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 PS3 Controller + Mac? 
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Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:25 am
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Post PS3 Controller + Mac?
I cant seem to get CC to work with my ps3 controller when its hooked up to my MBP, my comp says the controller is hooked up and good to go but it simply will not work when i select the gamepad in CC. Has anyone got this to work if so would you kindly share how to. Thanks.

Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:28 am
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
Does your PS3 pad work with any other games on your mac or is it's drivers just showing as installed?

I know that the ps3 pad's drivers install on windows but you need a driver set like MotionJoy's before it'll work properly.

Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:30 am

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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
I havent installed any drivers of the net because i was doing a bit of googling and found out that snow leopard natively supports the ps3 controller through blue tooth. It says its connected when i hook it up with BT or a usb cable but i have no other games to test it on as my mac is relatively new and all my other games are for pc.

Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:50 pm
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
Hey, I'm also having problems with the dualshock on my mac. using Snow Leopard I'm able to sync the controller, and I see it in game, but when I try to configure it, the sticks assign themselves too quickly that I can't control anything... I'm going to go look for other posts on the topic, but it seems like this might be a good place to start...

Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:00 pm
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
Please let me know if you come across any thing as my main reason for using the dual shock is for multi-player

Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:10 pm
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
Can any mac user confirm that their PS3 pad works in any other games?

If you don't have games for your mac then I think Steam has a one or two free games that work on mac.

Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:48 pm
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
I am able to get the PS3 controller to work with Steam games. After doing a little research, I had to use a program called ControllerMate which let me assign keys and functions to the controller. (You might also find that you need to use TattieBogle if you are on anything but Snow Leopard). My main problem now is that Cortex Command seems to recognize the controller without needing ControllerMate (which is awesome) however, it doesn't cancel out the small jitter of the sensitive control of the analog sticks, or in my case, the sticks don't sit quite perfectly center. Supposedly TattieBogle will do that eventually, but the settings are not quite there yet. (They are working well for Xbox360 controllers apparently). If there is a way to ignore small amounts of movement in Cortex Command, I think it would work fine.

Itchy... did you try configuring the gamepad in Cortex Command? Once I did that, it seemed to show up. Also, it only seems to work if the controller is connected when I start CC.

Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:38 am
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
I still getting that same problem u did where it automatically configures it really fast but the buttons dont work and i have limited analog movement. are you using any of those programs to get it to work or just running it through Blur Tooth?

Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:56 am
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
I'm using blue tooth, and I can get limited use with ControllerMate. (I didn't need the PS3 drive from TattieBogle). The only problem with using ControllerMate is that it thinks I'm using a keyboard and mouse, and so the aiming is a little crazy. (Plus creating the custom settings in ControllerMate is time consuming the first time...) It seems like if the fast selection issue was resolved, (meaning, not registering small movements on the controller) it might be a simple task to setup.

Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:13 am
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
So just to check back in, my Dualshock3 controller is now working very well on my Mac. If you bought the CC through the Humble Indie Bundle (like I did) you can also test your controller on Braid. It was really easily assignable in the startup window that pops up, purely using the bluetooth connection. However, I'm still happy I bought ControllerMate because it let's me assign the buttons in any app.

As for Cortex Command specifically, I still can't assign the analog sticks within the game, but using ControllerMate I was able to make the game very playable, emulating a keyboard and mouse configuration on my ps3 controller. If you want any specifics, let me know, but I found YouTube was a big help in assigning the buttons. (The only downside to this would be trying to do multiplayer on a single machine.)

Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:04 am
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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
I have the exact same problem as anton, I cannot use my Dualshock 3 controller (on Mac) with Cortex Command because when I try to configure it, the controls are assigned too quickly. I'm pretty sure this has to do with the analog sticks being slightly off calibration and not reading exactly 0 even when I'm not touching them. It seems like this would be rather simple to fix in the game, by simply setting a small tolerance so that I had to push the analog stick rather far in a particular direction before it gets registered.

It really would be nice to use my PS3 controller to play.

Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:39 am

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Post Re: PS3 Controller + Mac?
Same here, it works great with Waking Mars for sure. I've tried with the ps3 gamepad plugged in and with bluetooth, and I've tried a ps2 controller with a usb adapter. In both cases, assigning control to the gamepad using custom dual analog or the default xbox setup results in the mouse pointer wandering off in one direction and causes gameplay and any custom configuration to be impossible due to the wandering directional response.

Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:45 am
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