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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
Roll 200

[ 6 ] = 6
> You quickly pop up some ice pillars on the side of the wall, forming steps, being sure to give them a slightly spiky flat top for good traction.

With the violet sky signaling dusk, you quickly gallop up the steps and on to the top of the wall. Looking down at the other side, you see a short, battered, red-robed bat-like figure standing on the ground right below.

???: "Um."

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ 2 ] = 2
> Mist drops the bloody sword and grabs his arm, screaming in agony.


???: "Don't TOUCH yourself with that!"

Mist lets go of his arm, though some of the fluids got on his for-now-undamaged hand.

"Huh. He gonna be alright?"

Mist: "Hope so."

???: "As long as he doesn't eat his arm or something stupid. Just, hold still!"

She runs around the table that Tara is on to a table at the back of the tent and quickly mixes bottles of strange chemicals into a large glass beaker, while the bloody sword floats on its own towards a large tub on the right side of the tent and carefully lowers itself into a bath of unknown liquid.

The blonde woman quickly scurries back to Mist with the beaker filled with a orange-tinted liquid. It floats out of the beaker in a spherical shape, moves towards Mist's rotten arm, and flows around the limb, coating it with itself.


She goes back to the chemical table and mixes something up again, and then darts back holding a corked bottle.

???: "Drink half of that right now. You'll feel a bit dazed. When you start to feel clear-headed, drink the other half. If you dont..."

She looks at you.

???: "Chop his head off. You'll be doing him a favor."

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Gustaf Anorak
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Wonder if I can draw energy from corpses..."

You walk up to the green dragon's neck and plant Sanguis deep in. Even though the beast is dead, you can feel Sanguis leaching its energy.

The Black Dragon climbs over the green dragon's wing and starts tearing apart the side of the green dragon's belly. Large pieces of innards are torn out as the Black Dragon digs in, and eventualy comes out with a large, oval vein-wrapped organ about two feet long and one-and-a-half feet wide. The dragon swallows the organ with a gulp.

Black Dragon: Getting dark, time to go.

Looking around, shadows are starting shift within open windows and holes in buildings, and shapes dart from alley to dark alley all around. The largest tower in the city, a spire about twice the height of all other towers, is still visible as a dark behemoth looming in the sky, quite close as well.

A voice from the other side of the dragon calls out, sounding like one of the chirop mages.

Koa: "Gustaf! You ready to go!?"

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 3 ] = 3
> You drop the bloody sword and scream in agony, clutching your rotten arm with your other arm.


???: "Don't TOUCH yourself with that!"

You let go of your arm, though you managed to get some of the fluids onto your other hand.

John: "Huh. He gonna be alright?"

"Hope so."

???: "As long as he doesn't eat his arm or something stupid. Just, hold still!"

She runs around the table that Tara is on to a table at the back of the tent and quickly mixes bottles of strange chemicals into a large glass beaker, while the bloody sword floats on its own towards a large tub on the right side of the tent and carefully lowers itself into a bath of unknown liquid.

The blonde woman quickly scurries back to you with the beaker filled with a orange-tinted liquid. It floats out of the beaker in a spherical shape, moves towards your rotten arm, and flows around the limb, coating it with itself. An excruciating burst of pain flares out from the limb.


She goes back to the chemical table and mixes something up again, and then darts back holding a corked bottle.

???: "Drink half of that right now. You'll feel a bit dazed. When you start to feel clear-headed, drink the other half. If you dont..."

She looks at John.

???: "Chop his head off. You'll be doing him a favor."

Conditions :
- ??? (10 turns)
- Decayed Right Hand/Lower arm

Kyros Deiimor
[ 1 ] = 1
> "Corruption carries the blame for everything that's been happening, it seems. Part of me wishes there were something more concrete to blame... or someone, so we could drive them into the dust and be done with it."

Your words carry more than a subtle note of indignation, but Koa just shrugs her shoulders.

Koa: "There's still the big question of who or what caused the corruption to take place, so you can still probably find someone to unload the blame on. Though, I imagine whoever it might be, is not someone to be taken lightly."

There's a little mental poke from someone that isn't Koa, but still feels familiar.

Getting dark, time to go.

The sky is a faint violet, with the traces of sunlight nearly gone. The spire is still visible as alarge dark tower against the horizon, easily dwarfing the other structures in the city.

Koa: "Oh hey, the denizens are starting to wake up."

Shadows are starting shift within open windows and holes in buildings, and shapes dart from alley to dark alley all around.

Meanwhile, a human with a crossbow and a small chirop child with her own miniature crossbow approach the two of you.

Koa: "Hey, you guys should come with us.
Gustaf! You ready to go!?"

Conditions :

[ 3 ] = 3
> "I'm sure that Garm didn't get smushed, he's just off somewhere. Doing something. And that dragon seems friendly. So. What do you think we should go do? Find that group of... Hastae? I think that's what Garm called them. Or we could always go talk to the people near the big scary dragon. It's your call."

Feiar doesn't say anything, but slowly walks towards the newcomers while you follow close behind.

The blue-clad chirop you met earlier is standing by a taller sword-wielding male (or so you assume). The blue-clad is looking around the area with a scowl on her face, but her voice sounds only sarcastic.

???: "Oh hey, the denizens are starting to wake up."

Looking around, you assume that she means the various shadows that are starting to move around, darking from alleyway to alleyway or quickly dash behind the windows in nearby towers.

???: "Hey, you guys should come with us."

She quickly turns her head, trying to look at the other side of the green dragon where the black dragon and the human are.

???: "Gustaf! You ready to go!?"

Conditions :


[ 3 ] = 3
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Black Dragon

[ 4 ] = 4
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Left Wing
- Large chunk missing in Right Wing

Koa Tsinthula

[ 3 ] = 3
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm
- Scratched Face
- Bruising (-3 Movement)


[ 1 ] = 1
> ~

Conditions :
- Twisted Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Dusk


Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:08 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
"I'll make sure.
How soon will he, or Tara, be combat ready?
And... well, who are you? The guard talked about you as though you were pretty important. Plus you can do Bio magic quite well, and that's no small feat. I've seen the book, I know."

Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:09 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
"Yeah, one second." >Channel absorbed Sanguis energy into healing Black Dragon's wings. I think this should be enough juice to repair them. Your wings are wide, but they're not too thick.

Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:44 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
> Koa seems to have some sort of plan. Maybe. Just follow the group/discuss destination/whatever.

Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:52 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
>get ready to retaliate (not visibly of course)

Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:39 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
> Drink half.

Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:53 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
"Uh, well, alright. Feiar, let's get going. Something's moving out there."

Reload crossbow, and then start following the new group.

Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:58 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 201)
Roll 201

[ 6 ] = 6
> "Helloooo"

You mentally prepare yourself to retaliate, but you end up in a staring contest. Until the skylight turns dark enough so that the figure in front of you is just an outline, but she(?) still just stands there.

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ 4 ] = 4
> "I'll make sure.
How soon will he, or Tara, be combat ready?
And... well, who are you? The guard talked about you as though you were pretty important. Plus you can do Bio magic quite well, and that's no small feat. I've seen the book, I know."

???: "He's combat ready enough as long as he's left handed and can fight drunk. Tara, I can't say. Sometimes she bounces back quickly, sometimes she takes a little longer.

As for me, the guard probably did that because I'm the main reason why half the people you see aren't dead or walking around half-rotten by now. My name's Karina, but you can just call me 'Rin' like everyone else does.

And by 'that book,' I assume you mean the bio book authored by 'Tara Daeli?' I wrote that a couple of decades ago, finishing it late in the war between Daeli and Caelum. Tara was getting a little popular at that time, and we didn't want Caelum knowing exactly how many of us there were, so a lot of works were under her name to further boost her image. Tara was our best weapon in the war, for a time.

Anyways, the book. Where have you seen it? Is it in safe hands?"

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Gustaf Anorak
[ 1 ] = 1
> "Yeah, one second."

I think this should be enough juice to repair them. Your wings are wide, but they're not too thick.

You again activate Sanguis's healing ability, directing it at the dragon. This time, you watch as the large missing chunk in its right wing fills in first with two bony skeletal fingers, and then a thin pink membrane followed by an even thinner layer of black skin. The left side of the dragon's body sprouts a large skeletal wing, and like the right wing, fills in with flesh and skin.

With the healing done, you see Kyros, Koa, the new human, and a small bat-child ready to go, and you and the dragon follow as they take you to into the center of the city, where you stop at a massive plaza with the giant spire sitting in the center.

The spire is surrounded by a large 15 foot wall made of countless columns of earth. The wall looks out of place compared to the city towers, being made of what looks like compacted debris and rocks. There are several columns of ice at one part of the wall, forming a staircase to the wall's top.

Koa: "The city's capital."

The sky is now black, with a cascade of stars shedding the only light. The tower is a massive void, blotting out the distant suns as it rises towards the dark heavens.

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 2 ] = 2
> You take the bottle from the woman and drink half of it.

John: "I'll make sure.
How soon will he, or Tara, be combat ready?
And... well, who are you? The guard talked about you as though you were pretty important. Plus you can do Bio magic quite well, and that's no small feat. I've seen the book, I know."

???: "He's combat ready enough as long as he's left handed and can fight drunk. Tara, I can't say. Sometimes she bounces back quickly, sometimes she takes a little longer.

As for me, the guard probably did that because I'm the main reason why half the people you see aren't dead or walking around half-rotten by now. My name's Karina, but you can just call me 'Rin' like everyone else does.

And by 'that book,' I assume you mean the bio book authored by 'Tara Daeli?' I wrote that a couple of decades ago, finishing it late in the war between Daeli and Caelum. Tara was getting a little popular at that time, and we didn't want Caelum knowing exactly how many of us there were, so a lot of works were under her name to further boost her image. Tara was our best weapon in the war, for a time.

Anyawys, the book. Where have you seen it? Is it in safe hands?"

Now that a few minutes have passed, you feel a bit dizzy...

Conditions :
- Dizzy (-2 actions, Ends in 5 turns)
- Decayed Right Hand/Lower arm

Kyros Deiimor
[ 5 ] = 5
> Gustaf: "Yeah, one second."

The new human turns to his chirop-child companion.

???: "Uh, well, alright. Feiar, let's get going. Something's moving out there."

Koa leads the way as you, the human, and the child follow, heading towards Gustaf and the Black Dragon. After they finish whatever they were doing, they follow as well, and not long after the sky darkens to night, and everyone reaches the edge of a massive plaza, with the giant spire in the center.

The spire is surrounded by a large 15 foot wall made of countless columns of earth. The wall looks out of place compared to the city towers, being made of what looks like compacted debris and rocks. There are several columns of ice at one part of the wall, forming a staircase to the wall's top.

Koa: "The city's capital."

The sky is now black, with a cascade of stars shedding the only light. The tower is a massive void, blotting out the distant suns as it rises towards the dark heavens.

Conditions :

[ 5 ] = 5
> "Uh, well, alright. Feiar, let's get going. Something's moving out there."

You reload your crossbow, and Feiar does the same as you follow the chirop duo as they meet up with a human and the black dragon, and then the entire group heads deeper into the city. Your party stops at the edge of a massive plaza with tower in the center of it, bigger than all of the others in the city.

The spire is surrounded by a large 15 foot wall made of countless columns of earth. The wall looks out of place compared to the city towers, being made of what looks like compacted debris and rocks. There are several columns of ice at one part of the wall, forming a staircase to the wall's top.

???: "The city's capital."

The sky is now black, with a cascade of stars shedding the only light. The tower is a massive void, blotting out the distant suns as it rises towards the dark heavens.

Conditions :


[ 5 ] = 5
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Black Dragon

[ 4 ] = 4
> ~

Conditions :

Koa Tsinthula

[ 6 ] = 6
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm
- Scratched Face
- Bruising (-3 Movement)


[ 6 ] = 6
> ~

Conditions :
- Twisted Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Night


Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:29 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
"I found it in a library in Mead, oddly enough. Left it with a healer named Hector before I ran off to fight Lucida or something so it would be safe. Not sure where he is now.
The Rift Magic book was there too, but it was probably on a trap of some kind, so I left it there."

Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:42 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 200)
>Approach cautiously

Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:40 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 201)
If I don't activate iron will in 2 turns somebody remind me to.

> Test my left-handed strength by throwing some punches at the air.

Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:05 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 201)
>Mill around, periodically Echo Helm for hostile presences.

Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:27 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 201)
"Well, that doesn't look too welcoming."

Go investigate the entry staircase.

Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:46 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 201)
> Enter with the others. Observe surroundings, see what there is to see.

Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 202)
Roll 202

[ 4 ] = 4
> You walk forward, cautiously approaching the figure.

And then you remember that you're 15 feet up in the air when your foot doesn't hit solid ground and to drop down and hit the hard earth, slamming with a loud clang as your armor crashes down.

???: "Uh, you okay?"

The voice sounds female, and friendly enough.

Then, you hear a large number of foot steps from the side of the wall that you just came from.

Conditions :
- Burned Face
- Missing Eyebrows

John Freemaneth
[ 1 ] = 1
> "I found it in a library in Mead, oddly enough. Left it with a healer named Hector before I ran off to fight Lucida or something so it would be safe. Not sure where he is now.
The Rift Magic book was there too, but it was probably on a trap of some kind, so I left it there."

Karina: "Hrm. I'll have to have a talk with the librarian. If she's still alive, that is. The library, as well as most of the other buildings in Mead, burned to the ground, but the librarian probably took all of the valuable books with her."

You notice Tara is starting to stir, and Rin turns around to look at her. Tara's eyes faintly open.

Tara: "My sword..."

Karina walks over to the tub, waves her hand over it, and draws out the blade. It's now clean, without a spot of blood. The hilt is a hand-and-a-half size with silver and black etchings. The pommel is a diamond shape for striking, the crossguards are shaped as wavy bars, looking like ocean waves, and in the center of the crossguard is a blue gemstone set in an octagonal slot. She carries to a table to the left side of the tent, placing it on a table where Tara can see it.

Karina: "It's here, okay?"

Tara: "Where's father..?"

Her eyes seem to dart around from behind half-closed lids, looking into an unseen memory. Karina walks over to her and kneels by the table, placing a hand on Tara's head.

Karina: "You need to rest. Hey, can you hear me?"

Karina gently nudges Tara until her eyes open all the way.

Karina: "Sleep. Okay?"

Tara: "Kay."

Putting her head down, Karina stays there, and then a presence nudges against your consience.

Out of the tent.

You don't see any reason to argue back, so you, Mist, and Aucupe exit the tent and stand a few yards away from the entrance. There are a few people walking up and down the cobblestone road that leads from the wall's gate to the city in the center of the wall circle, most of them carrying torches or lanterns.

After a few minutes, Karina walks out of her tent and over to your party.

Karina: "I'm sure there are things you have to be doing, but if you chance upon the librarian or her books, could you send any information you discover back to me? And anything about Atra, too, if you find her."

Conditions :
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Gustaf Anorak
[ 4 ] = 4
> You half mill around, half follow the others towards the icey staircase. You take care to not step on the numerous bodies littering the plaza, and occasionally use Echo Helm to scan for hostiles.

Upon reaching the wall with your party, you detect two figures just on the other side. One standing, and one lower to the ground.

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 6 ] = 6
> You throw out a few punches with your left hand in the air to test out how strong it is, and it seems just as good as your right.

John: "I found it in a library in Mead, oddly enough. Left it with a healer named Hector before I ran off to fight Lucida or something so it would be safe. Not sure where he is now.
The Rift Magic book was there too, but it was probably on a trap of some kind, so I left it there."

Karina: "Hrm. I'll have to have a talk with the librarian. If she's still alive, that is. The library, as well as most of the other buildings in Mead, burned to the ground, but the librarian probably took all of the valuable books with her."

You notice Tara is starting to stir, and Rin turns around to look at her. Tara's eyes faintly open.

Tara: "My sword..."

Karina walks over to the tub, waves her hand over it, and draws out the blade. It's now clean, without a spot of blood. The hilt is a hand-and-a-half size with silver and black etchings. The pommel is a diamond shape for striking, the crossguards are shaped as wavy bars, looking like ocean waves, and in the center of the crossguard is a blue gemstone set in an octagonal slot. She carries to a table to the left side of the tent, placing it on a table where Tara can see it.

Karina: "It's here, okay?"

Tara: "Where's father..?"

Her eyes seem to dart around from behind half-closed lids, looking into an unseen memory. Karina walks over to her and kneels by the table, placing a hand on Tara's head.

Karina: "You need to rest. Hey, can you hear me?"

Karina gently nudges Tara until her eyes open all the way.

Karina: "Sleep. Okay?"

Tara: "Kay."

Putting her head down, Karina stays there, and then a presence nudges against your consience.

Out of the tent.

You don't see any reason to argue back, so you, John, and Aucupe exit the tent and stand a few yards away from the entrance. There are a few people walking up and down the cobblestone road that leads from the wall's gate to the city in the center of the wall circle, most of them carrying torches or lanterns.

After a few minutes, Karina walks out of her tent and over to John.

Karina: "I'm sure there are things you have to be doing, but if you chance upon the librarian or her books, could you send any information you discover back to me? And anything about Atra, too, if you find her."

Conditions :
- Dizzy (-2 actions, Ends in 4 turns)
- Decayed Right Hand/Lower arm (Ends in 9 turns)

Kyros Deiimor
[ 1 ] = 1
> ??? Human: "Well, that doesn't look too welcoming."

You follow the human as he heads towards the staircase, being careful to not step on the numerous bodies littering the plaza. The chirop child lets out a long, nervous "Eeeeeeeee..."

Once you reach the stairs, the starry night provides enough light to see that the wall is about 15 feet high, and with 14 large flat-topped ice pillars against the wall. The first pillar is 1 foot tall, and the next one 2 feet, and so on, making a decent set of steps.

Conditions :

[ 1 ] = 1
> "Well, that doesn't look too welcoming."

You head towards the staircase with the others behind you, walking over numerous bodies lying on the ground.

Feiar: "Eeeeeeeee..."

Once you reach the stairs, the starry night provides enough light to see that the wall is about 15 feet high, and with 14 large flat-topped ice pillars against the wall. The first pillar is 1 foot tall, and the next one 2 feet, and so on, making a decent set of steps.

Conditions :


[ 3 ] = 3
> ~

Conditions :
- Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Black Dragon

[ 1 ] = 1
> ~

Conditions :

Koa Tsinthula

[ 5 ] = 5
> ~

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm
- Scratched Face
- Bruising (-3 Movement)


[ 5 ] = 5
> ~

Conditions :
- Twisted Ankle

World Events:
Time of day: Night


Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:07 am
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