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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208)
> Enter.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:11 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208)
Address Koa:
"I'd like to be on the task force, of course, if you'll have me. I see little point in sitting back idly when there is something to be done about the corruption, and it isn't as if I know anything but fighting anymore."
After that's settled, approach and address the Magister. Make sure to be polite; don't interrupt her if she is in conversation, and bow before speaking.
"Magister. I apologize for bothering you with such a foolish question, but have I met you somewhere before?"
Also, explain memory loss if necessary.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:45 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208)
>Reflect/meditate on the properties of Sanguis and see if I can make its powers more effective or efficient.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:19 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 1)
Mini rolls, for rolls that don't have combat and/or all players haven't actioned.

Roll 208 - 1

(TorrentHKU)(Roast Veg)

John: "Better than nothing."

The gate slowly rises high enough just for someone to pass under without ducking his or her head.

Someone at the top of the gate calls out-

???: "Hold on! We got a few!"

From atop the wall, the sounds of bow shots, lightning bolts, and explosions echo out. Through the raised gate, you can see moving shadows falling down as they're struck by the wall's defenders.

???: "It's clear for now! Go!"

John heads through the gate with Mist and Aucupe right behind him. As soon as they're clear, the gate quickly descends.

???: "♥♥♥♥, we got another big one!"

Another bolt of lightning shoots out from the top of wall, travelling a far distance ahead, before striking a hulking figure about twice the height of a man. The beast shrugs off the lightning bolt and marches towards the gate.

???: "If you can sit tight, we can take it out once it gets within range of our other mages, else you could try to go around!"


Gustaf Anorak
[ - ] = -

While your party breaks up to talk to the others, you sit down to meditate on Sanguis.

You try to concentrate and feel the "essence" of the weapon...

Thinking back to when you used Sanguis, you remember feeling something coming from the sword, like a balled up feeling of... Hate? Lust? Rage? Desperation?

Would being in a bad situation improve Sanguis's power? Would using it when you're in a good mood make it oppose you? Is it even capable of getting stronger or weaker based on your mood?

Your thoughts are disrupted as the Black Dragon nudges your shoulder before opening its mouth and dropping a massive yellow crystal in your lap.

The crystal's surface is completely smooth, but you can see numerous flaws and lines running throughout the interior of it, creating beautiful web-like patterns.

From the green dragon.


Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

"I'd like to be on the task force, of course, if you'll have me. I see little point in sitting back idly when there is something to be done about the corruption, and it isn't as if I know anything but fighting anymore."

Koa: "I'll be happy to have you. You should see if you could get some armor or something, though, before we head out."

Ettiin comes up the stairs and while she converses with Koa and Aniviir, you approach the Magister while she's talking to Hakua, the goggle-wearing lightning mage you were travelling with.

Kiiraki: ... inexperienced and will be a hazard to your allies and yourself.
Hakua: "Yes, Magister."

The raptor gives a short bow before turning and leaving, looking at you with a discouraged face before disappearing behind you.

With the Magister's attention now on you, you give a polite bow before giving your question.

"Magister. I apologize for bothering you with such a foolish question, but have I met you somewhere before?"

Kiiraki: "You have. If I may ask, how much do you remember?"


[ - ] = -

"I'll be there in a moment. I just need to ask the nice lady a couple of questions."

You walk over to Jundi, which was where Feiar was pulling you in the first place.

"Jundi, was it? Do you happen to know the status of Nullam? It's the town that the girl I'm with is from."

Jundi: "The last team to arrive with news from Nullam reported that the city is lost, and that was long before you arrived. Tsinthula was dispatched to Nullam so you and she probably know more about its condition than any of us here."


Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:56 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 1)
What could this be used for?

Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:09 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 1)

Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:02 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 1)
Head off to one side, get a good look at the whole picture.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:43 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 1)
"Oh, thanks."

Head back to Feiar and wait for the evacuation to begin.

Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:30 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 1)
"Little to nothing, I fear. A friend by the name of Lydia informed me that I was at one point a mage in the hastae, and other seemingly random pieces are beginning to return to me. Of any previous acquaintances, however, including yourself, I have no memory."

Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:32 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 2)
Roll 208 - 2

Gustaf Anorak
[ - ] = -

What could this be used for?

Black Dragon: It is like a Mage Stone. Energy stored inside, but has techniques as well that the dragon used.

The evacuation leader, Jundi, walks over to you and the dragon.

Jundi: Will you two be joining the evacuation team, or do you have other plans?


Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

"Little to nothing, I fear. A friend by the name of Lydia informed me that I was at one point a mage in the hastae, and other seemingly random pieces are beginning to return to me. Of any previous acquaintances, however, including yourself, I have no memory."

Kiiraki: "That is... Unfortunate. Though, it's good to see that you're well enough to fight. Do you plan on joining Tsinthula's task force?"


[ - ] = -

"Oh, thanks."

You walk away from Jundi and take a seat with Feiar, waiting for the evacuation to begin. It is then that you forgot to take a look at the Marauder's Mage Stone. It's the size of your fist and perfectly round. The sky-blue stone shines dimly in the core.

Feiar: "I hope the sewers down here are safer than the other ones we've been in."


Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:25 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 2)
"Yes, most definitely. Memories or not, I've a well enough grasp of the situation, and I would not feel right remaining on the sidelines.
I also know that I've seen conflict before... perhaps fighting will help bring back what remains lost to me."

Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:46 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 2)
"The Magister said that they were safe. And even if they aren't completely secure, we'll have guards to protect us. So don't worry about anything bad happening down there, the worst is over."

See who else is in the evacuation group.

Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:14 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 2)
"No other plans, so I guess we'll be in the evacuation team." Can you somehow absorb this to gain new powers or become stronger?

Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:04 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 3)
Waiting on dragonxp. If he doesn't action by the time the rest of the mini-rollers action, we'll get on with the next full roll.

Roll 208 - 3

Gustaf Anorak
[ - ] = -

"No other plans, so I guess we'll be in the evacuation team."

Jundi: "Very well. We'll be leaving shortly, so be ready to get moving."

The evacuation leader heads off to talk to some others.

Can you somehow absorb this to gain new powers or become stronger?

Black Dragon: You and I can use the powers within the stone if we are in contact with it. Completely learning them would take more time.


Kyros Deiimor
[ - ] = -

"Yes, most definitely. Memories or not, I've a well enough grasp of the situation, and I would not feel right remaining on the sidelines.
I also know that I've seen conflict before... perhaps fighting will help bring back what remains lost to me."

Kiiraki: "I see. I hope you will take more care than before. You were lucky enough to escape with your life the first time, and luck is a terribly fickle thing."

The Magister turns away for a moment as a human in a red robe approaches her.

Kiiraki: "There's equipment laying against the walls, Kyros. Take what you need and gear up, the task force will be leaving as soon as Tsinthula is ready."


[ - ] = -

"The Magister said that they were safe. And even if they aren't completely secure, we'll have guards to protect us. So don't worry about anything bad happening down there, the worst is over."

You look around to see who else is going to be evacuating:

There's the evac leader, Jundi, and 4 others who look like they're guards. You, Feiar, Gustaf, the dragon, and about 4 or 5 other chirop and humans look like they'll be evacuating as well.


Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:37 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 208 - 3)
Bow once more.
"Thank you, Magister. I will try not to test my luck."
> Inspect the equipment lining the walls, looking for fitting chirop armor and a sizable sword.
... See if there's a cloak (or anything to wear with the armor) that suits my fancy as well.

Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:18 am
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