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 W40K.rte: Imperium of Man [Standalone/Steam: R20.8b] 
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Hmm. I guess they just looked bigger at first glance with nothing to compare them to.

So I dragged all the original sprites in (minus mags), and scaled the whole thing up by 3x. Spoiler'd because height;

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go scrub the magenta off my retinas again. :lol:

Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:57 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
So what's the verdict? Do the bolters need to be scaled down?

Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:21 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Nah, they're good - although the way the mag attaches bugs me for some reason.

I think the Marine Sniper Rifle could do with being scaled up a little bit (it's basically an anti-materiel rifle used by the Marine Scouts after all) but otherwise stuff is lookin' pretty solid so far.

Ed: Oh, there's one thing the bolters do need - the laser sight modules for pistol/bolter/heavy bolter. Likewise, most of the autoweapons have laser sights. The sights on sniper weapons (MSR, GSR, Stalker) are drawn from the scope rather than an underbarrel module so those are fine.

Last edited by Arcalane on Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:58 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Well ♥♥♥♥, those are all better than mine...C'yall later!

But seriously, those are fantastic. I only really like my lasguns more, but even then, his are kinda better.

Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:39 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Taking another look at it... the Heavy Bolter might work better with an inverted grip like the Heavy Flamer, or else actor arms are going to be overstretched trying to hold it properly if the supportoffset is on that upper carry-handle.

I think I'll disable the offhand Storm Bolter - the new bigger model looks more like a dedicated primary weapon really. Besides, dual Storm Bolters were so hideously inaccurate I'm not sure they were really worth using... :P I'll leave the code there, but switch the 'normal' one to require both hands-- and just comment the 'offhand' one's line out of the weapon index files.

Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:57 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
I add all the sights on, just under the barrel? The heavy bolter has already had a bit of a make over, I didn't like how flat and big it was, so I smallerised it and gave it some more shape. I'll post some versions of it later. I'm also starting on gibs.
Tearagion I wasn't really thinking I suppose... Sorry for just barging in like this.

Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:35 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Yup, just a little sight under the barrel will do fine.

To be honest, the mishmash of visual styles always bugged me a bit. :roll:

Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:02 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Here's stuff. I tried to delete all the redundant stuff, so any duplicates are versions for consideration. The missile launcher and GL are new. I also added an new revolver and started on the gibs. Newer stuff is at the bottom.
Gunpdate.PNG [ 21.36 KiB | Viewed 5688 times ]

Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:55 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
New Marine Sniper Rifle and Long Las are lookin' good, man. I like the GL as well. I think I'll probably use the Long Las design that's under the MSR, and perhaps you could reuse the stock design from the bottom-most Long Las for the Guard Sniper Rifle? I like that stock design, just not sure it fits the Long Las. No point wasting it!

Not convinced the Autoshotgun drum works, though. :roll: Perhaps it'd be better to redesign the mid/rear part to be more like the new Grenade Launcher, with a bigger drum (keeping in mind the 15-shell ammo capacity) overlapping the main body? Don't forget it needs the sight and bayonet too.

Combi-Plasma didn't need a sight (not having a sight is one of the intentional tradeoffs for having the underbarrel plasma pistol, in fact). The Storm Bolter similarly lacks one due to... well, not really needing one, given the range you'll be using it at. In a similar vein, the Stalker and MSR don't need underbarrel modules, since they trace the sight out from the scope. I had considered drawing both, but I felt that would be redundant and/or confusing to players.

I think the thinner, taller mag works best on the Storm Bolter. Heavy Bolter looks good with the inverted grip too.

Missile launchers looking good although I'm not sure which one to go with yet. Probably the top one - the slanted grip looks better and the sight is more in-line with the barrel, which is important for making sure the missiles lock on properly when launched. The size of the bottom-most one looks more appropriate for the Guard's Helios Rocket Launcher.

Also keep in mind that plasma weapons gib into a mini plasma explosion (a single shot from the weapon, specifically), so you don't need to make gib-parts for the top coils or anything as that's where the explosion is spawned.

's all the feedback I have for now. Anyone else got anything?

Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:44 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Sweet! I'll make gibs for all the bolters and stuff now that they're done. With the missile launcher my concern was that they were to big initially, which is why I made the smaller one. Re-using the stock for the guard SR sounds good to me. When you say taller and thinner mag on the storm bolter, is that the left or right mag? Should I even make another Helios sprite? 'Cause the current one looks good to me, although if you want a continuous spriting style I can re do it.

Gods above, this Autoshotty is the stuff of my nightmares... The design on the Lexicanum is barren of any magazine reference and I'm bad at large open flat areas on sprites. I'll try what you're saying, hopefully that fixes it, as well as adding sight and stabby.

Are the conventional weapon sprites (shotgun, pistol, revolver, etc.) good to go gib wise?

Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:02 am

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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
I tried to contribute towards the Vindicare Temple Assassin armory:


not quite where it should be ofc...

but hey tell me if you're interested.. and I'll keep at it I guess....

Oh and here is a revised Vindicare Temple Assassin Head if you're interested...


think it could use some resizing of course...

Here is another head:


snip.bmp [4.8 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
sniphead.bmp [4.8 KiB]
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sniphead2.bmp [4.8 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:09 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Major wrote:
Sweet! I'll make gibs for all the bolters and stuff now that they're done. With the missile launcher my concern was that they were to big initially, which is why I made the smaller one. Re-using the stock for the guard SR sounds good to me. When you say taller and thinner mag on the storm bolter, is that the left or right mag? Should I even make another Helios sprite? 'Cause the current one looks good to me, although if you want a continuous spriting style I can re do it.

The one beneath the... Machine Pistol, I guess? With the single pixel-line of bullets, as opposed to the 2px-wide ones.

Don't forget Plasma and Incendiary missiles for the Thunderstrike either!

Helios... up to you. I think it's nice, but it might be interesting to see it in your style or something? :???: The current sprite might look a bit out of place alongside all the new stuff.

Speaking of explosives and explodey things, the artillery weapon shells are long overdue an overhaul in terms of appearance. Same for the Whirlwind Rockets. The shell/rocket sprites can be found in W40K.rte/Strikes/Sprites if you feel like giving them a little love too. Only the Cluster Mortar Shell needs gibs, as it's designed to burst before hitting the ground to shower the target site with explosive submunitions.

No real reference is needed other than generic artillery shells and rockets. God knows it was hard enough to find them the first time around.


Major wrote:
Gods above, this Autoshotty is the stuff of my nightmares... The design on the Lexicanum is barren of any magazine reference and I'm bad at large open flat areas on sprites. I'll try what you're saying, hopefully that fixes it, as well as adding sight and stabby.

:lol: My spritework for it was originally designed based off the Combat Shotgun from the DH corebook, although I suppose it has more in common with the Astartes Assault Shotgun now in terms of stats and purpose. The laser sight and bayonet are sort of borrowed from the Vanaheim-pattern Assault Shotgun from the DH Inquisitor's Handbook.

It's a bit of a monster in many respects. Just experiment until you find something that looks good? :???: Don't feel you have to stick too closely to the references you find.


Major wrote:
Are the conventional weapon sprites (shotgun, pistol, revolver, etc.) good to go gib wise?

To be made into gibs, or in terms of their gibs? Yeah, those look fine. I think the revolver looks slightly better with the longer barrel though.

Ed: My notes appear to have mentioned possibly implementing a version of the Autogun with an underbarrel Grenade Launcher. Hm.


Izak12 wrote:
I tried to contribute towards the Vindicare Temple Assassin...

I am certain the Vindicare have come up in discussion before, and between the lack of sprites and their over-specialized nature, I still really don't see the need to include them. In terms of new actors I really would rather see, say, Sisters of Battle first.

Maybe if they had some really fancy features on the actor (DarkStorm-esque cloak/wallclimbing/etc.)... but that would require additional scripting.

I don't think there's anything their sniper rifle would do that the Marine Sniper Rifle isn't great at already, to be honest.

As sniper weapons go...

Name Cost Mag. Size Range (px) ROF (RPM) Fire Mode Damage
Stalker Boltgun
Burst (2)
Guard SR
Long Las
Marine SR
Very High

*This is the maximum sharpaim/zoom range for the weapon. This does not necessarily reflect the lifetime of a bullet, shots can often travel further.
†The Long Las beam ceases tracing past this distance, and thus cannot hit a target more than 2400 pixels away from the shooter (give or take, adjusting for barrel position).

Basically unless you can think of some really convincing argument then it's a low-priority thing at best. :???:

Also looking at that makes me want to increase the mag size on the Guard SR and Marine SR... though the Marine SR would need an actual magazine. Only reason it's single-shot now is because it has no magazine, really. Maybe a 4-round magazine for the Marine SR, and 10-round for the GSR? Sadly I don't think it's possible to alter a weapon's reload speed using Lua, or extended mags could be an optional thing for the GSR.

Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:53 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
You've got a point. Well I guess someone should make him standalone, since even by cannon he is a pretty stand alone unit.

Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:16 pm
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]

Even more stuffs. Big 'splodey stuffs.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:42 am
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Post Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R17 Out!]
Delicious. Shotgun's looking good (though I prefer the current open-sided drum that shows shell capacity, personally). Cluster Mortar looks very cool too. :grin:

Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:58 am
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