Systemworks Technologies v1.6
Systemworks TechnologiesThis mod adds a non-faction tech that offers equipment for defensive and offensive purposes. It only has a few items so far but I will be adding more eventually.
Orbital DropThis delivery option just sends the goods on their own, free of charge. Might cause damage or death to items and characters.
Breach CrateBreach Crates are similar to Drop Crates but they are designed to tear though bunker modules to deliver its cargo, be it troops, bombs or other harmful devices right into the enemy's base. You can also open it at will by selecting it and hitting the left click.
Decay Field CrateA small Crate that contains a specific military hardware named Decay Field Generator. When it deploys, it slowly damages actors in range, including doors. Works perfectly well with Breach Crates but other delivery methods are also safe to use if delivered from a distance to avoid damage.
Tractor Field CrateA small Crate that contains a specific military hardware, in this case a Tractor Field Generator. When it deploys, it pulls dropships, rockets and crates in range towards the ground. It can effectively cripple landing zones if more than one is deployed. It can also affect your own operations.
Emergency SuppliesThis is a Module-like item only accessed when building your Base. Its only purpose is to show off your gold supplies. They can be activated to release gold bars, which can be harvested with any digger. Might be useful in those cases you get attacked and forgot to save money for defense. It's currently unknown if they can be used to lure enemy diggers. It is possible, though.
WeaponsSystemworks weapons include 3 guns, a handgun, a submachine gun and a sniper rife. They fire rounds filled with a custom incendiary called Whiteflare, which burns characters and objects. The weapons also feature an identification system with their trigger mechanisms that would detonate the gun if used by an unauthorised user.
Whiteflare GrenadesThis is a basic anti-personnel grenade that releases Whiteflare upon detonation. Quite effective in small rooms.
CleanerThe Cleaner is a tool players can use to clear their bases from rubble, corpses, scrap metal or other waste materials. SW crates and units are made of Plasteel, a very durable material this tool can harvest for money.
UnitsThere are 4 different units offered at reasonable prices. All of them equipped with Jetpacks and resistance to the Decay Field effect.
Brain Drone, which is just a Brain Case attached to robotic crab legs. Something in between the vanilla brain choices.
Turret Drone, which is an armored weapon platform armed with a Whiteflare machine gun.
Medic Drone, which is just like the vanilla one but it can fly and the shell is a separated armor layer.
-And a
Soldier Drone, which is a bipedal unit with arms. Naturally, it's more versatile than crab class drones.

All units but the Brain Drone.

What happens after multiple Decay Field Generators have been deployed.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4wmdfoltulp9 ... 6.rar?dl=0Support me on: