The October labor lottery is complete. Your name was pulled. For immediate placement, report to the The Ministry of Admission at Grestin Border Checkpoint.
An apartment will be provided for you and your family in East Grestin. Expect a Class-8 dwelling.

Papers, Please is a dystopian thriller game where you, representing the Glorious nation of Arstotzka in The Ministry of Admission, examine, approve, deny, or detain the many immigrants, skilled workers, diplomats, and journalists who come seeking entry into our great land.

You may be asking yourself why I or anyone else expects you to have fun comparing legal documents, let alone pay for a video game that revolves around the idea.
Papers, Please is a far more intriguing game than it first appears. Though you are far better off experiencing such things for yourself, let it be known there are over 20 endings to the story, and many important subplots throughout the game. Your morals will be tested. Your life, the lives of your family, and the future of Arstotzka rest in your ability of perception and the decisions you make at the East Grestin border checkpoint.

Whatever decisions you make, and no matter the consequences, know that there is only one truth.
GOG, 9.99 USDSteam, 9.99 USD, as of this writing currently 33% off regular price