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 Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"Thi' thing looks like those little earbuds the boys used to fashion to stop the ringin' when the Cherries' started to shell."

Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:05 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Oh snap, ♥♥♥♥ has hit the fan.(Although I would have been surprised if it had somehow managed to evade said fan.)

Skim contents of both ebook and letters, put in earpiece.
"Please let this thing be a translator, I am not in the mood for learning new languages."

Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:23 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Polybiblios (TheKebbit)

Apply the earpiece to the relevant auditory tubercule, then study the cigar case shaped object.

You apply the metal box to your cybernetics.
The cigarette case object is filled with green tubes. You accidentally break one on yourself. Qvelknarg!
You feel it disintegrate on your metal exterior. You gained a new passive trait: Living Catalyst!
Your metal frame will deactivate anytime Temporum is released.

You hear a ding from the console. Your weapons have arrived!
You got:
Armstek ChemBlast 0037 – an early prototype chemical laser. Though massively powerful, it is also highly unstable, and may cause problems for the user. This variety of laser never made it past the prototype phase in any known timeline. Consumes 25% battery and chemicals per shot. Battery: 100% Chemical supply: 100%

AutoBullet 5 – This system of three automatic small-caliber cannons was, sadly, sunk because of consumer confusion between the name and the number of guns. They are still quite accurate, but lack punch. Consumes 30 rounds per shot. 100/100 rounds

James Sander (Miggles)

Insert the babel fish and investigate all the ♥♥♥♥ in the box while I wait.

(Who told you it was a babel fish? Hunh punk?)
You insert the fishy thing in your ear. There is a tickling. Nothing else seems to change.
The towel looks like an ordinary towel. Same for the pencil and paper.
The cigarette case is filled with a number of greenish, metallic tubes. You take one out and nearly break it. You put it back carefully.
You check the button thing, but its screen is blank.
It appears there is some sort of handbook. You read it.

You hear a small ding from the console. Your stuff has arrived!
You got:
Jacobs Choot ‘em Up 6-shot – A fairly standard revolver. What it lacks in magazine capacity, it makes up for in accuracy. Consumes 1 bullet per shot. 6/6 bullets

The Lone Ranger – A rifle. Good at long ranges. This particular brand was popularized in future Earth by a show of the same name, but sadly, never got into the hands of consumers, as it was not deemed “safe”. This replaces your old rifle, which was, sadly, broken beyond repair. Consumes 1 bullet per shot. 5/5 bullets

Ol’ Faithful – a hunting knife. Useful for close-range combat, darts, intimidation, reflex games, or whittlin’.

Thyr "The Minotaur" Solyph (maart3n)

Skim contents of both ebook and letters, put in earpiece.

You insert the fishy thing in your ear. There is a tickling. Nothing else seems to change.

You can't seem to get the E-Book to turn on.

You read the pamphlet:

You hear a small ding from the console. Your stuff has arrived!
You got:
VX-9600 “Matador” Short-Range Shrapnel Cannon – This is one mammoth of a shotgun. Well, technically, it should be used by aircraft, but you never followed the rules anyway. Consumes 1 shell per shot. 2/2 shells

The Eviscerator – This axe is adorned with multiple shrunken heads and bloodstains. However, it does not seem to have any particular other properties.

Lani Mon (Foa)

Letters are great, I guess, Ogle the Earpiece, and see if there is a manual in the letters [Read the Letters, why not, everything else, into the arbitrary pantsventory.]

You ogle the earpiece. It appears to stick out some metal tendrils from the end in fear.
Sadly, only the top of the instruction manual is legible. You read it.

You stuff everything from the toolkit into your arbitrary pantsventory.

You hear a ding from the console. Your stuff has arrived!
You got:
Eurythma Multi-Chain – This particular energy construct was pulled from the market early due to new statutes regarding energy-based weaponry. The construct on the end can (theoretically) change between a large weighty ball, a small spear point, or a smaller pebble-thing. However, this particular model has been stuck on the pebble for a long time. Maybe you could get it working again.

Thorn – You brought this bayonet with you when you switched timelines. Still sharp. It comes with a telescoping 4-foot pole.

Benford Barnes (Nonsequitorian)

Read about tubes. Open tube and smell if it smells safe to consume.

Also earpiece in nose right now. right. now.

Press buttons on controller

You insert the earpiece in your nose. You feel a sharp pain at the back of your nostril, and it gets stuck about halfway up. Great. Permanently clogged nose. You feel a tingling in your skull cavity.
Despite your random button pushing, the screen on the E-Book stays dark.
You read the introductory letter.

You open the tube, and nearly break it again. Clumsy! It appears to be made of metal and not edible at all.

You hear a small ding from the console. Your stuff has arrived!
You got:
The Debutante – This is a very quiet gun, however, it lacks oomph and works terribly at long ranges. Consumes 1 bullet per shot. 12/12 bullets

Sir’s Rifle – The epitome of high fashion and killer accuracy. Don’t expect much to happen on a body shot or at short range. Consumes 1 bullet per shot. 5/5 bullets


Robert Reeves (caekdaemon)

Read the handbook and put in the ear piece.

You insert the fishy thing in your ear. There is a tickling. Nothing else seems to change.

You read the pamphlet.

You hear a small ding from the console. Your stuff has arrived!
You got:
Webley Mk VI Revolver – Standard issue. Consumes 1 bullet per shot. 6/6 bullets

Lee-Enfield Rifle - Also standard issue. Consumes 1 bullet per shot. 10/10 bullets

Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:36 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"Y'know, Cherries. Germuns."

Do everything the book says.

Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:08 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
You guys may want to put some of the introductory stuff back in the box to clean up your inventories.

Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:31 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
> Put everything but the guns and knife back in the box, holster my weapons in their respective areas, and read the letters.

Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:42 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Holster weapons, wrap towel around left hand and put everything else back into the box.

"So can anybody understand what I'm saying now?"

Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:16 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Read up on those letters and pamphlet. Ponder the implications of my entire capacity to move and attack vanishing when plot substances are released.

Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:04 pm
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"Fishy, no, no.."
> Console earpiece before installing, and read some papers before condensing the non-weapons/pen-paper into the inventory kit.
".. my weapons, why?" She personally finds the lack of modularitry concerning, but regardless, it is substantial.

> Other than that look around indistinctly, and focus on [Miggles] for a bit

Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:08 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Polybiblios (TheKebbit)

Read up on those letters and pamphlet. Ponder the implications of my entire capacity to move and attack vanishing when plot substances are released.

You ponder a bit before getting into the letters. Luckily, you think that Temporum release is a rare event, and therefore, this should not hurt you too much. Hopefully.
One of the letters is from the Traveler, one is from a group called the Narrator’s Guild, one appears to be compliments of the Armorer, and the fourth has no source.

James Sander (Miggles)

Put everything but the guns and knife back in the box, holster my weapons in their respective areas, and read the letters.

You put everything but your weapons, the letters, and the bunny back in the box. You holster your weapons in their respective slots.
You read the letters. One of the letters is from the Traveler, one is from a group called the Narrator’s Guild, one appears to be compliments of the Armorer, and the fourth has no source.

You feel a cold ogle and see a beautiful woman staring intently at you.

Thyr "The Minotaur" Solyph (maart3n)

Holster weapons, wrap towel around left hand and put everything else back into the box.

You stick your weapons in your holsters, wrap your towel around your left hand, and return all the other items in the box.

"So can anybody understand what I'm saying now?"
Yes, yes we can.

Lani Mon (Foa)

Console earpiece before installing, and read some papers before condensing the non-weapons/pen-paper into the inventory kit.
(Rolled a 5)You pat the earpiece a few times to calm it down. It gives a little happy robotic wiggle, and you insert it into your ear without ill effect.
You read through the papers.

Now the letters. One of the letters is from the Traveler, one is from a group called the Narrator’s Guild, one appears to be compliments of the Armorer, and the fourth has no source.

You condense all the non-weapons/paper into your bag.
You ogle everyone, but James in particular. He seems to notice you.

Benford Barnes (Nonsequitorian)

Blow my nose. Read letters while looking for an identifier of where the hell I am.

You blow your nose, and the fish comes flying out. It angrily vibrates as you insert it into your ear. Your nose aches a bit, but nothing seriously injuring or lasting.
You read over the letters. One of the letters is from the Traveler, one is from a group called the Narrator’s Guild, one appears to be compliments of the Armorer, and the fourth has no source.

Following their advice, you flag down one of the small metal orb thingies flying around.
“Hello sir, and welcome to Eternity this fine evening! Where can I direct you to?”

Robert Reeves (caekdaemon)

Do everything the book says.
You turn on the E-book as you follow the signs to the apartments as you read the letters.
(Rolled an 8 ) The gods will allow this multitasking to pass, but they seriously doubt that this is humanly possible.
(Rolled a 3) The E-Book scans a person you walk by. It displays their biographical info.
Name: Phyllis Zoidberger
Age: 97
Occupation: Seamstress
Interesting Facts: None. Bland person.
You read the letters. One of the letters is from the Traveler, one is from a group called the Narrator’s Guild, one appears to be compliments of the Armorer, and the fourth has no source. The fifth one is just strange.

You gained a new passive trait: Knows Too Much, and Yet Nothing at All!
Who knows what this could do in the future! But with your luck, it’s probably a good thing.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:15 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
"Did any of you lads get a message repeatin' the word cat?"

Head to my apartment, then take a walk to the traveler's office.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:33 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Leave for my apartment and examine it in detail.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:42 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
> Feel strangely cognizant, and audible
"I don't much like any of these things, it's like Pascal's Wager, Infinite upon Infinite States, and Stakes.."
> Pester a servitor, and hug the grumpy James [Miggles]
"No, but I suppose we got the other four though, it doesn't help anybody."


Last edited by Foa on Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:23 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
> Look for Carl The Weapon Guy.

Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:40 am
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Post Re: Infinity: An Open-World RtD Adventure
Follow Benford towards the shadowy folk. Let him do the talking, make sure he doesn't get his ass killed.
on the way: "So fancy boy, tell me about yourself."

Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:44 pm
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