Tiam AY-S4 = A strong pistol that has a pushing force. It has a great velocity and strong penetration enough to eliminate.

Tiam VQ-23 = Kriss-V-like weapon, that has a same schematic as the pistol but, it slightly weak but carry more clips than the pistol variant.

Chris AT-4 = Compacted rifle which barely resemble as SMG. But, it features carrying more ammo but less painful than the counter-part rifle.

PL2-Kl = Basic assault rifle for the ATCA. With Density-Weight Integrity ammunition. Consist with a scope attached to a rifle.

Cher ML-HG 21 = Rifle with GH-10.mm ammunition, it fires at subsonic speed and high 4-round burst rate. It has a slightly strong penetration that can pierce through hardest obstacles and strong velocity without acquiring gravity.

NC-10cas = As ApUK's same schematics but shorter. With a narrow muzzle allows to blow the enemies in a focus target but, it has few rounds and less pellets.

ApUK = Semi-auto, top-mounted ammo cased shot gun with 12 rounds. It has a wide muzzle to spread pellets against weak enemies. But, if stronger ones, are need to be close enough to deal with more pain.

OS-T08 D2 = A energy-based light machine gun, it's projectiles allows to inflict and damaging to a enemies, it holds up to 52 ammo with high velocity and fire 2 projectiles at once, and pin-point accuracy. But it costs highly.

Coastal UG-7t = A tactical sniper rifle, with a suppressed muzzle and strong barrel. It fires a penetrating GH-10.mm ammunition at a tremendous velocity which deals painful damage onto hostile targets.

Lapiz NM-E4 = Stronger sniper rifle with GH-10.mm ammunition. Holds up to 9 rounds of ammo. Can kill instantly on exposed parts of the body. It is also penetrate through hardest targets as well.

Mikov HW-Gv10 = A heavy sniper rifle comes with GH-10.mm ammunition, it pierce through hardest objects that can hit the enemies while they are inside. It suffers long reload but, it can kill almost instantly to the heavily armored hostiles, powerful enough amputate and blow through limbs and heads off.

Ghar RF-MC9 = The powerful superweapon of ACTAs' arsenals. Fires GH-54.mm that can cause a devastating damage amongst the enemies and very high rate of fire, and very long clips but, suffers for long reload and recoil.

Matthew DG-L\6T.1 = Anti-bunker launcher, that launches a deadly nanobots that shreds the enemies in short span of time, hold up to 10 canisters, the canister itself have a Friction Reversion that allows to have bouncing capability. But it lacks through fire rate and angles.

Apostle ME-7\MQ = With small missile and a large clip, will result into 20 rounds. This missiles that can shred the corpses' pieces in mid-air. (The missiles rotates instantly to enemy)

Gp L5 = Strongest shotgun of ATCA arsenal. Its stabilized energy shrapnel can pursue enemies' defensive lines. It takes time to recharge and re-cool before it fully operational again.

AM-P91 = Collided with extreme amount spheres of energy. It can be deadly if its explode.

Hecklar GD-LK\10 = A rifle can hold up to 25 ammo, it's flame has a highest temperature enough to inflict the enemies with approximate range. It has a poor of inflict damage of a projectiles itselves.

Allen CV-A.t91 = A shotgun that fires with a flame at a highest temperature causing enough damaging at heavy targets and lasts longer, it has a numbers of burning pellets. It only has few capacity and lack of damage of a pellets.

Tacitus Sword = This sword can kill it with one swing even the hardest one, because of a extremely sharp blade with energy side. Due to its light weight it able swing at fast rate.

40T P-10 = This weapons fires at a very high velocity meaning, it is faster than a beam of a light. Its battery holds 50 at full capacity of highly concentrated energy particles. Very effective against fast moving and heavily armored enemies.

DHM 09-T.G14 = This weapons features with a long barreled magazine that loads up to 200 rounds. Has a decent reloading speed, enough time to move of the cover and shredding the enemies at high velocity with a Density-Weight Integrity ammunition.

G3 TCL = This launcher fires a grenade with an energy particles contained, it has FH-3 grenade ammunition. Can carry many clips but slow rate of fire, and required through velocity.

Trasend RL15 C1 = It is one powerful sniper rifle of ACTAs' arsernals. Has a capable of de-stabilized the integral structures of any objects and entities, and a deadly particles which continously damaging against enemies in line but weaker. This weapon features in deadliest ways to eliminate even the largest, however, but it takes time to redeploy this rifle.

AFG 10-P.ES = A strong energy-based shotgun, once fired, it sends large numbers of energy particles effectively pierce through hard materials and shaped-charged explosion making it to eliminate hostiles at once. However, it only shot at short-range it is used in close-range combat to perform.

Atkin GK1 = A unique energy shotgun, it chases enemy targets at high speed. Once explode on contact, it blew a energy particles that disturbs structures both organics and synthetics. It is not safe in close combat due to its explosion and will take time to recharge.

BMa P1 Cher = A energy-type shotgun, it explode a deadly energy particles that can damaging nearby targets when its approximately close to them. Once fired, it will send large numbers of deadly spheres. However, it is not recommended for close-ranged combat and indoor combat due to the spheres will explode unstable and will results casualty if not careful.

STE 9-12 = It fires as the same variant of ME-7\MQ. However, it only travels at directional path. In some unique ways, it will blast with shaped concussive shells for tighter blast radius and a small unstabilized particles for initial damage.

5P SEC V-A.4 = A small cannon that fires homing energy spheres onto hostile targets which flies at great speed, it has charge up to 40 capacity. However, it takes time to reload and needed for firing sequence.

Qw A-CtA5 = A energy-based SMG, the particles that tracks to an enemies whenever in it's range, both have a decent fire rate, energy capacity, reload and moderate damage. But it price are expensive to afford, and the particle's random movement causes the gun inaccurate.

W-gA12 EDU = Automatic shotgun, holds up 25 ammo of Structural-Density Gauge that deals massive damage of pellets, with a decent auto fire-rate and smooth reload system. But, it spends costly to afford.

D-MP.55 Tmm = A light machinegun, provided with a scope to view its distance, the 10.mb explosive ammo which provide with extra damage and decent fire rate. Except that it reload will takes time to reload and cost high.

A-cA BmRT = A light machinegun, it excels with accuracy, rate, and firepower, attached with a scope provide in long distance and strong bolt system for a velocity, and with a decent reload speed. However, it price can be still high.

R-cB 9MxM = A strong shotgun, with a dampened explosive slug rounds that can deal a devastating damage and its decent capacity. However, the reload slotting slightly slow.

10mxm Bn-CC 10 = An strong sniper with a strong spring system and long muzzle allows for pin-point distance firing, the 10mxm cartridges are destructive both capable of pierce and exploding and decent capacity. Except, very slow firing rate and take long to redeploy.

CtR F-wG 10.mb = A machinegun with 10.mb explosive rounds that deals devastating damage, features with long barrel for long distance and accurary, and the magazine placed back of the gun for strong velocity, with a decent fire-rate. But it will take long to reload the weapon and expensive to afford.

5-6t TSC-01 = A deadly energy-based cannon, it fires swarm of motion-seeking energy, it initially can turn effectively . Upon contact, it will pulsate in structural base both organic and synthetic. However, it will recharge very long period of time and slow firing sequence.
FH-3 = A small and light hand-held grenade. It release a powerful and potent energy particles. It will at a greater distance due to its gravity has been weakened.
FH-2 = A stronger grenade of FH-3, releasing a energy particles that can seperates the molecule structures. Since made by the ACTA, it can throw at a distance due to the gravity weakened.
9Tb G = A clustered grenade with a powerful energy particles. Once explodes, it will release a devastating smaller explosives. Will explode in 5 seconds. Like all of the ACTAs' explosives, it can throw a higher altitudes by weakening the gravity and further distance.