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 The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better) 
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
K98 Sniper Rifle

I have a soft spot for history, and when this beauty popped up, I couldn't resist having a 'shot' at it :D
But anyway, It is great, picked off dozens upon dozens of Ronin guys with it, taking cover on a rooftop. just that satisfying blast when you nail one right on the money shot.
But one thing that was the death of my character was the slow bolt action function. It is ridiculously slow.

Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:54 am
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I recently discovered that you could use multiple grappling guns at once, this is an amazing function and allows me to secure a soldier in the air safe from both the ground and the ceiling.

But let me complain a little about the concrete gun, It works well enough for coating snow in a layer of hard material so my browncoats don't sink, but because of how it fires, it is nearly impossible to use it to patch a wall. I feel that it would work much better if there was more of a spread on the spray. perhaps you could add different fire modes to it like a garden hose. THat way you could have a high pressure "ranged" shot that is how it works now for coating the landscape, and a wide spread "mist" of concrete to patch bunkers.

Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:33 pm
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Spas 12

I like the rate of fire is pretty faster compared to the Pumpgun, but I don't like the damage of the bullets. It can't even destroy some doors when I'm not too close so I'll have to go SO CLOSE to the door and it can be destroyed. It needs to be buffed so it can destroy some doors when not too close.

Missile Launcher

The rockets are pretty nice against dropships but I don't like the "guided" missiles because they have slow responses when aiming, especially when sharp-turning them. I think you should make it more responsive so it can turn much faster.

Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:59 am
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I think this is the most unfair gun in the game, with no spin up, 100 bullets, high rate of fire and high damage. There is no unit or craft which can't be destroyed by the M60 in about 5 seconds of fire, even off screen. It's possible to kill everyone on the enemy side before you can even see them just by spraying bullets from this thing in the right direction for a while.

Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:05 pm
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Epicnator wrote:
Notsoscary wrote:
So, im going to review the Ronin Weapons.
Stone : What the hell should i throw this Thing at? Crabs?

I've killed browncoats with one stone.

Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:55 pm

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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Teleo wrote:

I think this is the most unfair gun in the game, with no spin up, 100 bullets, high rate of fire and high damage. There is no unit or craft which can't be destroyed by the M60 in about 5 seconds of fire, even off screen. It's possible to kill everyone on the enemy side before you can even see them just by spraying bullets from this thing in the right direction for a while.

Spin? I thought it suppose to be a one-barreled GPMG?

Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:21 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Epicnator wrote:
Teleo wrote:

I think this is the most unfair gun in the game, with no spin up, 100 bullets, high rate of fire and high damage. There is no unit or craft which can't be destroyed by the M60 in about 5 seconds of fire, even off screen. It's possible to kill everyone on the enemy side before you can even see them just by spraying bullets from this thing in the right direction for a while.

Spin? I thought it suppose to be a one-barreled GPMG?

It is, he's pointing out the fact that it doesn't have any spin-up time because other Factions' weapons of similar roles DO have spin-up time.

Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:10 am
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I think that's wrong for any gun of that role.

A simple fix is to cut all that out and nerf the damage proportional to the spin up being cut.

I think we could improve the Annihilator.
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'll play with it some more and see if I can come back with anything.
Anyone else feel this way?

Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:14 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Alright, after extensive testing of the latest build, both solo and with a friend, here is the complete list of guns that feel too strong, or too weak. The test cases were an infinite duel(wrote an activity where you respawn with random actors and random primary/secondary weapon when you die), survival vs AI, and some Brain vs Brain with relatively strong bunkers.

Too strong:
  • Micro Pulsar - nerf the homing, nerf the damage, nerf the reload. As it stands, this weapon should be in the 200-250 price range given how insanely strong it is. It automatically instagibs anything that isn't a heavy browncoat, with dummies and ronin a single clip is enough to take out 3-4 units from behind cover. Test it yourself. It's strong. Too strong. WAY TOO STRONG.
  • Nucleo Swarm - same complaint, the damage of this weapon is insane, and since it got buffed it's not dodgeable anymore - decrease projectile speed, cut the clip size in half, decrease the fire rate.
  • Thumper - the short reload, the blast radius, the bounce mode, all make it one of the strongest weapons in game, far, far more powerful than rocket launchers, the chainsaw, or all the other heavy weapons, it's also extremely light, and can often instagibs most units even far from the explosion.
  • Auto Cannon - the range is huge, the damage is huge, it's just a tad bit, but nonetheless, too strong.
  • Annihilator - It's one of the strongest rapid fire weapons in the game when fired rapidly, and instagibs everything when charged. I like it, but the unlimited ammo is a bit over the top, I think overheating mechanics would be perfect for this one.

Too weak:
  • Dihelical Cannon - I'll be honest, I never even managed to get a kill with this gun aside from firing it on the test range, for the reload time, price, and spin-up time, this weapon is extremely underwhelming, to the point where I wouldn't even consider picking it up off a corpse in favor of a pistol in many situations.
  • RPG-7 - it's underwhelming, the rockets aren't extremely strong, and the reload time is huge, make the reload faster, and it will be strong again.
  • ML-02 Flash - its only advantage is that I think it's homing, think, because you can only fire it looking at a target and then you've got a sure hit anyway. Make it capable of targetting enemies you're not looking at, because that is only possible with still targets, who will usually kill you before the charge-up is over.
  • Nucleo - impossible to use while moving, short range, mediocre damage, to hit anyone you need to stand still close to them, while they stand still. Nerf the velocity inheritance, increase range a bit, perhaps decrease the price.
  • RPC-M17 - it's strong, but there is absolutely nothing that justifies it not costing half of what it costs now. It's insanely heavy, fires slow, if you miss, you're a sitting duck for half an hour, and it's really easy to miss. Cut the price to 180, make the saw stop faster, but decrease the reload time significantly.
  • Sawed-off Shotgun - increase the damage, as it stands, it cannot destroy door, and you usually need 2-3 clips to point blank headshot most units
  • SR-06 - as I'm writing this, I had to headshot a silverman 21 times to kill him. For a sniper rifle, this weapon has an extremely short range, and the damage is severely underwhelming - it's better to just get an AR-25, at least it can kill things. Increase damage and the zoom range at least a bit.
  • The slower firing sniper rifles - they're mostly all at least a bit underwhelming, compared to the faster alternatives

Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:13 am
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Trailblazer: Not enough ammo to be viable as a weapon or to be worth the 130 price. Increase ammo to 12 or reduce the reload time.

SR-06 Longzhot: Still has the old useless zoom range. Cannot zoom like other snipers can.

Mac 10: Great weapon. Why is it under the shields category and not in the Ronin weapons? I didn't know this gun was here until I stumbled across it in the base editor.

Tommygun: Redundant, doesn't serve a purpose that the AK doesn't already serve.

Battlerifle: Not enough ammo and/or not powerful enough, Outclassed buy some Ronin weapons such as the garand AND THE GARAND IS CHEAPER!

Micro Pulzar: Love the new "smart pistol" function. Needs a little tweaking, can shoot around corners if you aim it just right. Supposed to be a aim assist, not shoot around corners.

I love all the other guns. This is the most balance they have felt in awhile. Keep up the good work.

Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:53 pm
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Some comments on Ongar's thoughts;

Totally agree with pretty much every statement. The Mac is in the shields sections because it is the only way to simulate dual-wielding at the moment. Some of the Ronin loadouts use the Uzi+MAC-10 combination, which is pretty effective, if not OP, especially at close range.

The tommy is an old weapon that was re-enabled recently. It was never really good, but it serves the purpose of a large-mag SMG. It's also wieldable with a shield. (or a MAC-10!)

I wouldn't recommend using the default Trade Star weapons since they don't exactly serve a proper purpose, now that factions are properly introduced.

Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:05 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
4zK wrote:
I wouldn't recommend using the default Trade Star weapons since they don't exactly serve a proper purpose, now that factions are properly introduced.

if use correctly the SMG can be a unstoppable weapon.

Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:04 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Sims_Doc wrote:
4zK wrote:
I wouldn't recommend using the default Trade Star weapons since they don't exactly serve a proper purpose, now that factions are properly introduced.

if use correctly the SMG can be a unstoppable weapon.

He doesn't mean that, all weapons can be unstoppable. He means that if you are running coalition, using the coalition's compact assault rifle would be better since it can do the same things and better. Same goes with the other faction's weapons.

Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:18 am
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The Micro Pulsar. The range should be nerfed, the number of bullets nerfed as well. Many times my brain has died from those things, even when I was deep inside my base.

Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:11 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Asmageddon wrote:
Too strong:

  • Auto Cannon - the range is huge, the damage is huge, it's just a tad bit, but nonetheless, too strong.

    Too weak:

    • RPG-7 - it's underwhelming, the rockets aren't extremely strong, and the reload time is huge, make the reload faster, and it will be strong again.

While I agree with all of your other observations, I'll have to disagree with these, the first less than the second. The Auto Cannon may be powerful (still perhaps too powerful) but you forgot it's two major downfalls which really limit it's use - the long reload, and significantly heavy. Not something you can reasonably take most places if you require any mobility at all. Still, very good at defense.

As for the RPG-7 I have to straightup disagree, I mean you can basically one shot any unit, or multiple units. Damage is immense, reload time is not that long for a weapon of it's type, and it is also reasonably agile. Used well this weapon is probably second to none.

Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:14 am
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