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 FG Lounge 
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Sorry, I forgot to elaborate.

My theme will be time travel. All characters must have this ability.

Any alien race is possible, save those scandalously overpowered.

The full description should be up in a few weeks.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:06 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
BearsofInsanity wrote:
My theme will be time travel. All characters must have this ability.


Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:21 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Time travel sounds interesting. If slightly insane. I'd expect people to play with that ability in interesting ways.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:25 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
It will be insane. However, paradoxes are strictly off-limits. It screws with time.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:31 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
I will vouch for Bearsofinsanity's competence, having met him in real life and collaborated with him on matters of Homestuck RP.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:20 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Alright. I've made a mockup bridge for my RtD. It's still an early design. I'm probably gonna completely redesign the thing.


It's pretty small and I'm gonna be scaling it up. It's got a few mechanics I'll be finalizing in it, like the communications room at the bottom. I'm not sure whether to have it as a player set disposition or what the enemy disposition is.

I've tried to make it obvious what the various stations on the bridge are, so tell me what your guesses are. If enough are wrong, I'll redesign the console. You might also notice the people on the bridge. They are also a test. The top room is the sensor room. Think of that board as a representation of the radar equipment and the temperament screen in the bottom room as the communications gear. You won't have to be in those rooms to manage those, so don't worry. The orange wires are meant to be under the floor. They are the power supply for the various consoles. If you lose power due to exhausting the fuel (not designed the power plant yet, the bridge does have backup batteries, though), the consoles will start shutting down in order of priority.

The red pipes and the blue cylinders are the oxygen supply. The boxes on the floor with the red dots in them are atmospheric vents. Blow one of those pipes and the junctions will automatically stop sending air to the damaged section. But that can cause entire parts of the ship to be without air, so grab some EVA gear (not yet made, either. ) The little people represent the player's location on the ship. When the player makes their character, the description of their physical appearance will be used to make the person. Since I am gonna scale up in sprite size, I should be able to add more detail.

When a console loses power or is damaged, you lose access to it's functions. So if you lose the communications system, you won't have intercom or radio broadcasting. For the purpose of priority, communications is second only to life support. That way, you can still send out a SOS message.

This is basically a re-imagining of my old Roll to Dodge in Space. Instead of the ships being cut sideways, though, they will be from the top down perspective as recommended on here before. They'll have multiple decks, and the ships are intended to be rearranged by the players. They can move the consoles around inside rooms as well as completely change the shape of the ship when in dry dock.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:41 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
I feel as if I have been one-upped here.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:45 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
BearsofInsanity wrote:
I feel as if I have been one-upped here.

Nah, I've been planning a reboot of some of my older RtDs for a while now. I had been nailing down game concepts for an hour every couple of days, usually after my Lets Play update. I just finished most of those concepts. I've got a lot of work to do before my reimagining is ready to roll. Mostly, ship designing and various other graphical components.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:48 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Timetravel really isn't worth the headache, unless usage of it is very strictly controlled and accounted for in the plot ahead of time. :roll:

Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:49 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
BearsofInsanity wrote:
It will be insane. However, paradoxes are strictly off-limits. It screws with time.

So I can give myself a suit of invincible power armor, as long as at the end of the adventure I send it back to me in the first place?

Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:02 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
I'm thinking that it may be best to scrap the player designed ship part of my RtD and replace it with player customized ships instead. It's pretty hard to figure out how it should be implemented.

Also, I've completely redesigned the mockup.


I increased the size of the sprites while decreasing the size of the bridge section. I also added a new console to the helm, which remains unmanned. Gonna start building the rest of the ship tomorrow.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:15 pm
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Time travel doesn't work in a single time line. Traveling back creates a paradox itself, since once you go back in time, you won't be able to get to the exact event in the future to travel back in time. Also, even if it's a small change, you're a different person when you go back again than the you that originally went back.

And if you have multi-line time travel, there would be near zero player activity, unless if they traveled in groups.

The only "time travel" method that would work is game-file-save style, where it merely reverts back to a previous state without attempting to treat the situation as a time-travel scenario.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:39 pm
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This is how the travel works:

There are two sets of time, one that runs for the characters aand works like regular time, and one that acts like environs for the character to travel in. Traveler Time keeps running, while Actual Time can be altered by the travelers. However, There are a few restrictions on each type of time.

1. You cannot interfere with Actual Time outside of doomed timelines, which are scheduled to be eliminated from history anyway. By interfere, I mean you can enter and watch, but no actual talking to anyone or taking anything. The actual process by which a timeline is chosen for elimination is murky and difficult to predict.
2. Paradoxes are not allowed. You can only visit any specific set of temporal points once, as all time travelers experience excruciating pain and nausea when two of him occupies one temporal point. No time traveler has actually met himself, but it could threoretically eliminate time. Some travelers even have built in robotic systems to prevent themselves from accidentally returning to where they were before.
3. Interacting with doomed timelines is the only way you can get loot.
4. Time travel before 1900 is not possible for a basic traveler. The more skilled you get at travel, the farther back you can go. There is interesting stuff at the beginning of time, and magical artifacts and some of the most powerful sets of armor can be found in the past.

There is a set of player goals, but I won't get into those here.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:30 pm
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Post Re: FG Lounge
So essentially you have a single line system and when you time-travel, you break off into a temporary "doomed" time line?
                ______________ Doomed Line _____ End
_______________________ Main Line _________________ ... Goes on indefinitely

Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:37 pm
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Every possibility exists in this, so it is a branching line. Doomed timelines arise, which can be interacted with, because they end at a certain point in time. Eventually, the whole timeline will be wiped from history.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:47 pm
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