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 Fallout 4 Hype 
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
I hope its not again some Joke like the L4D3 one

Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:34 pm

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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
Update on that one.
Dafuq is it saying...

Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:28 pm
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
The messages are ciphered in different ways, the doc that non linked explains some of them.
From the doc:
20:35 - The timer expires, site struggles under heavy load, New message:
Translation attempted:
It’s a reversed (REV ALPHA) keyed Vigénere cipher (KVNGR), using passphrase “VAULT TEC” (PPS VT)

Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:03 pm
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
I want a Fallout game that I can run on my PC without it crashing 20-30 mins

Skyrim was incredible in this aspect so I hope Bethesda has their game crashing ♥♥♥♥ down

Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:19 pm
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
You're talking about a open world Bethesda game, crashing and bugs are as much a part of the experience as stealing everything that isn't nailed down

Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:28 pm
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
Actually, stealing everything that wasn't nailed down in Skyrim sucked. There was a pickpocket difficulty cap, and most items were essentially worthless in a liquid sense.

Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:22 am
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
I didn't find stealing to be very useful in any bethesda game I've played (FO3+).
The games throw money at you anyway, there's really no need to make more.

Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:51 am
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
p3lb0x wrote:
You're talking about a open world Bethesda game, crashing and bugs are as much a part of the experience as stealing everything that isn't nailed down

It seemed to be missing from Skyrim

Interestingly enough I've put more time into Skyrim than Oblivion and Fallout 3 combined

Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:50 pm
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
A lot of FONV and FO3's crashes could be fixed with mods. You could also make them far worse with mods but that's another story. I didn't have any problem with Skyrim until I started modding it up, myself. Maybe it just hated your graphics card?

Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:30 pm
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
It didn't crash as much as other recent Bethesda games, but it was definitely still buggy. That's kind of inevitable in games with such huge worlds, though. There are so many different combinations of states to keep track of that some of them are inevitably not going to be very well-tested.

Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:35 pm
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
Nonsequitorian wrote:
I don't know what you're talking about, Skyrim was not a piece of bug free gold. I would have it crash at random moments all the time and stealing everything was about as important as walking.
It was crash-free for me, I've honestly never have it crash even with mods installed, liberal use of console commands and play sessions of hours on end.

I didn't say it was bug free in my original post but I can see how that would be implied by my reply to p3lbox. It gave me a few bugs, sure. I had trouble getting one of the objectives in the Dawnguard questline to progress, I couldn't get the Alchemy Lab upgrade in Whiterun to work properly, there was the infamous reverse dragon flight, a few sound glitches, but nothing gamebreaking, unfixable by console, or that wasn't patched pretty quickly.

Duh102 wrote:
A lot of FONV and FO3's crashes could be fixed with mods. Maybe it just hated your graphics card?
Yeah I tried one or two of these mods and as far as I could tell they didn't really have much effect. Seeing as Oblivion, FO3 and FONV are on the same engine, it might indeed just hate my graphics card.

TheLastBanana wrote:
That's kind of inevitable in games with such huge worlds, though.
Definitely true, I suppose they could always put more time into QA and debugging, and beta testers always seem to be pretty adept at finding bugs, but I wouldn't expect any large open world game to be bug-free.

Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:00 am
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
My favourite weird behaviour in Skyrim (not really a bug, I guess, but they probably should have noticed it in QA) was one of the random events.

I came across a fortress and decided to take a look inside. I was playing a stealth character, so naturally I was sneaking in quietly. I had gone completely undetected, and I was sidling along a wall in the courtyard. Suddenly, the air was filled with the shouts of angered guards. Confused, I spun around trying to figure out who had seen me, and sure enough, nobody had. But why the shouting?

Down at the other end of the courtyard was a man with several arrows sticking out of his limbs, running at me, much to my bewilderment, full-tilt. By some miracle, none of the guards had caught up to him by the time he got to me. He frantically told me to hold onto his mace for him, then took off as fast as he came, leading the attention of the guards back away from me. Baffled, but breathing a sigh of relief, I continued toward a nearby tower, thinking that this must have been a one-off event, and that I would be able to continue my fortress raid in peace.

I was wrong.

A few minutes later, I was climbing the circular stairwell of the aforementioned tower when the shouting started again. Before I could get to a better position, another bedraggled fellow full of arrows had appeared behind me.

He wearily (and, might I add, awkwardly, considering he was staring up at me from several feet down the stairs and having his legs slowly but surely hacked off by an aggravated guard) asked me if I had seen anyone with a mace. I said yes. The guard said he never should have come here and stabbed him in the shin.

He asked if perhaps that was his mace, gesturing at my left hand. I said yeah. The guard said he was going to kill him and slashed at his ankle.

He asked if by any chance I could give him back his mace. I said sure. The guard repeated himself about the never coming here and gave the shin another shot since his target still hadn't even flinched.

I handed the man his mace. Looking a little flush, he politely thanked me, handed me a small bag of gold, turned around and promptly died. While his corpse clumsily bumped down the stairwell, I was left with the unpleasant business of killing the guard he had led to me. At least he looked quite satisfied to have finally killed a man who appeared to be, at least for the duration of our conversation, nigh-on invincible.

I gave the man a proper burial, which is to say I took everything he owned and sold it for pennies on the dollar, leaving his naked body to rot in a strange fortress. The presumed thief of his mace was never seen again.

Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:48 am
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
^Evidence that Skyrim's bugs only added to the experience. I'm sure everyone has stories of weird AI behaviour or old ladies inexplicably floating off into space.

Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:24 am
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
Yeah, I kind of enjoy when things go terribly wrong like that. It does seem a bit at odds with the sense of a huge, impressive world, though. Much as it entertains me, it totally pulls me out of immersion. That's not necessarily a bad thing, because it's still fun, but like p3lb0x said, it just sort of becomes part of the experience in a lot of Bethesda games. I don't really expect to be that invested in the world, because I know that at any point the guy I'm talking to could start turning inside out while howling like a wolf, then majestically fly off into the sunset at Mach 6.

Interestingly, it seems like a lot of people feel completely the opposite about Skyrim (that is to say that they were completely immersed in it). Maybe that's why I didn't play it much after finishing the main quest. I guess some people are able to put aside the weird ♥♥♥♥. It just puts me into a different mindset.

Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:38 am
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Post Re: Fallout 4 Hype
I didnt grow my Hopes big anyway.
I remember the L4D3 Troll.

Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:47 pm
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