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 Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure 
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Polybiblios (TheKebbit)

Leave for my apartment and examine it in detail.
You follow the signs to the apartment complex, finding your apartment, 667-87 A. Your suitemate, Robert, passes you on the way to the apartment. He appears a little freaked out by you. You unlock your apartment and step in. The room is mostly bare, containing a charging station for your suit, a small outlet were you can charge your E-Book, a chemical bath designed to nurture your fleshy part, and a small couch, presumably for guests.
(Rolled a 10) A thorough search of the apartment turns up a small piece of paper stapled to the underside of the couch, as well as a purple device marked “CAT”. The paper simply says, WE ARE WATCHING YOU.
Gained the trait: Knows Too Much, and Yet Nothing At All!
Who knows what this could do in the future!
You got: Strange Purple CAT Device!

James Sander (Miggles)

Look for Carl The Weapon Guy.

You decide to look for Carl the Weapon Guy. However, you feel a squeezing from the side, and find that there is a beautiful space woman hugging you. She says, "No, but I suppose we got the other four though, it doesn't help anybody." You are confused. You pester a Drone, and he gives you directions. You could head there now, or deal with this hugging person.

Thyr "The Minotaur" Solyph (maart3n)

Follow Benford towards the shadowy folk. Let him do the talking, make sure he doesn't get his ass killed. On the way: "So fancy boy, tell me about yourself."

You follow Benford towards these shady people. Benford seems like an odd guy, what with this towel wrapped around his head. You wonder if it’s part of his religion. Along the way, you ask him a few personal questions. As you arrive at the door, you hear a gruff voice ask, “Whaddya want?”

Lani Mon (Foa)

Feel strangely cognizant, and audible.

(Rolled a 2) You feel cognizant and audible. However, no-one pays much attention.

Pester a servitor, and hug the grumpy James [Miggles]

"No, but I suppose we got the other four though, it doesn't help anybody."

Pestering one of the servitors is useless without a direction in mind!

You hug James. He seems a bit bewildered.

Benford Barnes (Nonsequitorian)

Find these shadowy dudes, but don't go inside or show my face. Just go to door.

You conceal your face using the towel, and head to the shadowy apartment. Thyr appears to want to tag along. He asks you a few personal questions along the way. You arrive at the door, and a gruff voice asks, “Whaddya want?”

Robert Reeves (caekdaemon)

Head to my apartment, then take a walk to the traveler's office.

You show up at your apartment. Along the way, you pass a rather large squid metal thingy. Really, you didn’t want to look any more closely. Arriving at your apartment, you do a brief scan of the premises. It contains a small couch, an armchair, a bed, and an electrical outlet. Having examined the premises, you depart to the Traveler’s office.
Upon arrival, you go in to see the Traveler.
“Hello there! Glad to see you! Now, I believe I had some tasks for you. Ah, yes, there is a particularly troublesome branch of history. Around the year 3700, planet Charybdis. A particularly powerful Temporum-based object has appeared at that time. We need you to remove it. You’ll be going into a doomed timeline. Feel free to interact with whatever you find there, but get out quickly! It could wink out of existence at any time. Are you up to the task?”

Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:02 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"Sure am."


Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:23 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
>Flush a bit, and ask where the Traveller is from a servitor before running off
>Etc etc, follow after caek

Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:02 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"What the hell?"
"Ma'am, can I help you?"

> Investigate why in the hell this lady is bothering me.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:19 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Begin speaking intently to the device.


Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:18 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
No so concealed, grab axe.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Polybiblios (TheKebbit)

Begin speaking intently to the device.

(Rolled an 8 ) The device glows a faint white. It seems to speak to you.
It winks out of existence, and leaves a temporal trail behind it, which you can follow easily through time. Whatever is on the other side is probably dangerous. I would equip your weapons.

James Sander (Miggles)

Investigate why in the hell this lady is bothering me.
You ask whether you can help this girl. She blushes a bit, pesters one of the robot things, and runs off, leaving you more confused than before.

Thyr "The Minotaur" Solyph (maart3n)

No so concealed, grab axe.

You brandish your axe in a not as concealed manner.

Lani Mon (Foa)

Flush a bit, and ask where the Traveller is from a servitor before running off
Etc etc, follow after caek
You blush a little bit, figure out the location of the traveler, and run off in that direction.
Upon arrival, you go in to see the Traveler.
“Hello there! Glad to see you! Now, I believe I had some tasks for you. Ah, yes, there is a particularly troublesome branch of history. Around the year 3700, planet Charybdis. A particularly powerful Temporum-based object has appeared at that time. We need you to remove it. You’ll be going into a doomed timeline. Feel free to interact with whatever you find there, but get out quickly! It could wink out of existence at any time. You’ll meet up with a WWII vet while you are there. You will be working with him. Are you up to the task?”

Benford Barnes (Nonsequitorian)

"Answers. And quick.
Why should I trust dastards afraid of competition - and I mean people like you to - tell me the truth when your truth is that I shouldn't trust people who put up a threat?
No Big-Shot doesn't have a pot to piss in, and yet you're pent up here in an occupied flat? Fat chance.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't turn around and start a shift for the folk who at least gave me incentive to work for them."
Concealed, ready pistol.

You ready your pistol as the man goes on a diatribe.
“We have a good reason. What? Because the traveler isn’t what you think he is. He looks human, right? To you? Well, to me it looks like he’s from my home planet. Ask anyone what the man looks like and he’ll tell you something like he’s the best-looking man that their species has ever seen. This is a verifiable fact. Ask your friend behind you.
We put up a threat in that we are the only ones who don’t put implicit trust in a man we know nothing about. We don't know his plans, we don’t know his past, we don’t know his power, and we don’t even know his face, dammit! But we do know that there’s something out there we don’t know. And we will not rest until we find out what the hell it is.
As for this apartment, this ain’t no ordinary place. If you are in, I’ll show you. Are you in?”

Robert Reeves (caekdaemon)


You reach into your inner self and use that Temporum. You feel a cramping from within your chest, and a swirl as the space around you fades away. You feel light, light as a feather, light as a beam of light, zooming through time and space to find your destination. You find where you need to go, and lock onto the location. You arrive, and find yourself standing behind a burning building, looking out on a blasted hellscape. You realize you should probably have equipped your weapons.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:31 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Tool up and make the jump.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:41 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"I can at least confirm the part where he looks like a talosian, I think we should give these men a chance. Not that much to lose."
Remain intimidating, but accepting towards proposition of discovering true nature of apartment.

Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:11 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"So Roberts, you said something about 'CAT's, right? No one seemed to have more than four letters.."
> Approach [caek] to make sure he hears you, whilst glancing around a bit
".. otherwise I can say that everyone else left in different directions, seemed to be for a bit of truth seeking."
> Equip Bayonet, with the handle at two feet's length, and charge up one Combolt Charge at the very least. [It's a bit more reliable this way :v]
"I guess we can't go back, unless it's after leaving."

Generally, Underlined Actions are the priority.

Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:19 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
> Find Carl The Weapon Guy 5 reel this time.

Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:28 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Foa, I'm already in the past but you've only just gone into the room with the Traveler.

Equip the rifle.

"Well, look's just like the trenches. 'eres hopin' that they don't use artillery."

Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:35 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
I auto-traveled Foa.

Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:36 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
BearsofInsanity wrote:
I auto-traveled Foa.

Ah, right then.

"I dan't get a fifth letter, if that's what yer asking."

"Just sum' ♥♥♥♥ 'bout cats at the bottom of the page. Look'd like a print ♥♥♥♥."

Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:51 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Polybiblios (TheKebbit)

Tool up and make the jump.

You equip your weapons, and then follow the device through time.
You arrive, after a bit of reality warping, at a pale white room. You cannot see any other life forms, but the purple device is hovering next to you. It says,

James Sander (Miggles)

Find Carl The Weapon Guy 5 reel this time.

You give up on figuring out what the hell that lady was doing. Instead, you decide to find the man with the weaponry. Following the directions you got earlier, you arrive at his door and enter. He is a rather large man, towering at nine feet tall. Well, “man” might not be the best descriptor here, given the green skin, enormous ears, and pointed teeth.
“YAY! Someone come see Carl!”
He locks you in a bone-crushing hug. You survive it, however.
“Carl need friends because Carl need boom-boom sticks. You get me boom-boom sticks, Tempura, metal, we in business. Carl know where get. You want go there?”

Thyr "The Minotaur" Solyph (maart3n)

"I can at least confirm the part where he looks like a talosian, I think we should give these men a chance. Not that much to lose."
Remain intimidating, but accepting towards proposition of discovering true nature of apartment.

Benford does not appear to slack off because of your comments.

Lani Mon (Foa)

"So Roberts, you said something about 'CAT's, right? No one seemed to have more than four letters.."
> Approach [caek] to make sure he hears you, whilst glancing around a bit
".. otherwise I can say that everyone else left in different directions, seemed to be for a bit of truth seeking."
> Equip Bayonet, with the handle at two feet's length, and charge up one Combolt Charge at the very least. [It's a bit more reliable this way :v]
"I guess we can't go back, unless it's after leaving."

You make the jump and appear next to Robert. You approach him as you make a brief comment about the cat thing and everybody going their separate ways. You prep the bayonet and ready your psychic blast.

Benford Barnes (Nonsequitorian)

"I couldn't give a damn as to what he is or will be. If he's such a problem, then send some goony to give him a forcible case of lead poisoning. You'd be better off killing him now anyways. Bugs are better squashed before they ruin your piquenique, you know.
He could be Little Lord Fauntleroy with a queer little breast musket for all I care at the moment.
So then, give me a reason why I should care. Why is it so important to know what he's up to, yet not important enough to stop him before he's doing it?"

“So, your concern is that we should just kill him? We have tried. We can’t. We’ve shot him, stabbed him, attempted to rip him limb from limb, poison, disintegration, etcetera, but he is damn near unkillable. We can’t stop him directly by force.
But he hates to get his hands dirty. We can stop his plans. We can interfere with his operations, we can kill his agents, we can spread Temporum throughout the timeline. One of his main goals is to consolidate it all here, that much we know.
And if that wasn’t enough, we know things he won’t tell you in a million years. Stuff we can prove is true, but which he swears wasn’t seven ways to Sunday. Once again, are you in?”

Robert Reeves (caekdaemon)

Equip the rifle.
You slot both of your weapons in their correct slots in preparation for a fight.

Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:53 am
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