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 Cannot start game :/ img. dump file 
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Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:35 am
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Post Cannot start game :/ img. dump file
RTE Aborted! (x_x)
Failed to load datafile object with following path and name:


The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

You can copy this message with Ctrl+C

Looked around and i cant find the solution, tried making a file location for this and its messing up worse haha. would LOVE some help.

Oh and uninstalling/reinstalling DOES NOT help. thought that was interesting...

Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:52 am

Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:06 pm
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Post Re: Cannot start game :/ img. dump file
*NOTE: Please read to the end before changing any lines of any file.*

What version are you trying to run? The vault BG/FG/Mat are currently located in Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Bunkers/BunkerModules

However, that doesn't matter if your ini's are trying to load from different directories:

Go to Base.rte and open Scenes.ini (with some text editing program)

There should be a line about IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Bunkers/Bunkers.ini or something similar, so then it reads THAT file:


However, if you've done a transplant of your Base.rte with some mod or something that changes Scenes.ini or the bunker directories altogether, then this chain will start trying to load other directories. The easiest solution is to try to find where the chain stops loading correctly. In your case I suspect it would be the final file pathing, because it recognizes that it's trying to load the sprite, and the sprite either doesn't exist, or it's not in Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/

So what you'll need to do is open the last file in the chain and change the path to the correct one. For instance:

   FGColorFile = ContentFile
      Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Bunkers/BrainVaultFG.bmp

This line should either be changed to this vv or the actual location of the BrainVaultFG.bmp within your version of CC... which may be different (you didn't specify which version of CC you're trying to load).
    FGColorFile = ContentFile
      Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Bunkers/BunkerModules/BrainVaultFG.bmp

(This needs to be done to not only the FG, but the BG and Mat, and also every other file that has incorrect directories - depending on your text editing program, a clever Find and Replace can achieve an entire directory change for the file)

OR, actually, check the abort screen because the other problem may be that a mod is trying to load the old directory of the sprite. In that case, your abortscreen should have stopped loading the last line of the ini where the pathing needs to be changed. Follow the same process, just open the ini and change the directory to the proper one. A secondary solution would be to copy and paste the improperly located files in new folders that match the directory they're trying to achieve anyways. I usually opt for this one because of how small BMP files are, and because you never know which old mods try to load the old directories.

Basically, this error is telling you that it's looking for BrainVaultFG.bmp, and it either can't find it, or the file has an improper extension.

It should be pretty straightforward but if you have any questions just ask. Good luck.

Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:32 am
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Post Re: Cannot start game :/ img. dump file
You sure you don't have any mods that try to grab the brain bunker for a bunker module?

Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:55 am
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