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 Roll to Dodge - Fantasy 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Actions, please.

Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:34 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
> Head in first, Mind Read the old man (and the elf woman, if I can).

Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Since I was unable to scan last turn,

>Float in with the decoys and Amras and implement a scanning pattern that pings through the floor below, hopefully at a frequency high enough for none of the Roller Cult to detect me.

Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:44 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Come on guys. I need more than three actions.

Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:30 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
both oranges, take cave's arms, like escorts.

Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:26 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
> Have Tiny Pubber follow the group in, run back if things go ass up.
Be ready to grab Pubber and teleport in with it.
Look around a bit for useful materials. OOH DICE GOLEM!

Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:24 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
" I like them, Amelia "

Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Okay, so these are the actions that are in,

Maart3n -
Foa -
Keb -
HK -
Cave -
Offendo -

Offendo! Action please!

Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:26 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Float in the room, search the borders for any useful clues while staying hidden.

kebbit was right for the first part.
as for the second, i was 99% sure that this is a different map than i saw previously. retry:

tail the group, being sure to be the last one in. walk straight up the dwarf and see if i am taller than him. if i am not, ask him his title, name, and kingdom he comes from. if i am, grunt deeply and scarily, and then demand to know the previous facts.

Last edited by Offendo on Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Offendo wrote:
Float in the room, search the borders for any useful clues while staying hidden.


That action is kinda invalid. You can't float into the room, you're not a wraith. And there is a guy looking at the one way into the room, so that throws stealth out the window.

Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:46 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
I think he assumed his simulacrum behaved in a ghostlike manner.

Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:02 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Roll should be up on Monday.

I got up at 7:15 PM! That should indicate that no, the roll isn't going to be up today.

Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:12 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
Wham, a roll dead early in the morning thanks to the sheer power of sugar and bad judgement! Apologises if I have some stuff wrong, I use the previous roll as a template for the next one and I haven't properly rolled in a while, instead doing the little mini-things.

As usual, I reserve the right of retcon incase I make a stupid decision that I only realize the following day after getting some sleep.

Maart3n/Amras Culnámo
[1] You head down the stairs, letting the Paladin take the lead. You look into the main room and just barely resist the temptation to slaughter them all. You walk over to look the swordsman in the eye, a staring competition quickly emerges while you two taunt one another. Isariaz stands to your side watching but is ready for a fight in case it comes down to it, keeping his hand next to his blade without touching it. You are almost certain that if it came to a fight. Isariaz should be able to kill that man with a few swings of his sword just as how he almost killed you.

"What are you staring at, elf?"
"I'm just thinking how long it'd take me to hypothetically kill you."
"Hypothetically, you'd be dead before you tried."
"Hypothetically, I think I'd teleport behind you and slash your throat."

The human laughs.

"Why don't you try?"

You gesture towards Isariaz. He smiles, his helmet fastened to his belt. Then he starts pointing out the flaws in the man's posture. "I've seen training dummies hold their weapon better than that."

The swordsman looks down at his hand as Isariaz continues. "You're holding the blade too tight you might as well be a statue."

The swordsman nervously says, trying to call Isariaz' on a bluff he had not made and also trying to put on a façade of confidence., "Want to place a bet?"

Isariaz chuckles. "How do you pay up when I win?"

Then all of a sudden, there is a pattering noise.

Continued in Roll Event!

Race : Elf
Sikhari Elves,
Clothes - Equipped.
2 bags of health potions.
Leather Armour - Equipped, blocks 4 to 6 damage.
Dagger - Equipped, 1 to 4 damage.
Polearm I - Polearms are a special type of weapon in that they allow you to hit enemies from a further distance than regular ones, thanks to the benefit of a long shaft. Polearm I means that you are capable of wielding the weapon properly and thus take no penalties to weapon usage. In addition, using a polearm to thrust with will reduce the armour rating of a foe wearing heavy armour by the damage of the weapon. This applies only to your attacks.
Blade Dancing I - Ignore an enemy's shield when attacking. This ability is toggled on and off. Excessive use in long bursts can result in fatigue. With time, you'll get used to the excessive demands required of it and the fatigue penalty will lessen.
Conjuration Magic II - You can summon an assortment of items. They'll remain stable for a few minutes tops, but are still as powerful as their predecessors.
Conjuration Rebind - An item you have conjured can be passed safely to someone else without the item dematerializing.
Summon Weapon II - You can summon a weapon at any time you need. They won't be too deadly, but they'll get the job done. They'll last a minute or two.
Summon Armour II - If needed, you can summon weak armour which'll last only a few minutes. This can make a good pre-combat action to ready yourself for a fight.
Summon NPC II - Sometimes you just need a distraction. You can conjure a weak creature to fight at your side for a little while. In the heat of battle, having someone else for an enemy to focus on could be a life saver.
Conjure Duplicate I - You can conjure a simple copy of yourself. They have a fairly bad facial structure, a poor copy, but they can pass for you in low light or in the midst of a fight. They can't do much, more like a mannequin than a person.
Conjure Barricade I - If you need to, you can summon a physical barricade in front of you to stop enemies from passing a path. The barricade is weak but'll last for a minute or two, enough time to make a getaway or to prepare for a fight.
Teleportation I - Allows the player to to teleport across the battlefield. Range is limited by the individuals own skill in teleportation. Causes teleportation fatigue after excessive use.
Health : Good

Kebbit/Bitter Pill the Observing
[5] You hover down the stairs, emitting ultrasonic waves as you descend the stairs to build a better picture of what the structure looks like. You focus them to aim down only, to avoid scanning the biologicals or the ceiling above you and to better focus on the area underneath. None of them notice you doing so, fortunately, you could only imagine what would happen if they found out that you were scanning the floor under you. You doubt they'd react positively. Anyway, your scans of the floor below prove...odd. You see that there is a dead zone that comes up as...nothing?

Not nothing, but true nothing, null. As if the space there didn't even exist at all. But the dead zone is quite small, only a little larger than you. Next to it you see a prison cell, someone pacing around. Next to him on the floor appear to be weapons, but you have trouble getting a read on them, too, as well as the walls of the cell. It's like something is intentionally inhibiting your scan. You divert your attention from the scan and back to the normal room when you hear something patter across the floor.

Something charged with magical power.

Continued in Roll Event!

Race : Wraith
Sound II - The knowledge of what sound is. At Sound II, you are now capable of rough communication. You are no poet, but you can talk and understand what the others are trying to say if they speak simply.
Energy II - The entire world is comprised of energy. Some theorize even matter is energy. By tapping into the non-corporeal plane, you have infinite energy at your beck and call. You simply have to bring it into existence by using your body as a mobile fissure. By studying the transformation of energies and how energy can be generated, you have gained a more intimate knowledge of what energy is. You can now shape the bolts of energy accordingly, allowing you to project other known things.
Chemistry I - Chemistry is simply the knowledge of what the world is made out of. You can create elements that you know of and project them in a way you desire. Temperatures can be controlled via your other knowledge, otherwise they'll materialize at the temperature of the area around you.
Biological I - The biologicals around you appear to be powered by chemical reactions. They are "alive", whatever that means, but you know that they appear to be capable of thought. They are comprised of chemical components, just like everything else, very different from yourself. You have a basic understanding that they are alive, now being able to differentiate a tree from a rock, or a person from a table. Additional knowledge will allow you to apply your knowledge properly on biologicals, such as healing them.
Physics I - The understanding of the physical world that everything else is inside. The laws of physics come under this. While you are not capable of breaking or even bending the laws themselves, you can manipulate the local physical space around you thanks to your non corporeal nature. You can now teleport short distances.
Observer I - You are an Observer, a Wraith in the physical plane. You are noncorporeal and lack a physical form in the traditional sense. But you can still be harmed. You gain power and size by learning of new things. Explore the world, read books and more to gain more power. You can create the things you learn, but some things can only be learned by a greater Observer.
Form Shifting I - Whereas conjurers create items, you become them. Your power is not increased by the transition, it is just represented differently. You can hold the shifted form indefinitely, but the quality of your transition will increase as you gain power, as well as by practice.
Become Weapon I - If desired, you can become a weapon that other people can use. At your current strength, you are quite weak but it would still be better than fighting bare handed. As your size and skill increases, so will the power of your weapon form.
Become Armour I - When you become armour, the armour is truly alive. Do not fear, though, if the armour is struck you won't take damage, instead, the stability of your armour form will decrease. For now, your armour is weak, but you can cover the entire body of a person by spreading out.
Formshift I - Whenever you want, you can turn into anything you have learnt. The power of that form is linked to your own power. Only with practice and growth will you become truly great.
Observer Projection I - Once you have learnt something, you can create it as needed. For now, the quantity is small and the quality poor...But time improves all things.
Observer Mindbreak I - By forcing yourself onto the senses of a sentient being, you can show them flashes of the true forms of things you have learnt. As you learn more things, your ability to break minds will only improve.
Integrity - Good

TorrentHKU/Amboss Symphonian
[1] You stay outside with your large golem and send the small one inside in your stead. While the others might not be willing to hear the decoy's words when it said it was probably a damn trap, you've got more common sense than that. No, you stay outside and look around. Pubber sets the large die down, but otherwise never strays from your side. You take a look around for anything that could prove useful as raw material and find only stone and wood. Great if you were a carpenter or a stone mason, bad if you want to make golems. Hell, you could build a house with this much stuff.

Again, useless if you want to make golems.

You feel the stone that makes up the die. Maybe it's some kind of metal? Oooh, maybe it's an iron block!

No. It's ♥♥♥♥ feldspar painted black!

You sigh in annoyance. Of all the rock types it could be, it was feldspar. Then again, a good sixty percent of the planet is made of the damn stuff but that doesn't make it any less useless. Unless of course you are a potter or glass worker. In which case everything is dandy. But for you, it couldn't be more useless if it tried.

You hear a pattering on the floor downstairs and, in a move that may have been premature, teleport downstairs.

Teleport Fatigue I gained!

Continued in Roll Event!

Race : Dwarf
The Deeplands,
Clothes, - Equipped
300 year old Skori Spiced Wine. It's instructions say to shake well after opening, then to heat it to a comfortable level to give the spice more kick. It's not opened.
Axe - Equipped. 6 to 8 damage.
Leather Armour - Equipped. Blocks 4 to 6 damage.
Pubber the Lead Golem - Status : Intact, Quality : Average, Attack power - 6 to 12.
Micro-Lead Golem I - Status : Intact, Quality : Good, Attack power - 1 to 3, capable of lock picking and other small tool tasks.
Affinity for Machinery II - All dwarves have the ability to glance at a machine and guess how it works. But some are more gifted at it than others. Your natural affinity for machinery means that you can dismantle and recreate objects that you have seen. You now have the ability to dismantle fairly complex machines, like catapults or crossbows and learn how they work. In addition, more spare parts will be yielded from dismantling an object.
Golemworks II - Creating a golem, a living machine, is a difficult task. Only few are capable, and fewer still are truly great at it. You can produce golems of a variety of sizes, from as big as a man to as small as a cup and they'll be generally better. In addition, you can create items suitable for their usage.
Create Golem II - With the proper resources at hand as well as the proper tools and with your expertise, you can create a golem. All you need is the materials and a half decent forge. They are starting to become more detailed. While they can look around and move quite well, if rigidly, they are still fairly weak by golem standards.
Create/Dismantle machine II - When glancing at an object, it can be quite clear how that object came into existence. A few screw holes here, a weld there all tell the story of how an object came to be. It also says how an object can be taken apart. You can now create copies of machines from what you know and they are less likely to have any technical faults.
Knowledge Sharing I - Sometimes you can just describe a machine to someone and they'll understand how it works. If you know what a machine does, you can describe how it works to anyone at the same knowledge level as you and they'll be able to create one. You can craft an item at the same time, and the other person can learn and craft at the same time as well.
Create Golem Item I - Golems have different needs when it comes to equipment than normal people. They are far stronger and thus can carry more weight, but are typically less dextrous, so things that require fine movement typically fall flat when used by a regular Golem, in addition to ergonomic issues brought about by metallic appendages.
Teleportation I - Allows the player to to teleport across the battlefield. Range is limited by the individuals own skill in teleportation. Causes teleportation fatigue after excessive use.
Health : Good,
Teleport Fatigue I : Attack and Defence down 10%

CaveCricket48/Paladin Amelia Oaks
[4] You walk down the stairs first, accompanied by the two Oranges. One, the original, has orange eyes while the other, the decoy, has purple ones. It's hard to tell at a distance but up close it makes differentiating them quite easy. They take you arms and place them over their shoulders and escort you down the stairs in a way that would fit a crime boss more than a paladin of the Kingdom of Terris. Still, you can't seem to break them off and proceed down the stairs. The old man, Bob, looks you over from head to heel but focuses on your tabard and smiles. "Another paladin?"

Wait a second. What does he mean by another paladin? There was only one other paladin in the area and that was Paladin Autumn.

You start getting a very bad feeling about this. You ask carefully while probing his mental defences, "What do you mean?"

Bob only smiles and says, "You don't need to read my mind, Paladin. You'll know soon enough." With your attempt to mind read him obviously detected, you turn your attention to his elven companion, Saril, instead. Unlike him, her defences are non-existent.

God I can't get that damn rhyme out of my head.

Mary had a little wyrm,
Little wyrm, little wyrm,
Mary had a little wyrm,
Its scales were white as snow.

Mary can go bugger herself for that damn song. Though she'll have to do it in hell now I guess. Hah! People are too trusting, they fall for a smile too easily.

You search her mind stealthily, finding out quickly that Mary refers to some girl they had lured in and she brought her pet with her. They had captured her and sacrificed her to their god! Immediately, you reach for your sword but are delayed by Orange and her decoy trying to hold you in place. Bob reaches into his bag and throws two six sided die onto the floor at a relaxed pace, clearly seeing you struggling to get free from Orange's grasp.

Continued in Roll Event!

Race : Human
The Kingdom of Terris,
The Order of Paladins,
Iron Shield +5 armour protection, - equipped!
Iron Chainmail Armour - 12 to 24 armour protection, - equipped!
Iron Chainmail Coif - 2 to 5 armour protection, - equipped, providing head blow stun protection.
Iron Chainmail Chausses - 3 to 5 - equipped, providing immunity to kneecap strikes.
Iron Chainmail Gloves - 3 to 5 - equipped, providing immunity to hand decapitation.
Clothes - Equipped
Paladin Surcoat - Equipped.
Bag of Health Potions - 3 in the bag. Each potion reduces damage status by four.
Iron Mace - 8 to 18 damage, bonus against chainmail wielders.
Iron Spear - 6 to 22 damage, bonus against heavy armour wielders.
Iron Longsword - 14 to 20 damage.
Robust I - Humans are famed across the world for their sheer survivability. Blows that would stop other species dead in their tracks will in most cases only cripple a human. All damage taken is down by one, in addition to above average injury healing and partial immunity to instant kill attacks. To improve this trait, you must train your body by being hurt.
Holy Reading II - The Order of the Paladin's has always taught the ancient art of Holy Reading, the ability to see into other people's thoughts so as to find out the truth behind their words. For those without practice, however, the thoughts can be clouded and in some cases, they can resist the reading altogether. You've gotten better at it now and can do two mind reads a turn.
Dragonsgrip I - You can wield a light two-handed weapon and a regular shield. With practice, you can enhance this to the point where you can wield a full tower shield and a heavy two handed weapon without issue. For now, though, you must practice with this to get the strength and coordination to do so.
Holy Reading I - Some may question the offensive usage of Holy Reading. After all, how is reading a person's mind useful in a fight? The answer is that it allows you to know what their next action will be before they do it. An early warning you can pass onto your team mates, for instance.

Offendo/Ashurbanipal III
[3] You come down the stairs last, well, last if you don't count the dwarf who stayed on the surface. When you arrive inside, you start thinking he had the right idea - the room is dimly lit and generally creepy, especially the old man at the head of the table. You look at the dwarf and approach him. He's almost the exact same height with a similar hair colour, too. As though you had found a long lost twin, you both look at one another in awkward silence for a moment. You are the same height, the same weight and with the same build, too, the only difference between you both are your clothes. You have glasses and he chain mail. Other than that, you are almost identicle. You start asking the questions you had planned, "Who are you? Where are you from?" The dwarf replies, "I'm Urishnipal, from Glinrock Mountain. You too?" "I'm Ashurbanipal. I'm from Glinrock Mountain too."

"This is so weird. You look like me!"
"I know, you look like me. Which part of the mountain? East?"
"No, west. Your father was a..."
"Mine too, though he left when I was little."

Did...did you just find a lost sibling? You two both stare at one another in awe, nothing but silence between the two even as something rolls across the floor.

Continued in Roll Event!

Race : Dwarf
Glinrock Mountain
Clothes - Equipped
Glasses - Equipped
Axe - 6 to 8 damage,
Good Steel Axe, 12 to 20 damage, equipped!
Leather armor - blocks 4 to 6 damage,
Weapons Maintenance Kit - Allows you to repair weapons.
Affinity for Machinery I - All dwarves have the ability to glance at a machine and guess how it works. But some are more gifted at it than others. Your natural affinity for machinery means that you can dismantle and recreate objects that you have seen. Of course, practice makes perfect and this is no exception.
Smithing Excellence I - You have started on the long path of excellence that is metal working. You can already craft Common gear like a professional and never have to worry about a Poor piece of work. Indeed, you can create strong weapons and armour with suitable material, as well as repairing anything Uncommon or below!
Create/Dismantle machine I - When glancing at an object, it can be quite clear how that object came into existence. A few screw holes here, a weld there all tell the story of how an object came to be. It also says how an object can be taken apart. As you practice dismantling objects, you'll get more usable parts from the dismantled ones and the created ones will be better.
Repair item I - With time, things break or wear down. Swords aren't as sharp as they used to be, armor plates become loose or other problems. With some care, it is possible to repair items in the field with simple tools. In the case of a Poor item, it is upgraded back to Normal quality. Other items when repaired will stop any quality decay.
Create Item I - The functional side of Smithing Excellence allows you to create an item if you have the materials and the tools available. As with all other things, practice makes perfect and with time you'll be able to produce truly legendary weapons and armour.
Decoy I - You can create one decoy and keep them stable indefinitely. They are completely incapable of battle, though they can talk and are generally useful for distractions and risky situations.
Health : Good,

Foa/Orange the Deftdancer
[3] You walk down the stairs, your arm wrapped around the Paladin with the decoy taking the other one. You head down the stairs, but you turn your attention inwards, to talking with the demons. With Shadow in the decoy, you can't talk to it, but you can talk to Fire. You ask it about Alaris, your new found leader. Alaris is actually a good guy. I know, who'd have thought it with being the Dragon of Death? Let appearances slide and get past his cold exterior and you'll see the real dragon underneath. Remember, he's had his wife and all his children except one get killed. You can imagine what that does to someone, especially someone who, I think, feels every death on the planet. I bet that his daughter is the only thing that causes him to get up in the morning.

He's doing it for her. I'm a demon, sure, but listen to me on this. We saw the other three dragons hunt down his children. I swear, on Hell's heart itself I swear it, it was wrong even by the standards of Hell. If there is one thing Demons won't do, it's kill children. We tend to ignore them completely, pass their hiding spots or simply pick them up and move them out of the way or raise them ourselves or something, how else do you think in the stories heroes survive demon attacks on their towns? But the worst part was listening to them justify it.

They couldn't. They couldn't justify the slaughter of innocent children. His daughter, Lyinsa, was the only one to survive and she was the eldest and barely an adult. The youngest? Barely more than a babe. Those three were monsters and they manipulated history to paint Alaris as the bad guy.

Let me tell you something. Ten percent of Hell keeps the other ninety percent locked up, the real monsters. That ten percent are people who realize they've done something wrong - soldiers who followed the wrong cause, people who ended up going to hell by a twist of fate, that kind of thing. Yet they keep the worst of the monsters in chains and stop it spilling out into the universe. Those dragons?

They won't go to Hell. Hell is for people who can be redeemed or held in captivity safely or willingly. No, they are getting something worse than Hell if there is any justice in the universe. Even demons want to see those three go down. We see every victory and we are cheering him on down here. Pretty sure the angels in Heaven are doing the same, too.

What the hell. You know demons still have real names? The names they had when they were on the living world?

My name is Cassie. Yes, I'm a woman. I was a crusader. Not unlike your Paladin friend, though far more...devout? I've done some bad things in life. They call us the Fire because we burnt cities in the name of a "god", guess who that turned out to be?

The damned Dragon of Fire, that's who. They call him the Burning Light but it's us, his soldiers, who are doing the burning.

The demon falls awfully silent then and you are left stunned at the sheer emotion of it's statements. The other three Elemental Dragons killed not only Alaris' wife, but also most of his children remorselessly and even Hell wants to see them suffer. Your thoughts are interrupted by a pattering on the floor...

Continued in Roll Event!

Race : Axin
Clothes - Equipped,
Leather Armour - Equipped, blocks damage 4 to 6,
12 Javelins - Equipped, damage is 1 to 12 when thrown. 2 to 6 when in melee.
Mage Caste I - The caste system of the Axin is a key defining feature of their society, and you are a member of the Mage Caste. You have the natural ability to channel magical energies freely. Where as the Warriors and Hunters might be bigger, you are small, but with the ability to cast spells, just as deadly. The Mage caste tend to have small bodies and be lightly armoured, but are well suited to fighting from the rear of the party. The caste system cripples any physical development past the constraints of your caste, but each caste member comes fairly well developed. No one knows how a caste member develops... Except you, a member of that caste.
Channeling I - Whereas the other magical races create new energies, you use what is already there. At the roots of it all, every object is slightly magical. By channeling the existing magic power of an object, you can wield their power to smite your foes. For example, a humble torch on the wall of a castle is magical, but only very faintly. With it's power channeled, it can become a roaring blaze to turn your adversaries to ashes. Practice this ability well and be prepared for changing situations.
Pacts I - Be cautious, for the Pacts are truly dangerous. No one knows how the Axin learnt of them, but a few whisper of demonic sorcery and blood magic. You have the unique ability of creating one of these pacts and reaping the rewards. But remember, each pact comes with a price. Pacts are passive buffs. Accepting the pact means accepting the potential consequences of your actions. The pacts are a ladder, but how deep does the ladder go? All pacts are permanent - once you seal a deal you can not back out.
Acrobatic I - Describing an Axin as acrobatic is something of a mistake, but it's the only word we have in our language for the physical feats that a Axin is capable of. At this level, you can walk on walls and stay on them. Ceilings however, are just out of your reach. You can sprint at a high speed for a long time and can climb steep cliffs.
Channeling I - You can take the inherent magical power of the land around you and coerce it into doing your bidding. Simply put, you can get the world to do your bidding. But at this point, it will only do a little of what you ask. You must practice and grow to be able to force the world to heed your commands.
Form Toggle - You can switch in and out of your humanoid form at any time you want. There is no cool down or other things associated with this ability.
Decoy I - You can create one decoy and keep them stable indefinitely. They are completely incapable of battle, though they can talk and are generally useful for distractions and risky situations.
Pact of Blood - By sealing this pact, you gain the ability to take the life force of an enemy and redirect it to your team-mates or yourself whenever you deal damage. The price for this isn't inflicted on you, but on the people you harm who forever lose a part of themselves for all eternity.
Pact of Steel - If you seal this pact, you can with but a touch warp the items of those around you, or direct the curse from a distance. These items are a dark mirror of their normal version. Who knows what might happen when used? Those who wield this dark equipment will themselves start to warp with time, for good or ill. You have sealed this pact.
Pact of War - The Pact of War is the Pact of Steel on a large scale and more powerful. By further warping the items already cursed by the Pact of Steel, you can push their power even further beyond, at the price of the wielders sanity.
Pact of Fire - For but a single drop of blood, you can sign the Pact of Fire. You will receive the ability to hurl dark flames at will, allowing you to destroy enemies. This ability will gain power as you learn how to harness it's demonic might.
Pact of Imbuement - Pact of Steel's counterpart - by giving the soul of someone you have killed over to demons, you gain the permanent ability to imbue items with demonic power. Unlike the Pact of Steel, they won't drive their user insane, but they will take their toll on the ones who they hit. Base level imbuement is Daemonic Fire, which will increase the damage of a weapon by one quarter.
Health - Good,

Party NPCs!

Herald Isariaz the Untested
Race : Human
Draconic Longsword : A well decorated blade, inscribed with images of Alaris and other dragons on everything below the crossguard. Attacks with this finely crafted weapon can go from 20 to 30.
Steel Shield : Shield provides an additional 10 protection. Damaged, protection reduced to 7 of 10.
Horned Steel Helmet : 3 to 7.
Steel Greaves : 4 to 9, provides immunity to kneecap strikes.
Heavy Chainmail Suit : 16 to 28 - Lightly damaged, protection reduced by 15%! Effective protection : 13 to 23.
Alaris Tabard : No protection given, but allows faction recognition.
Swordsman V - Damage with swords increased by 50%.
Teleportation II - Allows the player to to teleport across the battlefield. Range is limited by the individuals own skill in teleportation. Causes teleportation fatigue after excessive use.
Adrenaline Overdrive - Allows the player to make three actions simultaneously. This ability is tied to a number of circumstances. If the human being is under attack by a large number of enemies, the ability can be triggered. It can also be triggered if the human has been heavily wounded or if they are fighting a powerful enemy.
Health - Good

Alaris Connection - Normal : All Alaris faction abilities work normally.

Game Events
Bob throws two dice on the floor and they roll towards the party. They rise into the air on their own power and a voice, neither masculine or feminine, announces for all to hear, "FIVE!" "SIX!"

There is a terrible bang and a flash of light and the party are knocked unconscious, Bitter Pill knocked to the brink of being pushed out of the material universe entirely and forced to divert his attention to keeping the connection stable. The party awakens at around the same time in a holding cell underground. Bitter Pill is in a separate enclosure further away. His prison is one of a magical nature, blocking his ability to phase through objects thanks to a series of crystals on the floor creating a shield bubble. The rest of the party is held in a cell across the room, magically enhanced and for some reason, their weapons on the ground.

A pale and rather tired looking man says, "I sure hope you are the rescue team. I'm Paladin Autumn and I've been trapped down here for weeks."

Game Maps

Last edited by caekdaemon on Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:58 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
"Rescue team? You could say that."

> Check room for guards and see if my abilities are still usable.

Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:15 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Fantasy
" ..That was worth it... [Rollover, stretch, whatever] Flame, you there? I need you to do two things: What the hell is channeling, and can I redeploy you outside of the cell. "
Look towards Amelia, and sheepishly flush recalling how we got in here. Lord knows how much you practiced how to escort as a dancer, but you never really realised your strength in restraining people.
" I must admit, I was a bit distracted learning about hell, but it seems we can go about infiltration with less notice. "

Seemingly, the only person that is magically binded is the Observer, so we should have no troubles with invoking Alaris' gift of strength, teleportation, or multi-presence.
The issue is how we should go about using them.

I recommend one that leaves minimal damage, so they have little to assess their mistakes.

Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:25 am
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