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 Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37 
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
> Purchase the Enchanted Compass, and then begin training myself to add magical force to my blows.

Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:38 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
>look underneath the bridge for the plush-plush.

Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:44 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
> Follow Mikoto/[HKU] not much to do than cut foliage with these decidedly impregnable shears, and trying to illuminate us with sparks- sparkles.

" [If no one is around] Mikoto, do you have any idea what these things are? "
> If someone is around, pat her shoulder, and ask her the same question.

Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:14 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
"Shears, I assume."
> Examine them closely. Try to detect if they're magical, if I can do that.

Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:04 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16

Roll 16

Time: Night

Name : (Lv 21) Mikoto Freeman

Jantus: "Well, that's that. I'm heading back to the town now, doesn't feel like a good place to be after dark."

Jantus heads off, leaving you with Erale and that guy who was following you around.

With Erale providing light with lightning sparks and that other guy doing his own thing, you and Erale cross the bridge and head north into the dense trees. It isn't long before you find Vesh, piling sticks and dried leaves together, probably trying to make a fire.

Erale gives you a pat on the shoulder, and you turn to face her.

Erale: "Do you have any idea what these things are?"

"Shears, I assume."

You take a closer look at them. You aren't capable of detecting magic, and the shears don't look extraordinary, unless if you count them looking expensive.

(1 Unspent Point allocated to AGI)

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 4/6

Name : (Lv 23) Jawson

You purchase the Enchanted Compass and then train to amplify your physical attacks with MAGIC.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 21) Vesh

You reach around in the dark, gathering dry sticks and leaves to make a fire.

Wait, do you even know HOW to make a fire?

Erale and the light-haired girl head towards you from the same direction you came from, with Erale providing light with electric sparks and arcs running across her finger tips.

Erale: "Do you have any idea what these things are?"

Erale shows the light-haired girl a pair of golden cloth shears.

Light-haired girl: "Shears, I assume."

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-3.5 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Name : (Lv 21) Mark

Jantus: "Well, that's that. I'm heading back to the town now, doesn't feel like a good place to be after dark."

Jantus heads off while you look over both sids of the bridge, hopeing to find the plushie.

Pitch black.

You try checking the sides of the bridge from the ends.

Pitch black.

This isn't going to work.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 20) Erale Deimas

Jantus: "Well, that's that. I'm heading back to the town now, doesn't feel like a good place to be after dark."

Jantus heads off back to town while you use lightning sparks to create light and follow Mikoto.

You feel like someone's watching you and being very lenient with... Something.

The two of you quickly cross the bridge and heading north into the dense forest, you find Vesh in no time at all, piling together some sticks and twigs.

You give Mikoto a pat on the shoulder.

"Do you have any idea what these things are?"

Mikoto: "Shears, I assume."

She takes a closer look at them, but doesn't say anything else.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 20) Jantus Deklius

"Well, that's that. I'm heading back to the town now, doesn't feel like a good place to be after dark."

You make your trek back to the town and to the guard station. Letting yourself inside, you see the same man doing paperwork, same as when you left him.

"I come bearing gifts."

You hand him the River Troll Head, and he looks it over carefully.

???: "Yup, this is the troll head."

He heads through the doorway in the back of the room before coming back with a pouch. Pouring its contents of gold coins onto the table, he counts out 70 gold to you before putting it back in and handing you the pouch.

Meanwhile, you try yo think of a new combat ability, something that damages an enemy's spine. Hmm.

Well, you could simply aim for a Critical Strike intended for the enemy's spine.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1


Combat Log


Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:47 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
> Consider sparing a small spark for the fire.
Ignore silly idea.

Keep searching. Also, first up on the Railgun checklist: magnetic fields. Check prerequisites for learning to manipulate magnetic fields.


Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:53 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
> Welp, I suppose I'll have to redo RTD: Blue in a Fantasy Medieval Setting, and since shrubbery is involved I guess I can help clear them out?????????????????????????????

Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:06 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
Check prerequisites for Spinal tap as a regular ability.

I intend it as a stun ability focused on someone's spine. Basically an immobilizer.

Find an armorsmith that's still open.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:56 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
> Keep training. Perhaps find some dummies to practice the technique on?

Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:04 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
Ask for assistance from the passers-by.
"Hey. I saw you flinging around lightning earlier. Mind soaring a spark or two ?"

Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:07 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
>Head back into town, back to the inn where I woke up.

Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:35 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 17

Roll 17

Time: Night

Name : (Lv 21) Mikoto Freeman

Vesh: "Hey. I saw you flinging around lightning earlier. Mind soaring a spark or two ?"

You consider sparing a small spark to help Vesh with his fire, but you laugh off the silly idea and head deeper into the forest with Erale behind you providing light. You stay on the lookout for a dragon plushie, and soon enough, you stumble upon a chibi blue dragon plushie lying forlornly in your path.

(Prerequisites for Magnetic Control : Lightning Bolt)

Well, that's convenient.

- Magnetic Control (Basic Magic) - Basic control and creation of magnetic fields.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 4.1/6

Name : (Lv 23) Jawson

You continue training, despite having a pointy-hatted wizard giving you an odd look.

There aren't any training dummies around, but you don't think they'll be needed.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 21) Vesh

"Hey. I saw you flinging around lightning earlier. Mind soaring a spark or two ?"

The light-haired girl seems to think for a moment before laughing to herself and heading deeper into the forest with Erale following behind, leaving you alone in the dark.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-3.5 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Name : (Lv 21) Mark

It's dark, but the town itself is well-lit and visible in the night-time plains, and you quickly head over towards it before heading into the tavern you originally found yourself in.

Letting yourself through the door, it looks like there are significantly less people than before. Most of them probably went home for the night.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 20) Erale Deimas

Vesh: "Hey. I saw you flinging around lightning earlier. Mind soaring a spark or two ?"

You're not sure what you were just thinking.

So you follow Mikoto as she heads deeper into the forest, and before long, Mikoto stops, a chibi blue dragon plushie lying in her path.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 20) Jantus Deklius

You walk around town, and the closest thing you find to an armor smith is a black smith's shop. You can hear a muted pounding behind the door, so you let yourself in.

The room you enter is a decent size, with at the left wall, a large table in the center of the room full of various metal objects, and a doorway at the back right where the banging is coming from.

(Prerequisites for Spinal Tap : None)

- Spinal Tap (Physical) - Aim for the target's spine, completely disabling use of their lower body. Requires AIM +50% to be equal to or greater than target's AGI, and HP damage dealt must be equal to or greater than 10% of the target's total HP.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1


Combat Log


Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:02 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
> Finish learning my powerful and edgy new skill.

"Wizardly-looking sir! Does this compass indicate how close an item may be?"

Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:26 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16
> Grab plushie.
Start learning Magnetic fields then, whilst walking back towards town.
If we pass Desh, give him a spark to light his fire.

Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:14 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 16

Buy a mail shirt with long sleeves and a cuirass to go over it. Start training the new ability, too.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:31 am
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