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 Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37 
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
- Tyrant Demon Helm (Weight : 2.5) (Active : +6 PDF)

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:24 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
Sell him the head, if he doesn't buy it, have the head converted into a helmet. It's pretty tough and the look might intimidate some people.

"Do you know of anyone who might have some work for me? "

Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:43 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
I think it would be best if we all said what we are building our character towards so we don't end up with some players who are basically perfect copies of one another, since having to share abilities would kinda suck, especially when you can potentially have pretty much any ability you can think of.

As far as it comes to what I want, I would like to go for an Artificer/Enchanter character, more dependent on novel uses of magic, and crafting supplies, rather than being pure damage.
So when I asked about "Hex-type" magic, and if there was anything related to "Auto Casting", I was wondering if I could get into "Magical Crafting" [Runes, and Spell Circles]; and something like Magical Automatons, a higher form of Auto Cast Wisps that perform a function, and have a defined stat or two.

For a basic spell into either of these branches, it would be a basic Spell Grenade, with a small Mana Pool, INT stat and a very basic function to distinguish them from an Auto Cast Wisp which uses the Caster's Stats, Mana Pool, and conditionals.

Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:52 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
Foa wrote:
I think it would be best if we all said what we are building our character towards so we don't end up with some players who are basically perfect copies of one another, since having to share abilities would kinda suck, especially when you can potentially have pretty much any ability you can think of.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm gonna be moving towards a Paladin tank. I plan to eventually get some minor healing spells and some large threat control abilities so that tanking is a little bit easier, with a number of holy attacks for extra damage perhaps?

That way, if we lose the healer we aren't entirely helpless and I'll be able to heal myself a bit if the healer needs to heal someone else in a life or death moment for someone. I plan to go with a one handed weapon and shield and very heavy armour. Dodging won't be my strong suit but I should hopefully be invulnerable and actually capable of acting like the tank. And who knows, if NPCs recognize me as a Paladin they might be more kind and generous to my noble goals?

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:10 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
Glass Cannon Magic Nuker. Or Railgun. One of the two.
Lots of lightning spells, pretty much all damage dealing over here. So I guess I'll be the sniper, with some good CC because of Plasma Storm and Chain Lightning.

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:25 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
A ranged rogue. Sneaky, a bit of stabby, sniping, etc. Maybe I'll branch out into trap disarming later.

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:49 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
So an infiltrator?

Not a dungeoneer, because the skill set is more geared towards esotera, navigation, and so on.

Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:55 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
An infiltrator, thief, and assassin.

Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:01 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
A bard.

Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:04 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
> Force my way in and try to find her

Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:01 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 36
An overwhelming glass freight train of kinetic force.

Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:04 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37
Mondays through Wednesdays are busy days.


Roll 37

Time: ???

Name : (Lv 31) Mikoto Freeman

You head into town and towards the Town Hall, which is a large white stone building. The large wooden double doors are open, so you let yourself in. There are rooms to the left and right, and at the end of the main hallway it leads to a meeting room with a long table.

There isn't any noise within the building. Must not be a busy day.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 7.6/10

Name : (Lv 33) Jawson

"I think quickly, sir! Small knack for kinetic magic as of now, working on progressing it into full-blown object shifting! Anything technical you need me to pick up on the fly, I can get it done!"

You feel the need to yell just to be heard. Well, you ask - or yell - about specifically mass producing spears and helmets for the local military.

???: "Ah, we do need more hands working on those! I'll have to put you through some training first though, see what you already have under your belt and teach you a thing or two if needed! Training cost's on me! That a deal!?"

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 1/1
MP : 7/7

Name : (Lv 33) Vesh

You walk up to the counter.

"Hello. I'm looking for a ring for a special someone. Can I get a closer look?"

You point to a ring in the case with a decent stone, not too big but not tiny.

???: "Of course."

When the man backs up slightly and leans over to open the case, you quickly reach forward and jam an arrow in the back of his spine. The man slumps over onto the case before sliding back and falling onto the floor behind the counter.

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 3.8/6
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 30) Erale Deimas

You look around town with Paethos until you arrive at the town hall, where you can see Mikoto standing in the entrance.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 6/6

Name : (Lv 33) Jantus Deklius

"I suppose you could call me a hunter, yes. As for the head, I was looking for a pricing or maybe a conversion into a helmet. The rest of the demon is well, rotting in some room somewhere. The strangest thing happened, you see."

???: "Hmm, I see. Shame, really. This variant of demon has extremely tough hide that can be made into armor as strong as steel but as light as leather. The bones are tougher stuff, but not as light. I can make this head into a helm for you for free, would be my pleasure, as long as I can keep the leftovers, or I'll buy it off of you for... 200 gold?"

Hmm, stronger than steel? Maybe you'll reconsider...

"Do you know of anyone who might have some work for me?"

???: "If you're in the business of huntin', I'll pay you for killing monsters like these, and I'll provide the services to haul 'em in too after you do the fightin'. Equipment made from beasts like these sells for fortunes, so you'll get paid handsomely."

Conditions :
HP : 6/6
SP : 0.6/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-5.1 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Roast Veg
Name : (Lv 30) Paethos Mist

You don't really need to force your way in... It's not like there's a wall or a gate or a mob or anything.

You just follow Erale until the two of you stop at the Town Hall, where you can see the light-haired girl standing in the entrance.

Conditions :
HP : 6/6
SP : 4/4
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 30) Arkady Grisha

You walk around town looking for interesting things. There isn't a whole lot.

Food places, cobblers, clothes makers, a small smithy, a carpenter. Nothing that really screams ADVENTURE or PLOT.

Doesn't look there are people standing around with a ! or a ? over their heads either.

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 2/2
MP : 8/8





Combat Log


Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:48 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37
"Why are we here?"

Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:52 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37
"As strong as steel but lighter and you'll do it for free? With an offer like that, how could I refuse? I'll take it."

"As for killing more of these fellows, why not. I'm in need of some money and you want more of their bodies. My name is Jantus. I assume you'll give me a discount on buying some of that equipment, too?"

Is there a way to have gear enchanted?



Finish learning spinal tap.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:54 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37
> Head back out and approach one of the patrols outside of town.
Begin learning Heal.
Check prerequisites for a skill that lets me launch metal objects at weaponized speeds via magnetism.

Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:11 am
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