Re: Steam Achievements for CC?
I hate to post offtopic but really I'd prefer if the MOID limit bug were fixed rather than rewarding people for breaking the game.
With that said though - I have no idea how it could be fixed without breaking that sense of being able to spam anything in large quantities.
For those that don't know about the MOID bug, it basically starts shutting down the AI on AHumans and certain attachables (like doors) and makes them invincible until you clear some Actors (objects, beings, etc.) from your scene. It's not so bad but it is kind of annoying when you run into it.
A brief story about one encounter with the bug:
While it's rare that this would happen in most modes with objectives (because then a more concise plan could be devised where less spam is created) it still has some problems like:
1) I could see this being a very big problem if the game were ever going to have a proper multiplayer, and so putting an achievement prematurely IMPO may doom this game from ever having a proper multiplayer.
2) Other run-ins with the MOID bug are like... dropping 300+ bombs on an actor with a scuttled drop pod. What happens is that the MOID of the bombs take the priority of the objects (movable object actors) that are able to function, so the actor you were trying to destroy becomes invincible and ends up unscathed (at least, for a while anyways).
Of course though, MP could have it's own limits - but that would require dev time, so I'll put it this way
I'd rather the devs focus their time on things that make this game better in the long run - either this game or Planetoid Pioneers - because I think that adding achievements will make this game too defined as 'complete' when so much more could be done with it. Esp. multiplayer.
However, I've come to see that most people seem to only want this game as SP... and I'm not sure why you'd ever only want to fight the AI - especially when the AI is this bad, and when so many possibilities could take shape in MP. SP is fine and all but seriously the ability to get factions from all sorts of universes into one game that is as awesome as CC is - why ruin it with just SP? TBH I think Planetoid Pioneers could be even better, too, and I'm definitely watching it but the advent of achievements (in CC) bothers me a lot.. because people usually don't ACHIEVE them anyways, they cheat and exploit and get their friends to do it anyways. They are the worst thing that has happened to games in the past decade.
This was a bit ranty, but I don't know where else to put this. I have other ideas too but without MP this game is honestly starting to bore me. I'd help excel this game but without any shred of programming knowledge I'm afraid all I can really do is make suggestions - this one being to leave achievements until the game is 'Complete'. I'm not abandoning the game, but I'd rather play something where I can fight a real human like CS, KAG, NS, SC, and a number of other games that at least have LAN functionality so you can't see your opponent's screen (and can play at a net cafe). MOID bug or not actually, because it adds to the hilarity between friends anyways.
In fact, I wouldn't mind just LAN capability as it is now. Is it really that hard to implement? (Not rhetorical, I'm being completely serious).
I would hate to see this game as SP only for the rest of it's builds... Who the hell wants to face AI unless the AI are BEAST? (A game that comes to mind is unreal tournament 2k4 on Godlike bots, however CC has dynamics that could even push that... like being able to drop crates or rockets on you and stuff).
[/completely off topic and borderline infraction-al rant]
I apologize for how off topic this is but had to get that off my chest. Seriously, what does an achievement get people? 10ms of enjoyment? Stupid.