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 @Data, how about cc on IOS ?? 
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Post @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
cc is great and epic !! I think it's worth to transport to mobile platform. I never saw a sandbox game like CC which is so real on physics and so fantastic on the story. Recently, Terraria and other classic indie game has landed mobile platform, and I think CC herself wants , too. :grin:

p. s. sorry about my terrible english...

Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:26 pm
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
Assuming it would be profitable to spend time porting the game to a mobile environment, I don't think the mobile platforms have enough juice unless you make some platform specific optimizations, and even then I don't think you have access to a good enough control platform (The standard analog stick approach shooters use won't work).

Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:39 pm
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
p3lb0x wrote:
Assuming it would be profitable to spend time porting the game to a mobile environment, I don't think the mobile platforms have enough juice unless you make some platform specific optimizations, and even then I don't think you have access to a good enough control platform (The standard analog stick approach shooters use won't work).

Hi, p3lb0x. Thx for your reply :grin: . I think the mobile platform has a lot number of customers and it will be profitable. Although the mobile device doesn't have the controller, but the touch screen can do some special things like that you can touch any point to set the gun direction. Terraria made a good start, the multi-play is amazing, and using the touch input can easily choose or buy items like that, and cc editor with the touch will be powerful.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:12 am
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
I find it Extremely unlikely that CC would ever be ported to anything with as small a screen as a smartphone, you'd barely be able to see anywhere, and this is not even mentioning the processor strain that CC would cause.

Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:12 am
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
Your battery wouldn't survive the encounter unless you were plugged in and then you'd be tethered to a wall. Why wouldn't you just use a vastly superior and faster laptop (or desktop!) computer with decent screen resolution and controls that don't suck?

Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:49 am
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
The best you'd be able to do is use remote desktop to play CC on your comp from your phone.

Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:52 am
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
CaveCricket48 wrote:
The best you'd be able to do is use remote desktop to play CC on your comp from your phone.

Hi, thx for reply. er... what i said was not which platform is better. I don't know if you like to play games on smartphone. Like Minecraft, the Minecraft PE edition is worse than the pc's, but people would like to buy it. Terraria PE is the better one, I hope you can have a try.

Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:13 am
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
They're talking about pure hardware, and stats: CC isn't going to be on the phone because it is strictly single-core (mobiles rely heavily on multi-core), finicky (it will subjectively choose which computer/et al. to work on), and would drain the battery (due to processor strain).

Onto firm-ware: CC is not native to ARM architecture (it's probs a hardware thing, but different hardwares require different firmwares, the issue is probably significant and transitive), or any mobile roms, and the cost/effort of solving this issue it isn't worth it.

Onto software: I really doubt you can justify or overhaul the menus and controls to work on a mobile device in the decade, or ergonomic without external devices.

Onto other things: Data is about to cut development on Cortex Command-- which would cut into the already next-to-zero time that seems to be put into Cortex Command nowadays; I highly doubt a long-term project like porting to any mobile device, or any other OS is feasible, all things considered.

You've seen the stop-gap measures Mojang has had to use to even put Minecraft on the Mobile/Xbox; they had t, quite frankly, neuter the game just so that they could release/port the game on the devices, and have, for the most part, neglected it.
Comparatively, with the current dedication of the dev team, you'd probably see Datarealm's new game, PP, or the full version of Dwarf Fortress before a CC port to Mobile.

Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:07 am
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
Porting to mobile would require a few steps. I believe CC currently runs on C++, SDL, OpenAL, and a few other libraries. All of those would either have to be ported to android/iOS or substitutes chosen and integrated (a significant portion of the porting process in my opinion). Then, depending on how well android/iOS support native C code runnning on them, you might have to switch languages entirely to Java/Objective-C (another significant portion of the proting process).
This is all before you consider the screen size limitations, differences in control scemes, etc, which are large problems that would have to be addressed.

Without going into more detail, it's a large job and really infeasible. Possible, definitely, especially if you start from scratch and go at the mobile market with a simplified product (such as removing real-time terrain deformation or something like that), but infeasible.

Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:48 pm
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Post Re: @Data, how about cc on IOS ??
But then you can sell the damn thing for a whooping $0.99 each!!!

Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:43 pm
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