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 Betrayal at House on the Hill 
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Wander into E,1

Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:48 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Left 1.

Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:53 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Basement D4, take the damage on might.

I presume you can only use the elevator when you're in it?

Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:38 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Yep, you have to step into it and then roll the two dice, then it goes wherever. Normally I'd say you could continue moving because you'd be able to see where the elevator went during your turn, but since I roll the dice and this is asynchronous you'll have to treat it as an end-of-turn action.

Also, updated the post with damage taken.

Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Passage to chapel
Go through passage.
"Oh mercy, how could a place of god be allowed to fall this far into disrepair?"

Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:23 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
"Last time I checked, God didn't assault people with puppets."
> Walk out, aloof.
> Go to the library

Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:33 pm
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
"I think we should stick together. Better safe than sorry, you know?"
Go left.

Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:42 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Turn Order
caekdaemon, Cavecricket48, CrazyMLC, Amazigh, Miggles, maart3n

caekdaemon/Vivan Lopez moves left into the Abandoned Room (B2) where she finds an omen.
Holy Symbol: A symbol of calm in an unsettling world. Gain 2 sanity now, lose 2 sanity if you lose the Holy Symbol.
Haunt roll: 6d3-6: 3,2,1,3,2,2 (-6); 7 (2 omens in play) No haunt this omen

CaveCricket48/Zoe Ingstrom moves into the Abandoned Room (B2) as well, but Vivian has already picked up the holy symbol.

CrazyMLC/Peter Akimoto moves north into the Kitchen (E1) where he finds an omen.
Medallion: A medallion inscribed with a pentagram. You are immune to the effects of the Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard.
Haunt roll: 6d3-6: 3,2,1,2,3,3 (-6); 8 (3 omens in play) No haunt this omen

Amazigh/Fr. Rhinehardt passes through the hidden passage and finds himself in the Chapel (Ground C4) where he contemplates the mysteries of god and gains 1 sanity.

Miggles/Darrin "Flash" Williams sees Fr. Rhinehardt emerge from a secret passage and passes through it again himself, finding himself in the Library (Top D2). By process of osmosis he absorbs some knowledge from the concentrated aura of Book and gains 1 knowledge.

maart3n/Heather Granville rubs her bruised butt and hobbles through the Basement Landing and into the Servants' Quarters (Basement D2, D3), where she finds an omen.
Crystal Ball: Hazy images appear in the glass. Once during your turn after the haunt is revealed, you can attempt a knowledge roll to peer into the Crystal Ball:
4+: You see the truth. Search the item or event stack for a card of your choice. Shuffle the stack and place the card on top.
1-3: You avert your eyes. Lose 1 sanity.
0: You stare into hell. Lose 2 sanity.
(Runner's note: I will attempt to accommodate you as much as possible though there are a lot of cards in both named stacks so it may be difficult to get exactly as much control as you want)
Haunt roll: 6d3-6: 2,1,2,1,2,1 (-6); 3 (4 omens in play) ...

The crystal ball pulses with an image of the room you stand in, complete with a crystal ball that shows the image of the room you stand in, containing a crystal ball that shows the image of the room you stand in, and so on, as if you're falling into a well of identical images.
Then a new image forms within, this time of the Entrance Hall, where people are arriving through the front door. They look familiar... One of the newcomers glances up, locking eyes with you through the crystal ball. You blanch in recognition. They are your eyes.
It is your doppelganger--your evil twin.

What you know about the bad guys
This haunt has no traitor--just heroes. The Evil Twins are just like you, but they want to kill you.

You win when...
...your hero is alive and all of the Evil Twins are dead.

The Evil Twins must do this...
...after the haunt revealer's turn. They act on the monster's turn.
An Evil Twin always rolls for movement as a monster and moves toward its matching hero by the shortest possible route. If an Evil Twin ends its turn in a room with any hero, it attacks. If it is a room with more than one hero, it will always attack its counterpart if possible. Otherwise, determine which one it attacks randomly.
If a player's hero is killed, that player takes control of that hero's Evil Twin and uses it to attack other explorers. (This will be conducted by PM)

Evil Twins
  • Each Evil Twin has trait values equal to its counterpart's trait values at the start of the haunt. Those traits don't change.
  • Evil Twins can't carry items or take custody of companions.

Special Attack Rules
  • If you don't possess the Crystal Ball when you attack or defend against your Evil Twin, you lose 1 additional point in each of your traits, regardless of who defeats whom. If your Evil Twin defeats you, you also take damage normally. If you defeat your Evil Twin, you stun it as normal. If you fight someone else's Evil Twin, you do not lose the additional point.
  • If you possess the Crystal Ball, you kill your Evil Twin if you defeat it.
  • If you defeat another hero's Evil Twin, you stun it unless you possess the Crystal Ball and that hero is dead. In that case, you kill the Evil Twin when you defeat it.
  • The Crystal Ball holder can attack stunned Evil Twins. A stunned monster defends itself with its regular number of dice but inflicts no damage if it rolls higher than the attacker.
  • You may take the Crystal Ball from another hero in the same room on your turn if the hero is willing to let you have it.

Important Bits
Chapel: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 sanity.
Graveyard: When attempting to leave this room you must attempt a sanity roll of 4+. If you fail, lose 1 knowledge but continue moving.
Library: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 knowledge.
Mystic Elevator: Once per turn, roll 2 die and move this room next to any open door on: 4, any floor; 3, Upper; 2, Ground; 1, Basement; 0, Basement then take 1 die of physical damage
Mystic Slide: Roll might to attempt to use the slide: 5+: You control the slide. Put yourself in any explored room on any floor below the slide. 0-4: Fall to an unexplored room in the basement. If there are no more unexplored rooms left, choose a room in play. Take 1 die of physical damage.

House State
Top Floor

Ground Floor


Current Player Information

Haunt has been revealed! See the post for rules.
  • Blue Doppelganger
    Speed: 4; Might: 2; Sanity: 6; Knowledge: 5;
  • Yellow Doppelganger
    Speed: 4; Might: 3; Sanity: 5; Knowledge: 3;
  • Green Doppelganger
    Speed: 4; Might: 3; Sanity: 4; Knowledge: 6;
  • Gray Doppelganger
    Speed: 3; Might: 2; Sanity: 7; Knowledge: 5;
  • Red Doppelganger
    Speed: 6; Might: 3; Sanity: 4; Knowledge: 3;
  • Purple Doppelganger
    Speed: 3; Might: 3; Sanity: 3; Knowledge: 5;

  • caekdaemon : Vivan Lopez
    Speed 3_4_4_(4)_4_6_7_8
    Might 2_2_(2)_4_4_5_6_6
    Sanity 4_4_(4)_5_6_7_8_8
    Knowledge 4_5_5_(5)_5_6_6_7
    • Holy Symbol (+2 sanity, -2 sanity on loss)
  • CaveCricket48 : Zoe Ingstrom
    Speed 4_4_4_(4)_5_6_8_8
    Might 2_2_3_(3)_4_4_6_7
    Sanity 3_4_(5)_5_6_6_7_8
    Knowledge 1_2_(3)_4_4_5_5_5
  • CrazyMLC : Peter Akimoto
    Speed 3_3_3_(4)_6_6_7_7
    Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_6_8
    Sanity 3_4_4_(4)_5_6_6_7
    Knowledge 3_4_(4)_5_6_7_7_8
    • Book (+2 knowledge, -2 knowledge on loss)
    • Medallion (Immunity to Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard)
  • Amazigh : Fr. Rhinehardt
    Speed 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_7_7
    Might 1_2_(2)_4_4_5_5_7
    Sanity 3_4_5_5_(6)_7_7_8
    Knowledge 1_3_3_(4)_5_6_6_8
  • Miggles : Darrin "Flash" Williams
    Speed 4_4_4_5_(6)_7_7_8
    Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_7
    Sanity 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
    Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
  • maart3n : Heather Granville
    Speed 3_3_(4)_5_6_6_7_8
    Might 3_3_(3)_4_5_6_7_8
    Sanity 3_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_6
    Knowledge 2_3_3_4_(5)_6_7_8
    • Crystal Ball (Crystal Ball ability, see this post)

Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:14 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Go through passage and proceed to top-C1

Last edited by Amazigh on Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:20 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
"Did...did you hear something?"
Go left.

Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:51 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Travel to F,1, blissfully ignorant.

Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:00 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Can I use the secret passage?

Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:50 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Yeah, it's basically just a doorway between the two rooms it links.
EDIT: I should mention that the doppelgangers can use any method of getting around that you can except for non-deterministic routes, such as the Mystic Slide and Mystic Elevator (which depend on rolls). Make sure to take that into account when planning your routes.
Also remember that monsters (which the doppelgangers count as) cannot explore new rooms and ignore any room effects, and can climb up the Coal Chute and Collapsed Room (both one-way routes for you all).

Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:46 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
Use crystal ball to place the spear on top of the stack. also, move to C4 and scream like a lunatic.

Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:49 am
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Post Re: Betrayal at House on the Hill
> Take the secret passage and go down the mystic slide 2 rooms over

Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:23 pm
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