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 'Slowly' does it Data 
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Post 'Slowly' does it Data
Just fired up this game after taking a 5 year break, I saw that I could grab a key for Steam by converting my old key so it was a must, Good memories and I paid £21 for it so why not have it in my library. Just wanted to give you some feedback.

By the way Data, loving the meta game, it looks nice (well... apart from some locations hanging too far off the top and bottom of the screen) and plays well.

The main thing I was complaining about last time I was on this forum (yes 5 years ago) was the performance of the game, man did I get flamed for that - that was back then when I had a dual core Athlon running at a whopping 3ghz and 4gb or ram... I now have an 8 core Amd FX 8120 running at 4.1GHZ with 16gb of 1866mhz of Vengeance gaming ram on a two Raid 0 Solid State hard drives and the game still runs like crap when I go on skirmish mode and add more than 11 actors :roll:

Now I'm not having a dig at you but I would of thought you might have ironed it out a bit more in the 5 years since I last played, especially on machines with massive amounts of resources available like mine. the changing of delta time in the setting.ini didn't work that well for me.

I know its your first physics engine and the amount of work put into the music, art, sound, units and everything else is amazing and I cannot praise you enough for that... you got it onto steam too! congrats!

I highly recommend you ask another programmer for some input into your physics engine, like Toady who is developing Dwarf fortress or another seasoned pro. Is there plans to optimize the game in the future?

Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:12 pm
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
The future as far as we know is a more advanced, and less selectively-slow 2d phsyics engine under the name of Cave Vehicle Engine that boasts better handling of physical objects-- especially in the cases of bullet wounds, particles, and collisions.

As far as how Cortex Command runs on your system... my computer is vastly inferior, and for some reason it runs fine.

When it comes to community-dev contact... the best we have are the Content Devs for Cortex Command to act as liaisons, and the twitter svn bot has altogether died on us.
Apparently the concept artist left, or something, so content devs don't have much to do anymore, and everything now hinges on the actual engine devs [Data, and some other guy that does CVE].

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:52 pm
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
What resolution are you running the game in? In my experience it runs awful in resolutions besides 640x480. I don't exactly have a very good computer though.

Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:46 am
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
I can get into the thousands series, with no problems, my computer is still ♥♥♥♥!

Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:38 am
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
small tidbit
CVE = Planetoid Pioneers - Check PAX 2013 for some info and Promster finished his major portions along with dealing with RSI in his arm at the moment. Data mentioned he has 1 or 2 more updates to CC.

Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:33 am

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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
CCS wrote:
small tidbit
CVE = Planetoid Pioneers - Check PAX 2013 for some info and Promster finished his major portions along with dealing with RSI in his arm at the moment. Data mentioned he has 1 or 2 more updates to CC.

It's really weird that it would be playable and exhibited at pax but there's no info about it on the internet. When has a game ever uploaded a video of a guest playing it at a convention BEFORE a shiny announcement trailer/semi informative blog post.

Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:41 am
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
He's been showing it off on the devlog for a while. Granted, not a whole lot, but more than anything else in the recent past.

Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:49 pm
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
Oh look a dev post announcing Planetoid glkjdflkj

Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:01 am

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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
Yeah, I've seen the CVE dev posts (mostly tech stuff), I knew it existed, but that's not an informative post linked there, just 3 words and the "kid at pax" video.

Still waiting on a proper announcement. I don't really know what to expect from PP even if the tech looks cool.

Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:18 pm
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
And I thought I was the only one confused about Planetoid Pioneers.
Best case scenario it's going to be this.

Worst case scenario?
It'll take 20 years to finish and won't be much different than Cortex Command currently is. :???:

Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:27 am

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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
DarkDXZ wrote:
And I thought I was the only one confused about Planetoid Pioneers.
Best case scenario it's going to be this.

Worst case scenario?
It'll take 20 years to finish and won't be much different than Cortex Command currently is. :???:

C'mon, be realistic - from what we've seen from CC, we're going to get this, :D


Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:45 pm
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
No, it's an entirely new system, I guess you haven't tried the released demo of CVE to see for yourself.
As far as anything, the latest demo linked on the dev blog is around the time they implemented sleeper particles, or something.

That being said, you can't complain about the green eggs and ham until they are ready for consumption.

Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:16 am

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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
Someone didn't detect my sarcasm smiley I see, :p

Still, didn't know a demo was being released, will have to check it out sometime.

Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:17 pm

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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
Something about that top part of the concept art (near the word excite bike) reminds me a LOT of Blaster Master.

Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:36 am
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Post Re: 'Slowly' does it Data
These are some pretty kickass footnotes.

Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:47 pm
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