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 Activity: Dynamic Warfare 
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Joined: Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare
weegee wrote:
Yeah I could add custom brain support, but most old faction files don't define any custom brains, except Arcalane's W40K. Maybe it would be better to add UL2 faction files support?

Yes please. I want my Psyclones. :grin:

Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:16 am
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
Now supports Unmapped Lands 2 / Void Wanderers faction files, download Warfare2 to get them working. Warfare 2 tries to be more fair, now every enemy dropship has a small budget of ~650 oz of gold (depends on difficulty level) so expensive factions will spawn a bit less units rather than cheap factions. Didn't do any balance tweaks, so if you play this a lot and have some good values for different intervals you're welcome to share. The whole thing is probably barely playable after all those AI enhancements.

Epicnator, I actually didn't want to update those extended activities anymore simply because people simply edit default activities to add more factions or change skirmish behavior.

Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:58 pm

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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
weegee wrote:
Now supports Unmapped Lands 2 / Void Wanderers faction files, download Warfare2 to get them working. Warfare 2 tries to be more fair, now every enemy dropship has a small budget of ~650 oz of gold (depends on difficulty level) so expensive factions will spawn a bit less units rather than cheap factions. Didn't do any balance tweaks, so if you play this a lot and have some good values for different intervals you're welcome to share. The whole thing is probably barely playable after all those AI enhancements.

Epicnator, I actually didn't want to update those extended activities anymore simply because people simply edit default activities to add more factions or change skirmish behavior.

Oh. Okay.

Anyways good job on making this UL2 compatible.

Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:37 pm
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
UL2 version spawns actors with one weapon. Could you please add a pistol to spawn along with the primary weapon? Also, add a chance for a grenade, too.

Also, it'd be nice if you added some kind of value system that makes primary weapons and actors slightly more common / less common based on weapon's or actor's ItmPowers value. Oh! And at the same time having the difficulty setting affecting the commonness of higher ItmPower weapons and actors.

I hope this isn't too much to ask.

Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:32 pm
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
Ok, but I can't even imagine when :(

Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:33 pm

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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
Everytime I try to start this, all the defending actors are crunched up into a ball where their heads would normally be and I cannot select them. No attackers spawn either.

Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:49 pm
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
Any messages in the console?

Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:01 am

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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
It never occurred to me to check...

Edit: Ok, I have now checked with Mu-Ilaak as defenders and Untitled as the attackers. The console had stated that it could not find the Mu-Ilaak's drop ship which I suppose stopped the brain from spawning. I don't really see how that causes all the bodies to be crunched up but oh well. It also seems that vanilla factions are unaffected despite what I previously thought.

Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:51 pm

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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
I swear I'm doing things right, doing my best to get this stuff to work, been around the block as far as modding and gaming goes, but for the life of me I can't get non-standard factions to show up in this or Void Wanderers. Something about the loading system for UL2 or something. Driving me up the walls.

Things work fine for Tartarus and Cortex Shock, but those don't use mouse input for the loading screen.

I'm using windows 8 if that makes a difference.

Do I need to copy files from one scene to another for this to work? Or even from the faction packs themselves?

I'm evidently clueless as usually for something "new".

Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:21 am
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
You need to put faction-definition files to Faction folder inside VoidWanderers.rte or Warfare2.rte, then open Factions.cfg in notepad and enable factions you need by removing the * charcter. Add lines if they are not present. You can get faction files either from supported mods .rte folders, or from VoidWanderers.rte\FactionPack\VoidWanderers.rte\Factions\ if mods does not officially support Unmapped Lands 2/Void Wanderers. If nothing else helps, try to install some supported mods and just enable all factions except W40K, at least some of them should appear in the list. If nothing still works, show me your screen when VW/DW2 launched and what's in the console.

Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:21 pm

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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
Oh wait, VoidWanderers has some valid faction .lua files. So I guess that's most of my issues dealt with.

Seems despite all my searching, though, there is no UL2 compatible Psyclones or Sergal faction .lua files in any of the UL2 compatible mods I've downloaded(including UL2, and VoidWanderers, which outright says it's compatible).

I had to copy files from one UL2 compatible mod to another(I guess that's normal?), but there is no Psyclones or Sergal Faction(s) .lua in any of my packs for UL2 compatible mods. None at all for Sergals.

I'll keep looking, but still, not having Psyclones and Segals for my Warzones wouldn't be as fun.

Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:48 pm
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
You need to look inside .rte folders to find UL2/VW faction files, Psyclones store them here Psyclones.rte\FactionFiles\UL2\ other mods will store them elsewhere inside. Sergals store Sergal.lua right in Sergal.rte

Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:47 pm

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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare [UL2 compatible]
Many thanks, Friend of Friends~!

But seriously, I would have never figured out that the Sergal.lua from the Sergal Mod itself was what I needed. I mean, the least complex solution is the one that always comes to me last.

There I was, looking through scene after scene, searching the forums, simply going up the walls looking for what I needed when it was right in my face.

Also likely wouldn't have found the Psyclones.lua for the same reason.

Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:01 pm
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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare
B30 compatibility.

Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:55 am

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Post Re: Activity: Dynamic Warfare
Wow... I finally finished one game of Dynamic Warfare and I realized how beautiful it is when a dozen dropships all descend at once. I had never had to do that before in cortex command. I was at 9/10 objectives complete, and I had to make sure no enemy dropship made it back into orbit. I positioned my AA's but their assault had left a small gap undefended. I tried to plug it up with reinforcements, but the enemy dropship was already landing. I was frustrated because I always failed this objective. Then, my reinforcements dropship arrived. I knew what I had to do immediately, and I crashed my aircraft into the AI's. They both spiraled out of control and blew up. I had won.

Only a zombie and an AA turret were in my ship, so no life was loft.

Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:31 am
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