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 Legends of the Sky 
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"So is there a reason you look so uh, young? Because you act a lot older."
>Sit down somewhere relatively safe

Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:21 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Tomaster wrote:
Well, on the one hand, I can't really say too much, since you did save our asses. On the other hand, I'm not sure how much I like being at the beck and call of someone else. The captain of a ship's word is supposed to be law for those on the ship. And, seeing as we still have a mission to complete, I certainly hope you're not going to be trying to stop us from carrying out our orders.
"I owe you all. Especially you and the one with the fairy. I'll go along with your orders for now, as long as it doesn't endanger Sera."

Izen wrote:
"So is there a reason you look so uh, young? Because you act a lot older."
"Yeah, there's a reason for that. How to explain this...
Well, first up I'm not Sera. Sera's asleep. I put her to sleep actually, since she started screaming and crying when I took over and things all went explodey.
Who I am is the mind that goes along with this power that Sera was saddled with. In the language of my creators, my name was Phim.
Sera and this body are only 8 and a third years old. I on the other hand am... well, much much older."

Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:15 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Sounds good to me, our main objective is exploration, not fighting, so aside from incidental contact and defensive fighting, Sera should be safe. Now, our first order of business is to get this ship to either a town that can repair it, or a place where we can get to work on repairing it. Do you know of any close locations?

Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:11 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Tomaster wrote:
Sounds good to me, our main objective is exploration, not fighting, so aside from incidental contact and defensive fighting, Sera should be safe. Now, our first order of business is to get this ship to either a town that can repair it, or a place where we can get to work on repairing it. Do you know of any close locations?
"Smashing headfirst into your ship was my first experience with the Lower Sky, so no. But... I can dowse for something, probably.
Or if you know any islands, just point me in the right direction."

Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:16 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Yeah, Madosa. It's a fairly sizeable town that should have the capacity to repair this ship to workable levels. It's pretty much straight east. So set us off that direction.
And then start telling me what you know about the "Great Sky" or whatever the hell they called it.
Sit back, look captainly, and listen.

Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:24 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Wait, so Sera is the girl, who is asleep, and you're her powers manifested, and your name is Phim?

Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:58 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
> be disgruntled at the fact that the crystal is ded
> inspect the engine now that the crystal is ded

Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:34 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"Wait, so Sera is the girl, who is asleep, and you're her powers manifested, and your name is Phim?"

Rob angrily stomps below deck to survey the NEW damage to his ship. And it's just as bad as he feared. The main crystal is completely dead, along with BOTH auxiliary crystals. ♥♥♥♥. The Aux's will be back online in probably 1/3 of the time as the main, but they're designed to pick up slack in case of system failure, they're not meant for long term use. So yes, unless you have a large town or small city willing to dump energy into your engine, you're relying on Sera for a while.
Or Phim. Or whatever.

"Yeah, Madosa. It's a fairly sizeable town that should have the capacity to repair this ship to workable levels. It's pretty much straight east. So set us off that direction.
And then start telling me what you know about the "Great Sky" or whatever the hell they called it."

The ship turns and begins moving East at a rather good clip. Large gusts of wind begin whipping across the deck from the speed of your travel, and everyone collectively decides to head inside for cover.
"So you want to know about the Great Sky. Hrmm.
Sera knows... some things. She's still young, so she doesn't know or understand much that would be useful. And I've only woken up in the past few months, so I don't know much either, but I can infer.
Well, it's above the Lower Sky. The bottom of the clouds have a stronger version of the normal sky haze on them, so you can't see anything above the cloud level until you actually pass above it. I remember seeing a map once... The important bits of the Great Sky are mostly concentrated in small clumps around a few large cities or important places. Very concentrated, very easy to miss if you don't go up into the clouds at the right place. The fact that I ran into your ship is a miracle in itself.
Hmm. Things that live up there... Angels are the regular winged humans like Sera and the civilians, Seekers are winged ferrets with good light magic, Guardsmen are completely nonmagical and physically strong, Demis are those birdheads that were guarding the elder, they're really powerful, steer clear of them. Umm... if we see any other kinds I'll brief you then."

"I thought you said Sera didn't know much, how do you know that these things are strong?"
"Because I'm the greatest light mage in the world, that's how. I can just feel their magic.
Anything specific you want to know about the Great Sky?"

Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:18 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
tomaster, ask her whats up with that governmental regal society that we were taken to

> now that im below deck, inspect the wings sera made

Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:52 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Was old crochety dude the absolute ruler of the Great Sky, or are there more of them? And why exactly do they have such a big problem with Sera's...condition?

Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:58 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Rob looks out the hole in the floor at the wings. They originate about a foot below the ship, four in total, each spreading out diagonally from a small but intricate magical circle in the dead center of the hole. They're not actually TOUCHING the Storm Sylph, just supporting it magically, it looks like.

"Was the old crochety dude the absolute ruler of the Great Sky, or are there more of them? And why exactly do they have such a big problem with Sera's...condition?"
"He was the mayor, or elder, or leader, or whatever you want to call it, of that city. He was in charge, though not of the entire Great Sky. There is no unified leadership, but being the biggest city, it's easy to say he's one of, if not THE most important man up there.
As for why, well... the people who make these decisions are old. Old, and afraid of the unknown. Sera posed a clear and potent danger, and unlike most of the various intelligent races in the Great Sky, the council had no idea how to control Sera. So, if they can't control it and it's strong enough to be a threat, then it's better to just destroy it.
Dumbasses didn't even try to talk..."

Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:38 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"As much as I enjoy being on a ship supported by an entity inside a girls head, I think we should maybe start looking for a port to repair in?"

Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:19 pm
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"What're you talking about?"
Sera leans back a bit and spreads her arms, while behind her Madosa suddenly comes in to view through the shimmer of the sky's fog. The Storm Sylph circles around the large island several times, going fast enough to traverse from one end to the other in only a few seconds. It's a rather breathtaking sight, seeing their little crippled ship flit around like a bird around the bustling trade hub.
Sera grins.
"We're already here."

The Storm Sylph pulls into the docks, entirely ignoring the gaping stares and surprised looks of the various dock personnel before setting itself down on a large section of dock near the refit area and settling to the ground with a mighty groan as Sera's wings fade away from beneath the ship. The crew isn't quite sure what to do now, since they just ignored the docking authority entirely and set their crippled boat down in the middle of the shipyard.
Luckily, the shipyard boss, O'Neil, approaches, appraising the damage and holding a nice wood pipe in his hand. After giving the ship a once over, he calls up to the crew.
"...Ya uh, seem to have wrecked yer ship."

Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:10 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
"It wasn't our fault. Mostly."

Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:51 am
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Post Re: Legends of the Sky
Try walking. Swig some Thunderwater to get my charisma juices going.
Sedraxis is pretty much correct. We encountered some...difficulties after we left, and only made it back to the best port we know with some assistance of the magical variety. As you can see, our ship is in need of some pretty heavy repairs. And, seeing as it'd be difficult to find another port to get them done at, I'm assuming you'd be up for the task?

Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:50 am
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