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 Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37 
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 13
> Start putting that bow to use. Fill the monster with arrows, backing up while doing so.

Last edited by BearsofInsanity on Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:39 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 13
> Run up to the monsters, and arc massive amounts electricity from your body, whilst trying to stab it or something with the shears.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:17 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 13
>Take a shot at the thing in the dark.

Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:55 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
Rules updated. Check OP.

Also Multi-Attack rules are being made at the moment. Please refrain from attempting multiple attacks a turn for now.


Roll 14

Time: Night

Name : (Lv 21) Mikoto Freeman

The guy travelling with you puts an arrow in the thing and you fire off a lightning bolt. The troll falls over, dead.

(Level up!)

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 5/6

Name : (Lv 23) Jawson

You give your shirt and warhammer to the smith for safekeeping, say byes and head off to look for a magic shop.

You do eventually find one, with a sign displaying "Magical Items and Antiques" above the door. Letting yourself in, you're greeted by a man wearing a robe and a pointy hat.

Looking around, it looks more like an antique store than a store that has magical weapons.

(3 Unspent Points allocated to STR)
(Prerequisites for Concussive Blow : None)
(Prerequisites for Stunning Blow : None)

- Concussive Blow Lv 1 (Melee Physical) (+X STR) (-1 SP) - Increase the strength of a blunt strike with 25% of the weapon's weight. The damage values for sharp weapons are nullified.
- Stunning Blow Lv 1 (Melee Physical) (Debuff : -X AGI) (-1 SP) - Use 25% of the weight of a weapon to lower a target's AGI. If the target's AGI goes below 1, they become unconcious. Debuff wears off by 1 every turn. Effect lowered by enemy armor.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 21) Vesh

You back up while firing an arrow into the thing. Though it attempts to dodge, it fails and gets a spikey thing in its stomach. An arrow out of nowhere strikes the troll as well, hitting it in the chest. The troll falls forward face-down into the bridge while a bolt of lightning out of nowhere strikes it.

A man runs up to your side with a spear at the ready. You see that it's one of the guys from the tavern, Jantus.

(Check Combat Log)
(Level up!)

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-3.5 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Name : (Lv 21) Mark

You fire an arrow at the large thing in the dark, and it drops. The light-haired girl is sure to put a lightning bolt into it though before it hits the ground.

(Check Combat Log)
(Level up!)

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 20) Erale Deimas

Lightning arcing all over your body? Can you even do that?


Wait, who said that?

Anyways, looks like the troll's dead anyways, after getting hit by two arrows and a lightning bolt.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 2.9/3

Name : (Lv 20) Jantus Deklius

The man standing in front of the troll quickly backs up and fires a bow an arrow, launching a projectile into the troll's stomach. Another arrow comes out of nowhere and hits it in the chest, followed by a lightning bolt. The troll falls over, dead.

You walk up beside the man, and it looks like it's Vesh. The Troll, meanwhile, certainly looks dead. That 0 HP display ain't lying.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1


Combat Log


Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:33 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
> Now's not the time to contemplate suicide, try stabbing the corpse to see if the shear does anything strange, otherwise follow the group a bit disappointed since you can only arc lightning on beds.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:51 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
> Ask him about the most expensive mystical bauble he possesses (that I can still afford with somewhere around 70 gold).

> Check the prerequisites for a basic magical spell that opposes the force of an incoming blow to my person.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:11 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
"Well, this'll be messy."
>Hack it's head off with the spear tip.

God damn it I wished the attacks happened simultaneously, it would've let me level :(

Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:26 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
> Irritated bolt in random direction for them killing it before me.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:50 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
> Pat [HKU]'s Shoulder.

Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:19 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
>Allocate point into luck. Go check the troll's body to see if I can retrieve my arrow.

Fri Aug 02, 2013 5:50 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 14
>Allocate point to aim. Cross the bridge and head north.

Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:15 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
Updated rules again. You all have a Stat Reset Potion added to your inventory. Drink it and all your stats will be set to one and your unspent skill points will equal your current level.


Roll 15

Time: Night

Name : (Lv 21) Mikoto Freeman

You fire a lightning bolt off in a random direction out of frustration, and Erale pats your shoulder before checking out the large beast corpse.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 4/6

Name : (Lv 23) Jawson

You ask for the most expensive mystical bauble that he has for around 70 gold.

???: "Well, I have these."

- Enchanted Compass (Weight : 0.1) - Sometimes will lead you to places of interest. 70 gold.

???: "I've used this one to find a lot of the stuff you see in shop! I've found a more reliable way to acquire magic items though, so you can buy it."

Right now it looks like the needle of the compass is spinning all over the place, probably from being in a shop full of magic items.

- Hero's Boomerang (Weight : 0.3) (Active : +2 STR) - Mystical throwing item that will return to you at the end of your turn. 50 gold.
- Ellusion Cape (Weight : 0.1) (Passive : +5 AGI) - 60 gold.

???: "I might be able to find more items in the back, if none of these interest you."

(Prerequisites for Force Deflection : Kinetic Strike, Aim Assist)
(Prerequisites for Kinetic Strike : None)
(Prerequisites for Aim Assist : Mana Projection)
(Prerequisites for Mana Projection : None)

- Force Deflection (Passive Magic) (+X PDF) (-0.1 MP per turn, -XMP) - Passive toggle ability that protects you from physical attacks. Drains 0.1 MP per turn, and additional MP equal to the damage of the attack it is deflecting. Damage deflection limit is your INT.
- Kinetic Strike Lv1 (Melee Magic) (+X STR) (-X MP) - Spend MP to increase physical attacks by the amount of MP spent. Maximum daamge boost is equal to your INT.
- Aim Assist (Buff Magic) (+X AIM) (-X MP) - Increase your AGI for a turn by the amount of MP spent.
- Mana Projection (Magic) (-X MP) - Project your mana outward in its raw form, refilling a target's MP equal to your MP spent.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 21) Vesh

You continue past the bridge and the head north into a pitch-black forest.

It's dark.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

(1 Unspent Point allocated to AIM)

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-3.5 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Name : (Lv 21) Mark

You head over to the troll's body, where you see the spearman looks like someone from the tavern. Jantus, you think his name was.

He hacks off the gead of the troll with the head of his spear and you retrieve not one, but two arrows from the troll.

Erale comes up to the troll and tries to stab the thing with her shears, but the troll's hide seems too thick.

(1 Unspent Point allocated to LUK)

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 20) Erale Deimas

Mikoto lets off a bolt of lightning in frustration, and you give her a pat on the shoulder before heading to the troll's body with the bow-wielding guy who was following you. He retrieves arrows from the body, and you decide to stab the troll's body to see if the shears do anything.

Hmm, nope. Troll's hide is a little too thick for your shears to go through, and nothing noteworthy happens, except for the spear guy cutting off the troll's head and stashing it in his inventory. He looks like Jantus, from the tavern.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 20) Jantus Deklius

Vesh continues past the bridge.

"Well, this'll be messy."

You use the head of the spear to hack off the troll's head, which is pretty heavy, and stuff it into your inventory.

Meanwhile, a man and woman head over your way to inspect the troll. The man is carrying a bow and retrieves two arrows from the body, while the woman stabs the body with... Scissors?

You recognize the woman as Erale, and the man is another guy from the tavern, but you never caught his name.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1


Combat Log


Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:33 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
>Gather some fallen dry wood and make a fire.

Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:08 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
"Well, that's that. I'm heading back to the town now, doesn't feel like a good place to be after dark."
>Head back to town and hand in the head.
"I come bearing gifts."

>Think of how to get a new combat ability. Maybe something that damages an enemies spine?

I can call it the spinal tap.

Last edited by caekdaemon on Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:15 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 15
> Across the river and head north.
Keep an eye out for the plushie.
Fry anything that jumps out at me.
+1 to Agility.

Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:24 am
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