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Post Re: Warframe
Well, Nightmare can be a real threat for new players who aren't expecting it, but for people with experience/good gear it's not really a huge amount harder.

Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:57 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
In-game name is Skeev, by the way.
Add me.

Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:06 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Warframe
Arcalane wrote:
TBH I've found Nightmare Mode to be even easier, in some cases. Vampire Mode? You don't need to worry about getting knocked down to low health and having to scavenge health orbs/use health restores, because every time you kill you get HP! Enemies are plentiful. They're like happy meals with legs!

Running against Grineer and using Kogake.
I turn back into my berserker days and just murder them all.
God I love it.

Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:57 am
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Post Re: Warframe
Just tried out the Game. Oh god i just found a new favorite Game! The First Time i killed a Grinner with a Meele Weapon, and his Corpse, cut through and flying around...just lovely!

Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:08 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Notsoscary wrote:
Just tried out the Game. Oh god i just found a new favorite Game! The First Time i killed a Grinner with a Meele Weapon, and his Corpse, cut through and flying around...just lovely!

Just wait until you have to grind for hours to get the few materials to make a part you need.
And then you need ten of those parts to make the gun.
And it takes 72 hours for the gun to finish.

Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:13 pm

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Post Re: Warframe
Izen wrote:
Notsoscary wrote:
Just tried out the Game. Oh god i just found a new favorite Game! The First Time i killed a Grinner with a Meele Weapon, and his Corpse, cut through and flying around...just lovely!

Just wait until you have to grind for hours to get the few materials to make a part you need.
And then you need ten of those parts to make the gun.
And it takes 72 hours for the gun to finish.

Well, im gonna stick to my standard Gun anyway.
By the way...should i still stick with the Excalibur the whole time?

Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:30 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Warframe
Excalibur is a very newb friendly Frame. Slash Dash is pretty great, and easy to use/spam. But aside from that, it doesn't really shine. It'll serve you just fine for a while, but look into other frames and see if there's any you like. What kind of gameplay are you looking for?

Also the starting gun is quite frankly a piece of ♥♥♥♥, upgrade asap. At least upgrade to the Braton. Aklatos are pretty cheap too, and a HUGE leap up from the regular Lato.

Last edited by TorrentHKU on Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:27 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Im the one who attacks directly, so, sort of a Berserker/Meele Guy.
Thanks for the Tip, dear HKU.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:30 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Saryn has tank and nuking qualities and isn't too slow, so she's quite good for RAGE ATTACK KILL.

A properly built Loki is both nearly invincible with long cloak duration and a monster when given a tricked-out melee weapon, since you get a crit boost when cloaked.

Ember is invincible if you know how to use her, but she doesn't offer mych else in higher levels.

For melee, Orthos is the best right now in terms of speed, damage, and range. Build one and you'll never need another melee weapon.

Secondary weapon, kunai or despair.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:40 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Hurf Durf I recommended upgrading from the MK1 Braton to the MK1 Braton.

Saryn is a good melee frame, high armor and HP, plus a skill that gives bonus armor ignoring melee damage.
Loki can turn invisible and just run around and slaughter with impunity, but he's pretty squishy when not invis, so be careful.
Frost is ACTUALLY pretty bitchin at melee, since plop down a Snowglobe and you have an area where all enemies are at half speed and are thus pretty incapable of being a threat, while everyone outside can't do a damn thing to hurt you. Inside Snowglobe, Frost is an Icey God of Melee Combat.

Don't bother with Ash by the way. It doesn't really do anything well enough to be considered a "good" frame, in my eyes.
Loki is better at stealth, Saryn is better at melee, other frames are better at caster. Except I suppose it IS a good Nightmare Mode frame. High HP, high speed, good for RUN RUN RUN ♥♥♥♥ WHY DO I HAVE NO SHIELDS AND MY HP IS DRAINING.

Also GOD yes Orthos. I have one, forma'd it three times, it's GLORIOUS. Cheap to make, too.
Kunai are a pretty good secondary starting point. Hikou aren't bad, but their advantages over the Kunai are outweighed by how much ammo they eat through. Despair will take a while for you to get, since they're a stalker drop, and it sounds like you're still pretty new. But they're pretty much a straight upgrade over Kunai.

Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:39 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Well, i need to level up for some Stuff, but...
Why do i level up THAT slowly? I mean, i finished Venus and now am on Earth and still havent got a single Experience Point...
Oh well, i hate Corpus. They have Moa's, which i hate...

Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:11 am
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Post Re: Warframe
It's pretty fun... What's the best class to use for melee combat? The sneaky stealth one, or the thunder guy?

Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:05 am
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Post Re: Warframe
Thunder guy, sneaky guy is a PoS.
Rhino is best for being stronk.
He has an ability that makes you invincible and you can't be knocked down or stunned.
Use him.

Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:21 am
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Post Re: Warframe
If you're asking which is better for melee between Loki or Volt, then Loki, definitely.
Volt is actually kinda crap, aside from speedrunning levels. His offensive abilities don't scale well to high level content, and electric damage is often resisted.
Loki on the other hand, lets you turn invisible for a nice long window of uninterrupted melee asskicking. It's a squishy frame, but enemies won't target you while invisible, so if you're not a derp then Loki has pretty good survivability.

Rhino is good, too, Iron Skin DOES make you unvincible for a bit, but I'm not sure about his melee suitability. Rhino is probably better at charging into a large crowd and causing some chaos while the rest of the team stands back and rains hell onto the enemies. Mobbing, not melee.

Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:49 pm
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You also have a raised crit chance when using melee on enemies that are unable to see you. And with Loki cloak, enemies don't see you, and you get that crit boost for a long ass time. Loki's a fast frame too, so you don't have issues trying to close the distance between you and an enemy, and Radial Disarm is good for taking away enemy firepower. Use Decoy after RD and all the enemies will bunch up in one place, making it easier to take them out with a multi-hit melee weapon.

Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:31 pm
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