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 Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9) 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.6)

Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:24 am
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.6)
That looks ♥♥♥♥ awesome.

Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:52 am
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.6)
Thanks a lot guys, glad to hear that! I also apologize for the merciless teasing, but i think we're getting closer to a released update. I'm very hestitant to call it a December update, given how slowly and irregularly i work, so maybe set your sights on early 2014. :U

Also, today i have been brawling with a thing i like to call DYNAMIC SPEED ADJUSTMENT. Basically, it adjusts the in-game speed parameter according to how much the actual frame rate is lagging behind the desired one. Hopefully, with a bit more refinement, this should result in a very stable game speed despite eventual drops in frame rate caused by intense sections.

Oh, and you see that last screenshot up there? It's an early preview of the APESHIT COEFFICIENT. Basically a coefficient that makes crazy stuff happen more or less often, depending on what you set it to. Here's an example of 10% apeshit:


Default level of apeshit is a mere 0.01%, or 1 in 10000. Now you might be wondering; what happens at 100% AND EPIC MAN MODE >:C? Well...


Fun and times happen. :U
You also get to enjoy the power of apeshit though, because at 100%, every single enemy killed by splinter weapons explodes in a glorious shower of SUPER SHOTS, not regular fragments. I might have to redo that, because it makes the game rather trivial. At least, up until you meet a boss, hee hee.

Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:14 am
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
hey hey guys

initiating copypaste



hey guys

you know how i said Q1 right?

well it's true

because TODAY






- Added fancy new start menu with loadsa buttons
- Added three new weapon types to be freely mixed with the pulse lasers
- Added options menu with questionable developer graphics (so it's not done visually), just click the fancy wrench icon!
- Made it possible to actually change various options, so that the aforementioned menu isn't useless
- Added fancy dynamic game speed adjustment to prevent slowdowns (can be disabled in Config.ini if you enjoy the slowdowns)
- Added levels 15-19
- Levels are now actually called stages to prevent confusion with experience levels
- Added the last tier of shop upgrades
- Added new fancy explosions for the enemies
- Added some new effects for the players shots as well (although the super shot effects are terrible)
- Added fancy glow effects for all energetic shots
- Mysteriously changed the Arial font in game by unknown forces
- Made a new sprite for the player ship
- Probably also some other things and tweaks i can't remember right now

you can download it here

Also if for some reason you don't get music, it's likely because it's set to 0 in the options even though i think i fixed that. If you don't get ANY sounds at all, please do mention it, because Sebastian, our recently hired music guy, isn't getting any sounds either. :c

Oh yeah also, if you feel like a cool person, we have a fancy new donation button.



Last edited by Shook on Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:59 pm
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
"Nothing Here
The file you're looking for has been deleted or moved."


EDIT: Sourced correct link from Bay12.

Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:12 pm
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
Right, of course, sorry 'bout that. I had to make like 4 little hotfixes to fix urgent bugs, but i THINK that's done now. The above link (and the one in the OP) should now be working correctly. c:

Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:00 pm
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
Two Issue:
  1. Dash doesn't activate when I follow the instructions.
  2. Computer Crash on on Quit

Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:11 am
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
That's possibly because the written instructions are wrong, depending on how it's written. If it's saying something about a half circle, then forget that, it's wrong, and i've mostly fixed that already. If it's rather saying something about pressing the dash button (which is SPACEBAR by default), then there's something else wrong. If it is so, mind checking out the keybindings?

I don't know about the crashing, though. Does it give any messages whatsoever?

Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:56 pm
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
It asks for doing ASD, or DSA, back half circles. No noticeable change when I mash, and hold last key.

The screen becomes eternally black. I wouldn't see it.

Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:20 pm
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
Foa wrote:
It asks for doing ASD, or DSA, back half circles. No noticeable change when I mash, and hold last key.

Unless I'm mistaken, in every version of 0.9, regardless of what it tells you, space is the [default] button to activate dodge.

Also, great game shook, got up to the second boss on normal and could not get past him.
Switched to easy mode and proceeded to beat him on my second try, after that the only major threat was the snake ships on the last level coming in off the edge of the screen and ramming me to death in one hit. [note: they are silly weak to splinter shots]

Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:10 pm
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Post Re: Angry Laser Space (Current version: v0.9)
Amazigh wrote:
Foa wrote:
It asks for doing ASD, or DSA, back half circles. No noticeable change when I mash, and hold last key.

Unless I'm mistaken, in every version of 0.9, regardless of what it tells you, space is the [default] button to activate dodge.

Spot on, basically you just press space while moving left or right now. The silly half-circle mechanic has been abolished because of how clunky it was, and i felt like you didn't really need to move slower at any point in the game, so the slow-down button got changed to a dash button. :v

Amazigh wrote:
Also, great game shook, got up to the second boss on normal and could not get past him.
Switched to easy mode and proceeded to beat him on my second try, after that the only major threat was the snake ships on the last level coming in off the edge of the screen and ramming me to death in one hit. [note: they are silly weak to splinter shots]

Thanks! Also yes, i hear that the second boss is apparently disproportionately hard now, which is obviously something that needs fixing. It's supposed to be hard, but not a downright impasse. I think it's actually the rockets that makes it tough as nails, because they hit you through your shield (partially) and hit MUCH harder when you don't have a shield at all. Four large pulse guns in and of themselves aren't THAT hard to dodge, but with added rockets, it suddenly becomes a wholly different matter.

Regarding the snake ships (AKA leviathans), they are the damnedest things to balance properly. They take a LOT of attention from you, since they can ram or shoot you to death in short order, but if you hit them with a spread super in the face (or a sufficiently powerful super in the "neck"), they die instantly. You generally don't want these guys to hang around for long, but it's actually not that hard to prevent them from doing so with the right upgrades. Fortunately, there is the singular yellow one at the end of level 19 that isn't as easily dispatched, and two green ones at once is a very threatening situation. :v

Foa wrote:
The screen becomes eternally black. I wouldn't see it.

Oh god, must be one of those local bugs like the one our musician is getting (no sounds in the game), which i have no chance of reproducing. :/
My only suggestion is to try running in admin mode, but besides that... I'm clueless. Sorry. :c

Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:31 pm
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