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 'The walking dead' Zombies? 
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Post 'The walking dead' Zombies?
I know there is a few zombies mods around here, but they're not very good. What I want to explain is, zombies from 'The walking dead' that needs a headshot to die. I mean, shooting on the torso of a zombie and watching him die like any type of vanilla actor isn't fun, it would be fun if you need to aim carefully to blow the brains off the thing to kill him.

Another awesome thing would be a 'Walking dead' survival. Where whenever a actor dies when his head is still intact, he turns into a zombie a few seconds after his death, and will be controlled by the AI. It would be awesome in skirmish, imagine battles, and dead bodies of both your enemy and you turn into undead? I know some coding, but I'm very bad at making actors, so, if someone would make this, it would be wonderful.

Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:51 am

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Post Re: 'The walking dead' Zombies?
I've been thinking about it too... Wonder why these forums are not so active nowadays? Seems like there haven't been that much activity lately... :(

Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:38 pm
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Post Re: 'The walking dead' Zombies?
OH HOLY GOD A REPLY! I thought I was the only one on this forum >_>' Yeah it would be greaty, sadly I'm only z good modder for firearms, and I don't know a s*it about .LUA... or maybe we could make it working adding a AHuman to the gibs of al the actors, but it would be a bit long...

Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:56 pm
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Post Re: 'The walking dead' Zombies?
YOu don't need lua to make actors to only die when their heads are shot, or gibbed, you just need to edit wound emitters, and gibwoundlimits.

Past that, I suppose on Destroy, you could check the actor for a moid with the string "head" and if such thing exists, spawn a zombie.

Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:22 am
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Post Re: 'The walking dead' Zombies?
Good idea, but like I said previously, I can't code actors...

Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:51 am
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Post Re: 'The walking dead' Zombies?

You can have a look at the code for my old Zombies '09 mod if you want an example of kinda tough zombies. The wounds there (for the zombies) do a tiny amount of damage on hit and no damage on bleed so the zombies can soak bullets. The issue is raising the wound limit and the fact that the vanilla guns are all kinds of overpowered because they fire multiple particles, which used to be something reserved for shotguns and sniper rifles (circa '09), now it's used to circumvent CC's damage system.

You'll want to tone down the effects on the wounds other than at burst if you're planning on having heaps of them, or a bleeding zombie that you left in a ditch will sap your FPS something fine. Making them bleed out from massive trauma is generally a good thing, as an armless legless zombie isn't likely to hurt you or do anything meaningful. 35 total damage for the limb breakwounds (that get applied when a limb gets smashed or otherwise removed) will mean removing 3 limbs will make the zombie die - be sure to take into account the total damage done by both the initial burst and the slow bleeding.

The head getting removed automatically kills an AHuman, so you don't need to worry about doing anything special with that wound unless you want it to fountain blood or something.

Seriously the ini modding is very easy to get into, just try it. If you break something, undo the changes you made and try again til it works, simple as that.

Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:54 pm
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Post Re: 'The walking dead' Zombies?

Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:07 pm
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