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 RtDE - Separate Paths 
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
Utu-hejal Lagash Maradi ina Akkad
+ Appearance: Swarthy and blackened by the bitter sun of the Fertile Crescent, with perpetually clay-caked hands from days of scribe work in the copper fields. Possesses a heavy build, testament to overindulgence in barley cakes and venison.
+ Character description: A jovial scribe from the dusty hills of far Sumer, ina Akkad dodged military service to the cruel kings of the Mesopotamian imperial order to settle down, and thereon earn his keep by recording shipments of bulk goods for merchants and wealthy granaries. (He's lying about that. Akkad is burning, and his past days with it. He had a wife once, a beautiful farmer's daughter from Anatolia. He had children once too, little Sumerian boys who wanted to grow up to be soldiers.)
+ Character type: Arcana
|Weapon-type| (Maul-Hammer)
+ Weapon: (N/A)
+ Scriptor's Stylus
- A small sharpened-flint implement used to press records into slabs of wet clay.
+ Woven Copper Tesseract
- A corroded metal trinket that folds into itself, replete with dizzying curves that warp the eye and trap unwary fingers.
+ (N/A)
==Skills and Traits==
+ Copyists' Hand
- Quickly commits to memory the exact empirical detail of strange events or occurrences, so that they might be set down in clay and further understood with mathematics and hermetic ritual.
+ Abraxas' Looping Terror
- A crude hermetic invocation derived from cave paintings southwest of Uruk, the Terror essentially banishes a moving object into a negative-friction frame of external space where it repeats its current motion for a given number of times, then releases the object at unpleasantly high speeds. Most effective when used on fists, weapons, and sharp thrown objects.
+ Deadened Nerves
- Utu-hejal ina Akkad has been under the sun long enough to feel very little. +1 to mitigating the effects of physical pain.
+ Battle Without Honor or Humanity
- Why fight valorously when one can fight cleverly? Bitter days on the frontier have taught Utu-hejal much about the cruel art of hand to hand fighting. +1 to vile and tricky actions in a skirmish.

Last edited by TheKebbit on Thu May 09, 2013 2:06 am, edited 4 times in total.

Wed May 08, 2013 1:08 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
==Name==: Amelia Oaks
+Appearance: 22 years old. 5 feet 6 inches tall (1.68 meters). Long dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin, and a skinny build. Wears a hooded white robe with a golden cross stiched on the back.
+Character description: Her parents were killed in a robbery when she was a toddler, leaving her to fend for herself in the filthy slums of a city. When she was 7, she was picked off of the streets and given a home in the church, where she was taught the ways of God. The aspires to spend the rest of her life bringing about justice to the world and spreading her Catholic faith.
+Character type: Arcana
|Weapon-type:| Staves
+ Weapon: (Leave blank)
+ Holy Bible
+ Talisman - Cross
==Skills and Traits==
+1 passive skill - Missionary - Very persuasive when speaking.
+1 active skill - Divine Judgement - Unleash a blast of Holy Light, healing allies and burning enemies.
+2 traits - Calm of Mind - +2 to accuracy

Wed May 08, 2013 2:01 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
>stone age

Wed May 08, 2013 2:14 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
Well his example doesn't look stone age-y.

Wed May 08, 2013 2:19 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
but we're in the stone age

(that's what everyone voted for)

[the template is blank, it is not an example]

Wed May 08, 2013 2:22 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
I thought we would be wisked away to stone age times or something, not begin there.

Also, blacksmiths didn't exist in the stone age.

Wed May 08, 2013 2:23 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
a minor factual slip-up

copper was rarely used during the late neolithic period, however

Wed May 08, 2013 2:42 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
cave stap
The example was written up before the vote was tallied. It's just to say "these are things for things"
It needs to be stone-agey

Also, when speaking, please just talk normally. I expect caveman speak will be attempted and i dont want that because its silly
Feel free to make up mannerisms for your dude, just as long as they aren't comparable to the Hulk.

Wed May 08, 2013 2:44 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
well ♥♥♥♥, i didn't see that example

sorry about that, Cavecricket

Wed May 08, 2013 2:50 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
Can I be a time traveler?

Except my machine broke down and I'm stuck in the age of stones.

Because I have a hard time imagining any interesting character type during the age of bash-rocks-together.


Wed May 08, 2013 3:01 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
i just went for one of the really really early civilizations

egypt, china, india and more or less the entire middle east were in village-like structures before the end of the stone age

the rtd would suck if you had to be a stupid-ass caveman

Wed May 08, 2013 3:29 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
CaveCricket48 wrote:
Can I be a time traveler?

Except my machine broke down and I'm stuck in the age of stones.

Because I have a hard time imagining any interesting character type during the age of bash-rocks-together.

Please, no. You voted for stone age anyway. Like Keb said, early civilization existed. Be an Egyptyian bowman or an Arabian swordguy or something. No Mary Sue time travelers though.

Wed May 08, 2013 3:55 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
Was joking.

==Name==: Urch Yirktos
+Appearance: Dark skinned, lean with short black hair and brown eyes. About 5 feet tall.
+Character description: Works on a farm with his family that has livestock as well as maize. Skilled at manipulating objects found in nature to create useful tools.
+Character type: Adept
|Weapon-type:| Pole arm
+ Weapon: (Leave blank)
+ Wooden Shovel
+ Talisman - A rock carved in the shape of a cow.
==Skills and Traits==
+1 passive skill - Laborer - Hard work on the farm gives Urch +1 to physical actions.
+1 active skill - Domesticate - Can tame wild animals.
+2 traits - +2 to crafting items

Last edited by CaveCricket48 on Wed May 08, 2013 9:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed May 08, 2013 4:40 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
==Name==: Rydu
+Appearance: Average height, with a smooth, angular face and a tan complexion. His hair is dark brown, and his eyes vary in color depending on the beast laying in wait within. His face is covered in tribal markings, which do not come off.

+Character description:

+Character type: Adept

|Weapon-type:| Unarmed (Fists, claws, etc.)
+ Clothing
+ A wooden carving of the animal spirit, a wolf (worn around the neck on a leather string)

==Skills and Traits==
+ Animal Whisperer - Has a special connection with animals. Animals can understand his speech and always view him positively.
+ Spirit Walker - Upon touching an animal, the user has the option to take that animal as his animal form. A Spirit Walker can change between his animal and human form at will, but only so frequently. Transformation recharges in 2 turns.
+2 to unarmed combat.

Wed May 08, 2013 9:52 am
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Post Re: RtDE - Separate Paths
==Name==: Aklam
+Appearance: Dark skinned, massive and imposing.
+Character description: Was a chieftain from a smaller tribe, when his tribe was wiped out he found his way to the closest village.
+Character type: Brute
|Weapon-type:| big two handed(be creative)
+ Weapon: (Leave blank)
+ Chieftain's headgear - A huge animal skull that protects his head.
+ Length of rope - good amount of rope wound around left forearm
==Skills and Traits==
Born leader - When Aklam was born the shaman read great things about the child, he would unite the people of the world. People are somehow more willing to trust and follow him.
Mounted warrior - can attempt to capture an animal instead of killing it to ride it.
Blood Lord - +1 to any attack with the primary weapon
Chieftain - his old status still gives him an advantage during discussions. +1 to convincing.

Wed May 08, 2013 10:14 am
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