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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 235)
> Choose: +2 Movement/Dodging and -2 Casting/Attacks

Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:14 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 236)
Roll 236

[ - ] = -
> You keep your weapon pointed as Isaac pulls the door out, revealing a lupus underneath.

If it were a regular wolf, it's about the size of an adult, but since it's (probably) a lupus, you take a guess that it's about the size of a child. Its fur is dirty and matted and stinks like a dog that hasn't been washed in weeks.

The lupus lets out a long, low wail while weakly struggling to get itself in an upright position.

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -
> "We should keep going."

The three of you head north once more, entering a wooded area that leads up the mountain. There are corrupted here and there, but they don't seem hostile enough to attack.

After enough of climbing the mountain, you stop in front of a large opening, an opening to a massive cave. The entrance is littered with bones and rusting armor and weapons, and the air has a charged feeling to it.

Whirlwind: The armor's slowly getting stronger, should have better performance.

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 39/50)

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -
> John: "We should keep going."

The three of you head north once more, entering a wooded area that leads up the mountain. There are corrupted here and there, but they don't seem hostile enough to attack.

After enough of climbing the mountain, you stop in front of a large opening, an opening to a massive cave. The entrance is littered with bones and rusting armor and weapons, and the air has a charged feeling to it.

Conditions :
- Torrential Armor (+4 Movement/Dodging, -2 Casting/Attacks)
-- (Energy: 44/50)

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -
> You approach Ettin and ask her if she's alright.

Ettiin: "Yeah, just some nasty bruising, maybe a broken rib or three. I'll be fine, though."

There's a nasty dent in the middle of her torso armor plate, and she carefully takes the cuirass off to pound the metal back into shape.

"Blizzard! Who was that?"

He wrenches the ice sword out of the stone, still perfectly intact, before responding.

Blizzard: "I do not know who the woman was, but she was wielding four of the five hunter weapons, so she must be someone of importance."

Ettiin: "When she left, I saw a thing in the back of her neck. It looked like a necklace, except she was wearing it backwards. Kinda gray or silver in color, I couldn't make it out too well."

Blizzard: "Well, we better find your friend. I doubt she caught up to the rest of your allies yet, and the city and the woods are not safe for loners."

Conditions :

[ - ] = -
> Being too heavy to lift, you pull the door off of the whoever or whatever, bringing the great wooden slab outside and revealing a lupus underneath.

If it were a regular wolf, it's about the size of an adult, but since it's (probably) a lupus, you take a guess that it's about the size of a child. Its fur is dirty and matted and stinks like a dog that hasn't been washed in weeks.

The lupus lets out a long, low wail while weakly struggling to get itself in an upright position.

Conditions :


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 50/50)

Koa Tsinthula

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Ettiin Enku

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws
- Bruising (-2 movement)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Sprained Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Day


Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:48 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 236)
Lower weapon, check for wounds etc...
"lets see how this guy is holding up"

Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:17 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 236)
"You're right - someone needs to catch up with her. I'll fly."
> Quickly remove encumbering armor, and weapon(s) if necessary, (though I don't think it will be) and take to the air in the direction that Koa went.

Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:48 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 236)
"I'm a terrible person."

Adopt a very embarrassed demeanor.

Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:32 pm
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 236)
"I think... we should draw it out. I don't like the idea of fighting this thing on its own turf."

Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:55 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 236)
> Lay a few lightning traps outside the cave

Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:33 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 237)
Roll 237

[ - ] = -
> "Let's see how this guy is holding up."

Isaac: "I'm a terrible person."

You put away your weapon and check the lupus for wounds and such. He seems physically intact, but not in the best mental condition and is probably starved and thirsty.

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -
> "I think... we should draw it out. I don't like the idea of fighting this thing on its own turf."

Mist: "Sure."

Mist lays down 4 Lightning-Trap tags around the entrance of the cave.

You have a feeling that that's going to do much.

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 40/50)

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -
> John: "I think... we should draw it out. I don't like the idea of fighting this thing on its own turf."


You lay down 4 Lightning-Trap tags around the entrance of the cave.

It doesn't look like it's going to be helping a whole lot.

Conditions :
- Torrential Armor (+4 Movement/Dodging, -2 Casting/Attacks)
-- (Energy: 45/50)

Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -
> "You're right - someone needs to catch up with her. I'll fly."

You quickly discard your cuirass and armguards/gauntlets and run out of the spire.

Magusalto is where again..? Uh, your memory says east, you think, so you take to the air and fly east.

Your wings take you quickly through the city, passing around towers and over occasionaly corpses and rubble below. Scanning as you fly, there isn't any sign of Koa, but as you near the city's wall, you do see a familiar one-armed blonde human with a carrot sword.

Conditions :

[ - ] = -
> Cihas: "Let's see how this guy is holding up."

"I'm a terrible person."

You adopt an embarrassed demeanor while Cihas looks over the lupus.

Conditions :


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 50/50)

Koa Tsinthula

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Ettiin Enku

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws
- Bruising (-2 movement)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Sprained Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Day


Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 237)
> Observe/Follow from the air.

Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 237)
"Do any of us have anything to give him?"

Warily enter the house and scavenge for food.

Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:41 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 237)
>Try to draw in moisture from the air into lupus mouth

Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:21 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 237)
"Alright. I've got a plan.
Lucidaucupe, you head in and get its attention somehow. You're probably the most able to get its attention AND get out alive.
Mist, you and I stay out here. We make a big ball of hard, spinning, ♥♥♥♥ air, and when that thing comes out of the entrance we slam it into its face.
It probably won't kill it, but if it works it'll definitely hurt it, maybe blind or disable it."

> Mist and John: Use Torrent and Whirlwind to make a big dangerous doomsday rasengan thing in the air in front of the cave entrance. Be ready to push it forward and slam it into a dragon's face.

Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:12 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 238)
Roll 238

[ - ] = -
> Isaac: "Do any of us have anything to give him?"

You can create ice, so controlling water should be no problem. Gathering moisture from the air, you channel the drops of water into the lupus's mouth.

He drinks it up, or tries to. It isn't much, probably only enough to wet his tongue.

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ - ] = -
> "Alright. I've got a plan.
Lucidaucupe, you head in and get its attention somehow. You're probably the most able to get its attention AND get out alive.
Mist, you and I stay out here. We make a big ball of hard, spinning, ♥♥♥♥ air, and when that thing comes out of the entrance we slam it into its face.
It probably won't kill it, but if it works it'll definitely hurt it, maybe blind or disable it."

Aucupe: "Yay, we're bait."

Aucupe heads into the cave, fading into the darkness, while you and Whirlwind start creating a large, spinning, compressed ball of air, and Mist and Torrent apply massive kinetic forces to boost the spinning to stupidly high levels.

Not too long after, you hear a loud shriek, and from the darkness of the cave you see LucidAucupe running towards you.

Aucupe: "I got it! What do I do now!?"

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 40/50)

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ - ] = -
> John: "Alright. I've got a plan.
Lucidaucupe, you head in and get its attention somehow. You're probably the most able to get its attention AND get out alive.
Mist, you and I stay out here. We make a big ball of hard, spinning, ♥♥♥♥ air, and when that thing comes out of the entrance we slam it into its face.
It probably won't kill it, but if it works it'll definitely hurt it, maybe blind or disable it."

Aucupe: "Yay, we're bait."

Aucupe heads into the cave, fading into the darkness, while John and Whirlwind start creating a large, spinning, compressed ball of air, and you and Torrent apply massive kinetic forces to boost the spinning to stupidly high levels.

Not too long after, you hear a loud shriek, and from the darkness of the cave you see LucidAucupe running towards you.

Aucupe: "I got it! What do I do now!?"

Conditions :
- Torrential Armor (+4 Movement/Dodging, -2 Casting/Attacks)
-- (Energy: 45/50)

Kyros Deiimor
[ 6 ] = 6
> You follow the women from the air as she makes it to the wall, but instead of heading through the east gate, runs along the wall towards the south for a bit before stopping. It looks like she bandages the stump of her right arm before looking up at you.

A sharp pain erupts in your head, and you fight to maintain your position in the air as you feel your wings struggling to hold.

Conditions :

[ - ] = -
> "Do any of us have anything to give him?"

Feiar shrugs her shoulders while Cihas works some magic to get some water in the lupus's mouth. You warily enter the house, and immediately you're hit with the smell of dog and decay.

There are two other lupus lying about in a living room to the right of the entrance, but from the number of flies buzzing around, you don't think they're alive. To the left looks like a kitchen area with a large table and bowls scattered along the floor and stone counter. There isn't a scrap of food anywhere, not in cabinets, not in boxes that look like they're meant for food.

Looking under the table, there's another dead lupus, slightly larger than the one you knocked the door on, its arms bare to the bone.

Conditions :


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions, +1 Movement/Dodging)
-- (Energy: 50/50)

Koa Tsinthula

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Ettiin Enku

[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws
- Bruising (-2 movement)


[ - ] = -
> ~

Conditions :
- Sprained Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Day

World Map

Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:36 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 238)
World map with player positions will now be included in the Maps section of rolls.

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:50 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 238)
> Increase the distance between her and myself as quickly as possible. Focus on gliding in the opposite direction, not necessarily keeping up altitude. Use my descent to go FASTER so I can get away FASTER.

Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:52 am
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