19 am
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Post Re: Help Requested: Strange error

I'll give it a test now. Thanks a lot man! Really appreciate the help.

Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:21 am
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