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Post Warframe
No idea why we don't have a topic for this yet.
So, Warframe is a free MMO type dealy where you're a goddamn Alien Space Ninja. You run around space ships and murder evil human-robot people.
It's pretty swank. Here, have some trailers.

Why yes, those ARE cinematic pre-rendered trailers.
But believe it or not, they're actually a pretty good representation of the kind of combat you see in the actual game. When I say Space Ninja, I mean you are an acrobatic ♥♥♥♥ who can run up and along walls, do sliding frontflip ninja kicks, etc etc.

We have a pretty decent Clan (equivalent of guilds), LonelySpaceNinjas, that a lot of DRLers play on. Send a request, or just post your IGN in here and you'll get invited.

You can download the game from Steam for free, or from the Warframe website. It's a surprisingly small download, but not for low end computers.
Will probably post some quick-start tips for newbies, and/or collect any that anyone posts.

Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:22 pm
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Post Re: Warframe

Wallrunning, no in-game tutorial for it yet, but sprint at a wall, jump [hold jump button down] and you'll start wallrunning, depending on the angle you are hit the wall at you will either run up the wall or along it.

Melee charge attacks are infinitely better at high levels, uncharged attacks are still alright at low levels, and on certain weapons they still have a purpose, but most of the time charge attacks are better.

Sun Jul 07, 2013 7:29 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
The in-game combat is much better than what you see in the trailers.

Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:38 am
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Post Re: Warframe
I played it for a bit when it was in an earlier version. I should probably start playing again, seeing as how they have more stuff now.

Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:49 am
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Post Re: Warframe
I love how you can do everything in the first trailer, except make Lieutenant Lach kril kill another grineer, and shooting in 2 different directions.

Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:25 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Update 8 felt like it introduced way too much RNG and grind for my tastes, so I'm waiting a bit and watching how things turn out.
Update 7 had the same problem on launch but that was fixed so I'm not too worried.

Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:44 am
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Post Re: Warframe
Really good game.
What Mastery rank are you guys? And what frames do you have? What clan are you in?
I'm rank 4. Excalibur, Loki and Rhino, Ash is building. I'm in Gryphus Tech Corp.

halo117 wrote:
I love how you can do everything in the first trailer, except make Lieutenant Lach kril kill another grineer, and shooting in 2 different directions.

You can kill a Grineer Napalm by switch teleporting when he shoots at you. Saw this on reddit, but I can't try it out at the moment.

EDIT: Also, It's a third-person co-op shooter... altough there's equally as much slashing, stabbing and maiming, along with lots of power-casting and stuff. You can mow stuff down with an AR, nail stuff to walls with a bow, throw boomerangs and kunai at people's faces, crush stuff with a hammer, bisect (literally)people with a sword, punch stuff... It depends on your preferred playstyle. But it's not a MMO. There's 4 people in a squad. Also, worth noting in the OP is that you can play it solo.

Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:10 am
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Post Re: Warframe
They need a different way to level up mastery, the current way is super grindy. Otherwise this game is great.
Add me as a friend my IGN is user.

Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:34 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
BTW Update 9 just came out and a lot of things got changed and/or added.

Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:06 am
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Post Re: Warframe
Someone told me that I should get into this, meanwhile, I try to shove my arm down their throat.
I don't know why I'm so compelled to, it feels like something that has to transpire, and where my arm wants to be.

Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:11 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Now's as good a time as any, aye. They just nuked a huge part of the resource grind with Update 9. Whether that nukage stays is another question entirely. I feel DE may have slightly overdone it (as they so often do).

Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:35 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
So I just played it again, and OH GOD THEY CHANGED SO MUCH WHATS GOING ON
I don't know what anything is anymore

EDIT: Turns out that Grineer ships are actually Grineer ships now and not Corpus ones.

Last edited by Izen on Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:51 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Massive warning: if the mission has a skull as its icon on the map and the diorama is tinted BLOOD RED, then WELCOME TO NIGHTMARE MODE.
In nightmare mode enemies are a lot tougher and there are extra fancy modifiers:
-vampire [health constantly drops, and you regain health each time you get a kill]
-timer [there is a time limit, the timer goes up each time you get a kill]
-low gravity [just what it sounds like]
The most important thing about Nightmare mode: if you win you get a really nice mod.

Also, some of then new grineer galleon tiles need pro wallrunning skillz.

Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:30 pm
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Post Re: Warframe
Amazigh wrote:
Massive warning: if the mission has a skull as its icon on the map and the diorama is tinted BLOOD RED, then WELCOME TO NIGHTMARE MODE.

Shhhhh! Let them find out what that skull means by themselves (the fun way).

Also, my IGN is Hypercation. Can't wait to play this game again (ETA ~2 weeks).

Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:18 am
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Post Re: Warframe
Amazigh wrote:
Massive warning: if the mission has a skull as its icon on the map and the diorama is tinted BLOOD RED, then WELCOME TO NIGHTMARE MODE.
In nightmare mode enemies are a lot tougher and there are extra fancy modifiers.

TBH I've found Nightmare Mode to be even easier, in some cases. Vampire Mode? You don't need to worry about getting knocked down to low health and having to scavenge health orbs/use health restores, because every time you kill you get HP! Enemies are plentiful. They're like happy meals with legs!

Lowgrav is always fun too. Timer? Easy, again, because of the number of enemies/amount of time added per kill.

The new mods are really nice though, and it's high time those double-mods came back. I have a 10-round Lex with maximum rate of fire, fast reloads, and enough firepower to punch down a shielded level ~30 Grineer Lancer with a bodyshot, and I'm not even running anywhere near maximum Hornet Strike. :grin:

Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:41 pm
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