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 Roll to Dodge : Destiny 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
halo117 wrote:
caekdaemon wrote:
Just waiting on Tomaster, Foa and Halo before I get this bus moving.

I was ready the entire time. teehee.

I take it you are editing your post as we speak?

Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:22 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Foa wrote:
Decliar. Dicklair. Declair

Name of colony ship : Supreme Ark, Bellowing Nautilus
Name of nation/organization : United Fourfold Commonwealth of Nundinates
Government type : Workers Commonwealth
Modifications : Planetary Sensor Array, Advanced Mainframe, Automated Former * 2, Communications Satellite * 2
Background :

\3 + 1 + [2*2] + [2*1] = 10\

Backgroud: The Four Commonwealths came about from the rapid dissolution of state, and politics causing major problems in the production of the Exodus Class Colony Ships, and the training of an able-bodied seeding population. Through their abject dissatisfaction on multiple fronts the workers, and colonists started unionizing, and disregarding the protocol of their superiors, for the obvious reasons that their lives depended on it more than respecting policies. Through it, they became dissenters unto expatriates, and thankfully, extraterrestrial.
[ Aggregation, Discovery, and Implications of the Four Wealths :: TBD ]

Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:53 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Edited. double edit. triple edit, if it still sucks, kick me off the list.
Ship: Exodus
Nation: Kyran allegiance
Government: Workers' commonwealth
Formed in the southern tip of south america, it quickly took over Argentina and Peru like a tyranid fighting an imperial guardsman in close quarters. After the takeover of these countries, it then spread tried to spread its empire to Brazil, only to fail horribly due to the locals using the jungle to their advantage to beat the snot out of them. The empire would then try 3 more times, all ending with the empire horribly beaten by local militia forces still beating the snot out of them. And so, it decides to invade all the other countries, thus, almost entirely fully surrounding Brazil from all sides with troops, giant tanks, and robots, which it then proceeds to ultimately pound Brazil into a giant wasteland in one half, and cool looking forest/jungle in the other.
Flash forward 3 years later, and the Allegiance's space program develops the Exodus, a colony ship built for... yeah... that's it, it's just a colony ship. And add to the fact that the empire is a partially buzzing, not particularly thriving nation, that is, until the giant freaking asteroid of doom shows up causing them to board the exodus and leave earth. And now, the exodus has 3 missions, 1, colonize a planet, 2,collect, study, and archive alien organisms, and 3, survive. let's have fun, shall we?
-3 Deploy-able outposts. 3 points.
-2 ATV recon vehicles. 2 points.
-2 communication satellites. 2 points.
-Planetary sensor array. 1 point.
-1 prefab housing. 1 point.
Yeah, background stories aren't my strong suit.

Last edited by halo117 on Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:06 am, edited 3 times in total.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:18 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
halo117 wrote:
The Kyran allegiance formed in former countries of the soviet union. After its takeover, the new government started to try to improve the countries they fought for, led by a group of leaders chosen by the people, they then fought against the nationalist resistance, ultimately crushing it.. After 2 years, the empire is one of the most highly industrial empires on earth. 1 year later, the major leaders have decided to spread their empire to the stars. One of the few colony ships sent was the Exodus, one of 6 other colony ships sent to colonize and spread their empire. The Exodus was then attacked by an unknown force, forcing it to jump.

Might be a good idea to look at Kebbit's post :p

Also, these ships are the only ones of their types and Earth is an uninhabitable ruin.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:20 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
You may want to reference the backstory detailed by Caek in the OP. If you really think you've already scanned it sufficiently, go back and reread in detail.

Post-Russian (and by extension post-Soviet) states are mostly a CGPD thing, but Foa presumably takes central Asia and the Near East, sharing an extended border with the Directorate.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:56 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
yeah, I'm gonna need some help

Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:31 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Everything you need to know is there. The rest is basic creativity.

You don't have to hawk up the same level of weirdly lurid pseudo-political text loogies I did. Just make something original and interesting that isn't simply "this was an empire and they did work BUT NOT ALSO WORK they did war and science as well."

EDIT: There's a serious improvement. Keep in mind that Worker's Commonwealths and traditional democratic government don't overlap, and the former Soviet nations are already spoken for.

Why not try a South American communist state? Or an Oceanic splinter group?

Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
I basically took over the area of North America (USA/Canada), insomuch that the region still exists, and uses a free market system.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Just some fervent, flexible bastards over here.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:15 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Alright, everything looks good here. Last chance to tweak your nation before I start rolling.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 2:24 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Halo's new backstory is good to go.

I think everyone's got their colonies in order.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:37 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny - Liftoff!
Alright, this bus is loaded and started. Time to get it moving, shall we?

Let's see what the dice have to say about your new home.

This stuff will be done from one to ten, so we should hopefully get some pretty interesting worlds. When it comes to planetary generation, different categories have different schemes.

-Number of initial systems : [1]
--Number of planets in system : [6]
---Planet 1 type roll : Rocky [5]
---Atmosphere : Greenhouse [3]
---Moon/rings? : Yes (Flipped a two pence coin)
----Moon number : 2
----Moon 1 type? : Barren [2]
----Moon 2 type? : Rings [1]

---Planet 2 type roll : Large Rocky [6]
---Atmosphere : Partially breathable [7]
---Water : Small ocean [6]
---Moon/Rings? : Yes
----Moon Number : 1
---- Moon 1 type? : Volcanic [4]

---Planet 3 type roll : Volcanic [4]
---Atmosphere : Sulphuric [4]
---Moon/Rings? : No

--- Planet 4 type roll : Asteroid Belt [1]

--- Planet 5 type roll : Gas Giant [9]
---Atmosphere : Hydrogen/Helium [3]
---Moon/Rings : Yes
---Moon number : 4
----Moon 1 type : Ring [1]
----Moon 2 type : Ice [3]
-----Atmosphere? : Liquid Ammonia [3]
----Moon 3 type : Volcanic [4]
-----Atmosphere? : Trace oxygen - Primarily carbon dioxide [6]
-----Water? : None. [1]
----Moon 4 type : Asteroid [10]

--- Planet 6 type roll : Dwarf Star [10]

Recommended Planet? : Planet 2 is the recommended planet. A partially breathable atmosphere and a small ocean render it the most attractive option in the solar system.

Game Event

The convoy of Exodus class colony vessels has, after sixteen long years crossing the vast interstellar distances between Earth and mankind's new home, dropped out of hyperspace in orbit on the second planet of this new system. The colonists, the last of mankind numbering no more than 180,000 people, slumber in suspended animation, but the automatic sequence to reanimate the command personnel of the six colony ships has begun, and they'll be reawakened and ready to take command in minutes. While the ships look almost identical, they differ slightly - The Crown of Thorns carries a vast quantity of genetic and cultural information ready to begin Directorate civilization anew on this brave new world. The SKY-W Frontier's vast amount of machinery slept as the colonists using them stirred and the Galactic Mind's planetary sensor array sprung into action to start scanning this new world before the colonists were fully awake.


Supradynamics United - CrazyMLC

After being thawed out by the ships automated systems, the President proceeds to the bridge, grabbing hold of the many holds on the walls and floor of the ship and pushing himself gently through. On a dozen screens, the planet most suited for colonization is shown below. A large rocky planet with a single ocean, slightly smaller than the Atlantic back on Earth. The President gently floated into the command chair and took a look at what the Planetary Sensor array was printing out. There seemed to be a large number of underground caverns and tunnels throughout most of the planet and the computers estimated that they were extinct magma vents from when the planet was young. The Planetary Sensor Array has found an ideal location for the colony away from these tunnels, next to a small river leading into the ocean in the northern hemisphere of the planet.

Chernogradost-Golgotha Popular Directorate - Kebbit

The Overcaptain quickly came to his senses as the flow of cryogenic fluid to his tank ceased. Vents in the pod drained away the excess and the heavy, armoured door in front of him, with a thunk, surged to life and opened. He stretched out his hand and grabbed one of the handles and lifted himself free, still dripping a few drops of cryogenic fluid. He shivers slightly, the life support systems of the ship take away any loose droplets into it's many vents. He grabbed the handles on the floor and lifted himself towards the front of the ship with good pace, passing several Directorate flags on the way. Inside the spartan bridge, several of the displays showed the rocky world below. It would be hard to survive on this rough world, but difficulty was something the Directorate was accustomed to. The other screens showed the location of several highly defensive locations, including one that caught the Overcaptains eye. A large mountain, easily the size of Everest with what appeared to be a cave entrance at the base. Only a mile away was a lake that appeared to have formed inside what used to be an impact crater with a small river from it heading west into the ocean.

United Fourfold Commonwealth of Nundinates - Foa

The Supreme Soviet (Give me a title to use instead if you want :p ) lurched from his cold tomb of sixteen years. The air was cold, but thankfully not as cold as his suspended animation pod. They stretched forth and grabbed hold of the side of the doors of the pod and pushed themselves forth, grabbing a handle before hitting the currently active pod on the opposite side of the room. They gripped tightly and pushed themselves forward, letting go of the handle and drifting along into the bridge. Grabbing the command chair, they pulled their weight and pushed themselves down into the the chair. The large rocky world below, with it's small blotch of blue ocean and orange sky covered all the screens except the one on the Soviet's display. This world was as rocky as it could get, but atleast the atmosphere was semi-breathable, if only with a filtration mask to get rid of some of the dust scouring it's atmosphere. The planetary sensor array had found dozens of tunnels perforating the planet's crust, possibly underground rivers or magma vents from the planet's youth. It has selected an ideal location in the northern hemisphere of the planet where one of these tunnels come close to the surface. The mainframe and planetary sensor array both suggest the same location, estimating that it gives access to an underground river.

ThraxoCorp - Tomaster

The chief executive officer stretched and yawned as the suspension fluid ebbed away back into the vessel. The door slid open and the warm air of ThraxoCorp Unlimited hit him in the face. He reached out and grabbed the handle on the deck next to his pod, his elbow cracking after getting some use for the first time in sixteen years. His jumpsuit was still cold, but it quickly heated up in the warm air. He climbed his way towards the bridge and upon arriving, sat in the comfortable chair that nearly seventeen years ago he mandated to be installed. The many high definition screens of the bridge showed the rich, blue rivers, the great rocky plains and orange tinted atmosphere of this new world. While it is no Earth, it's better than living on the planet next door which is as close to hell as anyone could possibly go. The Planetary Sensor Array scanned the surface of the world, finding that it had long, snake like tunnels throughout the crust. The system estimated them to be underground rivers or magma vents. It also detected an ideal colony site for TraxoCorp to begin anew. After an intensive scanning bombardment of an ideal location south of the ocean, it found what appeared to be a crater with long ridges and what appeared to be precious metals. It was far from those tunnels, too.

Kyran Allegiance - Halo117

The commander of the Exodus surged back to life as the cryogenic fluid in his pod was sucked back into the ships reserves. They stretched and, strangely, the door didn't open. After banging it one or two times, it complied and groaned as it opened. While not the best construction, it had gotten them this far. They stepped forward, for an instant forgetting that the ship had no gravity before grabbing a handle on the floor and throwing themselves towards the front of the ship where the bridge was. The screens of the bridge showed a few of the worlds in this system, including a small red dwarf start that orbited the yellow primary, at the very edge of the system where the Oort cloud would be in the Solar System. Turning the ship's attention towards the rocky world below, it conducted an analysis. The atmosphere was breathable, but only with a filter. There was a vast amount of dust in the air, but with time it'd most likely settle, but the other gases in the air wouldn't. A small ocean on the equator between the north and south hemispheres of the planet was the nicest thing the commander had seen in a long time. The Planetary Sensor Array seemed to agree with them on that, and found a river delta in the northern hemisphere.

Minds of the World Combined - Unwoundpath

The head of the scientific commune woke from the long sleep that they had just undertaken and answered two old questions at the same time. No, you don't dream in suspended animation and neither are you conscious. It's just like if you'd been knocked out. They stretched and the light door pulled apart. Even the M.W.C couldn't crack artificial gravity, at least, not in the time frame they were given. So they had to grab the handle and hurl themselves towards the bridge. Inertia gently carried the leader towards the bridge and in to time at all, they had arrived thanks to the command pod being less than ten meters from the bridge. A dozen chairs sat around the central command chair. Floating gently into the chair, the head sat down and looked at the attached screen. It appeared the jump drive was a success, and indeed, it brought them to their new home. A great result for mankind's first faster than light test, if only under better circumstances. The planet below was a harsh world of rocky deserts with only a single ocean, but that was better than what they had predicted. The air was breathable, but only with a filter to prevent the dust from destroying people's lungs. The planetary sensor array had looked at this world and found something interesting - Throughout the crust there were hundreds of tunnels.

Taking a glance at the information, the head noted how it looked sort of like an anthill almost, but the sensors picked up no sign of subterranean life at all, so the resemblance was purely cosmetic. It had identified a site to the south of a huge mountain near a lake that had only a few of these tunnels. It looked like an ideal site.

When you've landed your colony ships and thawed some people out, I'll convert the current colony ship cargo lists into proper resources and morale lists. No point listing morale till people have been thawed out :p A map may or may not be coming.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:45 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
>Touch down near the lit edge of the mountain cavern and immediately defrost four thousand personnel. Deliver a preemptory address acknowledging the situation.

The harsh scraping notes that begin a Chernogradost waltz blare from public address speakers in the cryogenic stacks.

"Not one step back. Many gave their lives so you, the strongest ones could be here; you are under a debt. I do not expect cowardice in the face of the storm or pity for ideological enemies or a single tear shed for home. The others knew precisely what they were doing."

"We will make a world for you to be happy. But first, we will steep the iron in blood of martyrs and sweat of workers. I believe in you."

> "Strip unnecessary metal from the ship's frame. Begin drilling ranks of habitation modules and hydroponic gardens into the sides of the cave. Now. Base shelter and nutrition must be the priority."

> "Take ten of our armoured reconnaissance vehicles, fill them with our highest-quota Stakhanovite labor-leaders and use them to tow along a quantity of stripped metal and tools; direct all of them to the nearby lake and set a hydrological outpost with the beginnings of a pipeline home. Set a quantity of industrial machines to follow and begin mass hydraulic work."

Last edited by TheKebbit on Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:03 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
>Land near the delta and defrost 5000 people, then inform them of the situation
A speaker blares as the newly awoken people come back to their senses.
"If you're hearing this, then you're chosen to help set up a colony here on this mysterious planet. Once you touch down on the planet's surface, stay together and be careful, we don't know what's out there."

>Have the exploration group set up and outpost near the coast, and send out an ATV.
>Defrost another 2000 people, and send them to the interior of the continent.
so 3 actions?
Edit: this'll be fun.

Last edited by halo117 on Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:46 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge : Destiny
Yes. Three actions.

Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:47 pm
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