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 Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37 
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (5/6) - Roll 32
but i was on the waiting list

Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:32 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (5/6) - Roll 32
You took ages to reply. If you get in within the next 3 hours, I'll get both you and Roast in. Else, just Roast.

Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:39 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (5/6) - Roll 32
Name : Arkady Grisha
Description : A medium sized, fairly average man. He has a heavy accent and smells like alcohol. He carries around a lot of charms and superstitious items. He seems to be linked to some form of odd religion, maybe even a cult (or sect).
Stats :
Unspent Points : 0
STR : 1
INT : 1 + 6 = 7
AGI : 1 + 1 = 2
AIM : 1 + 2 = 3
LUK : 1 + 3 = 4
PDF : 1 + 1 = 2
MDF : 1 + 3 = 4
HP : 1 + 4 = 5
SP : 1 + 1 = 2
MP : 1 + 7 = 8

Blood price

Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:32 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33

Roll 33

Time: ???

Name : (Lv 31) Mikoto Freeman

You turn to Erale -

"Here. You can borrow this, you look drained."

Taking off the Ring of Mana Recovery, you give it to Erale.

"I expect that back once you're topped off."

Yelling to the three heading north up the road -

"Towns to the North and South!"

Jantus: "Yeah! I'm gonna head to the town to the north!"

To Erale -

"Two-person magic nuking team? Sure."

Erale: "Thanks for the one off, dear."

She puts the ring on, and then hands you a bag, which you remember her getting from the magic shop.

Erale: "As for two nukers, I don't know. You seem committed, but I'm not sure about myself. I have no idea, I was thinking something else though."

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 7.2/10

Name : (Lv 33) Jawson

Light-haired girl: "Towns to the North and South!"

Jantus: "Yeah! I'm gonna head to the town to the north!"

You finish learning Lightning Sparks as you continue heading north.

It isn't long before you all reach a large steel portcullis set in a great wall surrounding what you take is a small city. The portcullis is closed, and guards sit atop of the wall.

???: "You three! State your business!"

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 1/1
MP : 7/7

Name : (Lv 33) Vesh

Light-haired girl: "Towns to the North and South!"

Jantus: "Yeah! I'm gonna head to the town to the north!"

You finish learning Living Statue as you continue heading north.

It isn't long before you all reach a large steel portcullis set in a great wall surrounding what you take is a small city. The portcullis is closed, and guards sit atop of the wall.

???: "You three! State your business!"

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 3.4/6
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 30) Erale Deimas

Mikoto: "Here. You can borrow this, you look drained."

She hands you the Ring of Mana Recovery she got from the magic shop.

Mikoto: "I expect that back once you're topped off."

Her yelling to the three heading north up the road -

Mikoto: "Towns to the North and South!"

Jantus: "Yeah! I'm gonna head to the town to the north!"

Facing you again -

Mikoto: "Two-person magic nuking team? Sure."

"Thanks for the one off, dear."

You put the ring on, and then hand Mikoto the Hero's Bag.

"As for two nukers, I don't know. You seem committed, but I'm not sure about myself. I have no idea, I was thinking something else though."

You continue learning Heal.

(Prerequisites for Drain : Mind Breaker)
(Prerequisites for Mind Breaker : None)

- Drain (Ranged Magic) (Debuff : -X MP) (-1 MP) - Break through the target's mental defenses and tap into their magical reserves, draining their MP. Your INT must be greater than the target's to leach MP. MP leached is equal to your INT minus the target's INT.
- Mind Breaker (Debuff Magic) (Debuff : -X INT) (-X MP) - Attack the target with telepathy, lowering their INT equal to the MP spent. Maximum MP spent is equal to your INT. Debuff wears off by 1 every turn. Effect lowered by enemy MDF.

(2 Unspent Points allocated to INT)
(1 Unspent Points allocated to AIM)
(3 Unspent Points allocated to MP)

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 3.8/6

Name : (Lv 33) Jantus Deklius

Light-haired girl: "Towns to the North and South!"

"Yeah! I'm gonna head to the town to the north!"

You finish learning Spinal Tap as you continue heading north.

It isn't long before you all reach a large steel portcullis set in a great wall surrounding what you take is a small city. The portcullis is closed, and guards sit atop of the wall.

???: "You three! State your business!"

Conditions :
HP : 6/6
SP : 0.2/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-5.1 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Roast Veg
Name : (Lv 30) Paethos Mist

With a flash of light, you momentarily finding yourself falling through air before landing roughly on the ground.

Looking around, you appear to be in a large grassy plain. There's another guy beside you who looks just as confused as you are.

Not too far off is a cobblestone road with wooden arrows pointing in opposite directions, the signs too worn to read. On top of a nearby hill you see two girls.

Conditions :
HP : 6/6
SP : 4/4
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 30) Arkady Grisha

With a flash of light, you momentarily finding yourself falling through air before landing roughly on the ground.

Looking around, you appear to be in a large grassy plain. There's another guy beside you who looks just as confused as you are.

Not too far off is a cobblestone road with wooden arrows pointing in opposite directions, the signs too worn to read. On top of a nearby hill you see two girls.

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 2/2
MP : 8/8





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Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:37 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
"Who are you? Not demon, no?"
> Survey surroundings more. Look at guy. Look at the 2 girls.

Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:08 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
"Hello there! We're lost. We had a chance encounter on the road and now, we've lost our bearings. Is this Charlstown? If not, do you have a map I could borrow? We have some business to attend to there."
Gesture to the severed demon head.

"I'd recommend keeping an eye out fellows like this one. "

Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:37 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
"Where are we?"

Last edited by Miggles on Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:17 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
Miggs he's not talking to you. Here's not even within vision range of you.

Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:21 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
"Oy! You two! Who the hell are you?"
> Learn Plasma Storm, approach the new guys carefully.

Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:31 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
CaveCricket48 wrote:
Miggs he's not talking to you. Here's not even within vision range of you.


Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:59 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
"No. Not demon. I don't uh..."
> Meet girls

Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:14 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
" You, too? And horrible words, you over there. [Not a Demon, huh]"
Follow the Mage Girl, continue Heal.

Also, is there a skill or two attached to Autocast?

Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:51 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
>Learn Lightning Bolt.
"Who wants to know? Are you under enough besiegement to turn away three traveling men on foot?"

Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:48 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 33
Stay silent.

Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:08 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 34

Roll 34

Time: ???

Name : (Lv 31) Mikoto Freeman

""Oy! You two! Who the hell are you?""

You approach the two guys cautiously, Erale trailing behind.

One of the guys: "No. Not demon. I don't uh..."

Erale: "You, too? And horrible words, you over there."

You continue learning Plasma Storm.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 7.3/10

Name : (Lv 33) Jawson

You start learning Lightning Bolt.

Jantus: "Hello there! We're lost. We had a chance encounter on the road and now, we've lost our bearings. Is this Charlstown? If not, do you have a map I could borrow? We have some business to attend to there."

Jantus holds up the Tyrant Demon's head.

Jantus: "I'd recommend keeping an eye out fellows like this one."

"Who wants to know? Are you under enough besiegement to turn away three traveling men on foot?"

???: "They're hunters! Let them in!"

The portcullis slowly raises, and a single guard is ground-level to meet you. He's in a full suit of plate armor and a longsword is sheathed on his side.

Guard: "Sorry about the rude welcoming, but I'm sure you know there've been some tough times with demons running around lately. There has been word that a demon has taken on the form of a human, and we can't really take chances."

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 1/1
MP : 7/7

Name : (Lv 33) Vesh

Jantus: "Hello there! We're lost. We had a chance encounter on the road and now, we've lost our bearings. Is this Charlstown? If not, do you have a map I could borrow? We have some business to attend to there."

Jantus holds up the Tyrant Demon's head.

Jantus: "I'd recommend keeping an eye out fellows like this one."

Jawson: "Who wants to know? Are you under enough besiegement to turn away three traveling men on foot?"

???: "They're hunters! Let them in!"

The portcullis slowly raises, and a single guard is ground-level to meet you. He's in a full suit of plate armor and a longsword is sheathed on his side.

Guard: "Sorry about the rude welcoming, but I'm sure you know there've been some tough times with demons running around lately. There has been word that a demon has taken on the form of a human, and we can't really take chances."

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 3.5/6
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 30) Erale Deimas

Mikoto: ""Oy! You two! Who the hell are you?""

You follow Mikoto as she approaches the two guys.

One of the guys: "No. Not demon. I don't uh..."

"You, too? And horrible words, you over there."

You continue learning Heal.

Skill attached to Autocast?


The system doesn't seem to respond.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 4.4/6

Name : (Lv 33) Jantus Deklius

"Hello there! We're lost. We had a chance encounter on the road and now, we've lost our bearings. Is this Charlstown? If not, do you have a map I could borrow? We have some business to attend to there."

You hold up the Tyrant Demon's head.

"I'd recommend keeping an eye out fellows like this one."

Jawson: "Who wants to know? Are you under enough besiegement to turn away three traveling men on foot?"

???: "They're hunters! Let them in!"

The portcullis slowly raises, and a single guard is ground-level to meet you. He's in a full suit of plate armor and a longsword is sheathed on his side.

Guard: "Sorry about the rude welcoming, but I'm sure you know there've been some tough times with demons running around lately. There has been word that a demon has taken on the form of a human, and we can't really take chances."

Conditions :
HP : 6/6
SP : 0.3/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-5.1 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Roast Veg
Name : (Lv 30) Paethos Mist

Guy next to you: "Who are you? Not demon, no?
Where are we?"

Light-haired girl: ""Oy! You two! Who the hell are you?""

Thw two girls approach you and the guy beside you cautiously.

"No. Not demon. I don't uh..."

Other girl: "You, too? And horrible words, you over there."

Conditions :
HP : 6/6
SP : 4/4
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 30) Arkady Grisha

"Who are you? Not demon, no?"

You look at the guy, and then the two girls.

"Where are we?"

Light-haired girl: ""Oy! You two! Who the hell are you?""

Thw two girls approach you and the guy beside you cautiously.

Guy next to you: "No. Not demon. I don't uh..."

Other girl: "You, too? And horrible words, you over there."

Conditions :
HP : 5/5
SP : 2/2
MP : 8/8





Combat Log


Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:16 am
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