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 Into Unknown Lands - (7/7) - Roll 37 
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 11
>Continue downstream until I reach something of interest. Should it get too dark to see anything, turn around and wait in town until morning.

Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:48 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 11
" Don't mind if I do, I'll go questing, and things, and have a good time being done. "
> The shears seem to be a freebie, or something, lets, lets go with the guys and get the things, don't resist the wizard if he wants to hold onto it, but make it known you want it, and are going to do something about it, like get his plushie.

" ..because we are down on our luck after waking up in an arbitrary tavern, at least we aren't part of slaver's harem, or something~ "
> Lead her out the door with a hug that doesn't inspire the thought of Erale being fully awake.

[Because I am certainly not, an these actions are pretty interesting as I become more and more comatose throughout the rollings]

Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:05 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 11
>Head out of the shop and try to find Vesh.

Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:45 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12

Roll 12

Time: Night

Name : (Lv 20) Mikoto Freeman

"Plushie hunting it is...
why god. why."

What'd the wizard tell Vesh? Just head East or something? Well, that works.

Erale: "Don't mind if I do, I'll go questing, and things, and have a good time being done.
..because we are down on our luck after waking up in an arbitrary tavern, at least we aren't part of slaver's harem, or something~"

Erale grabs you in a cozy hug and leads you out of the magic shop, where you eventually break out and take the lead yourself. You exit the town eastbound into the black plains under the cloudy night sky, while Erale and some other guy from the tavern from earlier follow close behind. It doesn't take long for the three of you to reach the bank of a river, loudly rushing towards the south. The waters are only visible where the starlight peaking through the clouds reflect off of the lustrous current.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 5.8/6

Name : (Lv 20) Jawson


You - 6 crates
Lark - 7 crate
Remaining - 12 crates

Looks like one more turn of hammering and you'll get your money.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 3/3

Name : (Lv 20) Vesh

It's dark, being night time and all, but you can still kinda sorta see enough to not fall in the river, so you head downstream. It doesn't take too long until you find yourself at one side of a bridge that spans across the waters.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-3.5 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Name : (Lv 20) Mark

Mikoto: "Plushie hunting it is...
why god. why."

What'd the wizard tell Vesh? Just head East or something? Well, that works.

Erale: "Don't mind if I do, I'll go questing, and things, and have a good time being done.
..because we are down on our luck after waking up in an arbitrary tavern, at least we aren't part of slaver's harem, or something~"

Erale grabs Mikoto in a hug and takes her outside while you trail along behind. Eventually the two forbidden lovers break apart once they're out of the magic shop and the light-haired girl takes the lead, heading out of the town eastbound while you and Erale follow her into the black plains under the cloudy night sky. It doesn't take long for the three of you to reach the bank of a river, loudly rushing towards the south. The waters are only visible where the starlight peaking through the clouds reflect off of the lustrous current.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 20) Erale Deimas

Mikoto: "Plushie hunting it is..."

What'd the wizard tell Vesh? Just head East or something? Well, that works.

"Don't mind if I do, I'll go questing, and things, and have a good time being done."

You stuff the shears in your inventory while the wizard looks a bit confused at what you said.

" ..because we are down on our luck after waking up in an arbitrary tavern, at least we aren't part of slaver's harem, or something~"

You grab Mikoto in a cozy hug as you lead her out of the magic shop, where she eventually breaks free and starts leading the way herself. You and some guy who was at the tavern follow her as she exist the town eastbound and into the black plains under the cloudy night sky. It doesn't take long for the three of you to reach the bank of a river, loudly rushing towards the south. The waters are only visible where the starlight peaking through the clouds reflect off of the lustrous current.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 2.7/3

Name : (Lv 20) Jantus Deklius

"Hmmm...Fish like bait, so..."

You head North, upstream. It's too dark to see your map, but you remember that the bridge is where the troll is, and soon enough the bridge comes into view.

There's someone else too: a dark shape of a human at the bridge on your side of the river.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1



Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:49 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12
> Finish at eight crates and reinvest my newfound riches in a powerful sledgehammer and cuirass (if I can only afford one, cuirass takes precedent). Seeing as I took to hammering just as well as Lark, inquire about a temporary apprenticeship to learn basic metalworking.

"Don't even need paying, good sir; just the skill."

Last edited by TheKebbit on Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:14 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12
Shield up and ready the spear, approach the target slowly.

Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:52 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12
> Cross the bridge and head north, wary for any... complications... that may arise.

Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:06 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12
>Look around for a bridge.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:04 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12
> Examine the Shears more closely, touching, feeling, shearing things, and most of all, zapping it.
" :/ :\ "

Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:25 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12
"C'mon. We gotta beat that douche to the plushie."
> Run southwards.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:10 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 12
> Follow

Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:25 am
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 13

Roll 13

Time: Night

Name : (Lv 20) Mikoto Freeman

"C'mon. We gotta beat that douche to the plushie."

Erale and that other guy follow you as you run south. It doesn't take too long for a bridge to come into view, where you can see a person and a large monster thing half-way across and a spearman at the end on your side of the river.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 5.9/6

Name : (Lv 23) Jawson

After you finish your eighth crate (LEVEL UP!), you put your tools back on the table while Lark heads to another back room and comes back with a pouch. He pours a load of gold coins onto the tool table and counts them out to you, 80 coins in total, before putting them back in the pouch and giving it to you.

Inquiring Lark about a cuirass and a powerful sledgehammer, he digs around and gets you a steel cuirass and a warhammer, for 10 gold.

- Steel Warhammer (Weight : 6.2) (Active : +24 STR , -6 AIM)
- Steel Cuirass (Weight : 6.2) (Active : +12 PDF)

You then realize that these are really heavy.

Ignoring how heavy your purchases are, you ask about temporary apprenticeship to learn basic metalworking.

"Don't even need paying, good sir; just the skill."

Lark: "Hmm, you do have the arm for smithing. You'll have to wait until the head smith gets back though, which'll be in the morning. With the order we've got coming up, I'm sure George, the head smith, would be glad to have another pair of helping hands, and you'd learn a lot too.
Also, some of that stuff looks a bit heavy on ya. You could leave some stuff here if you'd like, it'd be safe with us."

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 3/3

- Heavy Load (-18.6 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Name : (Lv 20) Vesh

You start to cross the bridge. Halfway across, you see something fast coming up from the right side and moving towards you -

(You : 7 AGI + 1 LUK = 8 vs 4 = 2 AIM + 2 LUK : Enemy)

But you manage to dodge out of the way. The thing that pulls itself from the side of the bridge is a large, dark hunchbacked shape with long clawed limbs.

(Check Enemies)

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1

- Heavy Load (-3.5 AGI) - Carrying too many items.

Name : (Lv 20) Mark

Light-haired girl: "C'mon. We gotta beat that douche to the plushie."

You and Erale follow Mikoto as she runs south. It doesn't take too long for a bridge to come into view, where you can see a person and a large monster thing half-way across and a spearman at the end on your side of the river.

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 1/1
MP : 1/1

Name : (Lv 20) Erale Deimas

It's too dark to examine your shears by eye, but you discharge some electricity into them.

Nothing extraordinary happens.

Mikoto: "C'mon. We gotta beat that douche to the plushie."

You and the other guy follow Mikoto as she runs south. It doesn't take too long for a bridge to come into view, where you can see a person and a large monster thing half-way across and a spearman at the end on your side of the river.

Conditions :
HP : 3/3
SP : 3/3
MP : 2.8/3

Name : (Lv 20) Jantus Deklius

You have your shield up and spear ready and slowly approach the human-like figure as it crosses the bridge. You're at the beginning of the bridge when the human figure makes it to the middle, where a large dark shape suddenly pulls itself up out of the water from the right side of the bridge and lunges at the human-figure, but misses. Looks like you've found your troll.

(Check Enemies)

Conditions :
HP : 4/4
SP : 3/3
MP : 1/1



Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:04 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 13
>Thrust the spear into the troll's spine while his attention is distracted.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:57 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 13
> Large application of lightning. Make it big and destructive.

Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Into Unknown Lands - (6/6) - Roll 13
> Hit up the magic shop and see what is available for a warrior type with some reserves of intelligence.

> Spend three points on STR. Remove my shirt and warhammer, deposit both at the smithy.
> Check prerequisites for a basic head-cracking aimed blow, intended to induce concussion. (When using sword, strike with pommel, etc.)

Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:26 pm
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