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 Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure 
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Nonsequitorian, waiting on you.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:38 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Polybiblios (TheKebbit)

Backpedal. Laser-brutalize the ones that pose an immediate threat.

You back out of the room and attempt to kill one of the drones using your laser. (rolled a 3) Your shot misses and slams into a nearby wall. (Rolled a 4) However, due to proper maintenance, your gun does not jam. The two advance on your position.

James Sander (Miggles)

Return the scrap metal to Carl and ask about upgrading my guns' rate of fire or allowing them to use more potent ammo.

You return to Carl. He appears to have just sawn through a bunch of little robo-beasties.
“You back already? What you get for Carl?”
You hand over the scrap. He looks at it in awe.
“Are you a wizard?”
You ask him if you can use this scrap to get better guns.
“Yes, YES! Carl can get you two upgrades with this stuff. What you want?”

Thyr "The Minotaur" Solyph (maart3n)

See if there's anything of Reggie left worth taking and search for an exit not guarded by a bazillion snipers.

You look more closely at the steaming pile of flesh that used to be Reggie. Nothing here worth taking.
You are in a two-way hallway. You could turn around and go out into the deathtrap room, or keep marching down the hallway you were in.

Lani Mon (Foa)

Pick up the little thing, and carry it into the trench. Inform him about the mortality of the critter.

You pick up the little robot thing and bring it with you into the trench. You tell Robert about its mortality, and ask him if he has any food. He checks his pockets and says no.

Benford Barnes (Nonsequitorian)

Unjam gun and look for the exits.

You unjam your weapon.
You are in a two-way hallway. You could turn around and go out into the deathtrap room, or keep marching down the hallway you were in.

Robert Reeves (caekdaemon)

Keep an eye out for enemies. Dig trench.

You maintain your trench, making sure that the enemies stay away. You don’t seem to spot anything.
Lani appears in your trench and asks if you have any food, because the poor creature is dying. You check your pockets and come up with nothing.

Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:56 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"I'll take 'look 'round, see if I'an find som' food."

This is actually an easier to understand version of my own accent, I think.

With where I came from, it is a wonder anyone anywhere would be able to understand me.

Especially when pronouncing city names. Like Birmingham. It turns into Burmangheem. Or London. That turns into Lundune.

Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:40 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Forward it is. Take the lead and march away from the death room.
"You take the back and watch out for any long range threats."

Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:55 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Laser-carve while moving backwards, slowly enough so that my aim isn't compromised.

Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:30 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"I'd like to see about increasing the ammo capacity of my rifle, and maybe upping the fire rate of my pistol."

Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:17 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
>Peep out of the hole, Likewise before scampering and scavenging.

Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:29 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Sorry about the update delay. I've been very busy lately. And now, back to your regularly schedueled mayhem.

Polybiblios (TheKebbit)

Laser-carve while moving backwards, slowly enough so that my aim isn't compromised.

You use your deadly laser to fry one of the little robots, backing away more slowly. (Rolled a 4) The robot dodges the blast, but cannot advance any more this turn. The other one has no such impediment, and attempts to saw at you. (Drone rolled a 1) You handily avoid its blow, and it overcorrects and gets its saw lodged in the steel floor.

James Sander (Miggles)

“I'd like to see about increasing the ammo capacity of my rifle, and maybe upping the fire rate of my pistol."

“Carl can do that.”
He takes your weapons for a few minutes and fiddles with them. He hands them back to you.
The magazine of your rifle seems to have extended and has been refilled with bullets. Your pistol looks a bit more bulky.
“Little gun fires more bullets more now.”

Thyr "The Minotaur" Solyph (maart3n)

Forward it is. Take the lead and march away from the death room.
"You take the back and watch out for any long range threats."

You march the other way, hearing boots smack the hallway behind you. You pick up the pace a bit.
You arrive at a blank walled dead end. ♥♥♥♥.

Lani Mon (Foa)

Peep out of the hole, likewise before scampering and scavenging.

You peep out of the hole, and then run towards the coastline to see if you can find some nautical critters to eat. (Rolled a 4) As you patrol the surf with your partner, you run across two man-sized crustaceans. They charge you.

Benford Barnes (Nonsequitorian)

Keep marching. Stay close to my friend.

You march the other way, hearing boots smack the hallway behind you. You pick up the pace a bit.
You arrive at a blank walled dead end. ♥♥♥♥.

Robert Reeves (caekdaemon)

“I'll take 'look 'round, see if I'an find som' food."

You peep out of the hole, and then run towards the coastline to see if you can find some nautical critters to eat. (Rolled a 4) As you patrol the surf with your partner, you run across two man-sized crustaceans. They charge you.

Last edited by BearsofInsanity on Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:14 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Autobullet the one that hasn't gotten itself stuck.

Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:48 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Run back to the trench.
"Come wit' me!"

Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:07 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Find a defendable position and wait for the robots. preferably a corner to ambush them from.

Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:43 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
caekdaemon wrote:
Run back to the trench.
"Come wit' me!"

> RocketJump to/over [Caek] whilst going to the trench [Comboult]
> Points for great acrobatics, unfurl the Thorn
"Way ahead of you, but I'm pretty upfront about the provisions!"

Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:07 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"Those crab freaks migh' be edible!"

Just curious, but has my luck roll applied yet? I'm pretty curious if it has.

Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:12 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
I wonder when Steady Feat applies.

Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:37 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
So.. my hunting knife now consumes 2 bullets per shot.
>Thank Carl and leave. Look for something to do.

Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:58 am
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