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Post Re: FG Lounge
dafuq u talking about?

fresh ideas are ALWAYS a good thing

Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:01 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
TheKebbit wrote:
dafuq u talking about?

fresh ideas are ALWAYS a good thing

That is where you are wrong. It is not always a good idea to make a new RtD. RtDs have already saturated the Forum Games section, and generally, the more complex/more story a RtD has, the less people want to play it.

It is also a great idea to go back and finish an old RtD before starting a new one, to keep the people who signed up for that RtD interested in your future works. Remember, if people see a number of your RtDs die and sink to page 2 and beyond, it's unlikely that they'd want to join a future RtD, get interested and eager to play only to watch it die, even if it don't.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:24 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Given that I've run double digits in total and abandoned more than I am currently running, I can attest that it is not always a good idea to throw a game out there just because you got an idea for it.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:47 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
I meant that unfortunately-worded statement to be an objection to "a new game might not catch on", misinterpreting it as "don't go for new formulas".

He should definitely finish Nonspace first. No doubt about that; it's kind of the magnum opus of Non's work.

I will admit to being guilty of grand crimes of ambition. My RTDs tend toward stylistic bloat and early necrosis.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:10 am
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I want to finish Illusia because it was poorly planned and I have a much grander scheme ahead, but I'm just too damn lazy. I feel like I would roll more often if it were an RtD I planned and I were more interested in it, but that could also just be me coming up with an excuse for myself. Probably is.

Illusia, frankly, ended up like a big experiment for me as far as RtD goes (how many times did I change rules again?), and it kind of served that purpose well. I don't regret making it... okay, I do, because I have no idea how to finish it properly considering I introduced a bunch of things that I can't exactly explain at the end... but I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. That's a good thing.

In fact, here's a list of things that I've learned:

... and I'm sure I can probably come up with a whole lot more given time.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:46 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Nighthawk wrote:
- Don't give Players the ability to shapeshift. Ever. *Coughcough*CaveCricket*Coughcough*


Something I have learned would be when you make a crapload of NPCs, ones that are intended to be minor characters and only seen for several rolls will end up as major NPCs.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:24 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
That's the thing about RtD - the Players are characters too, and if they choose to stick around someone who seems inconsequential... the expendable guys can suddenly become important.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:16 pm
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Post Re: FG Lounge
If there is one thing I take into every RtD I play and have made, it is that, ultimately, my character is mortal.

And when I make a RtD, no one is immortal. No NPC, no player.

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:06 pm
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Post Re: FG Lounge
Alright, new post because this is important for DMs.

I'm gonna be losing my net for a while, so put me on ice ingame.

Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:54 pm
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Post Re: FG Lounge
TorrentHKU wrote:
On her back, protruding from holes sewn into her dress, are two small but unmistakable wings, covered in golden white downy feathers.

Wings, dammit. Everyone has wings nowadays.

I know that you've used this kind of thing in previous RtDs, Torrent, but that's the second idea you've swiped from under my fingers. I was actually planning to have a winged character appear in a very similar way the exact same way in my next RtD.

First it was the floating islands, and I thought, "Oh whatever, it's an overused idea anyway, my take on it is different enough..." and now this. Either you're telepathic and you're pulling this ♥♥♥♥ out of my head, I'm telepathic and I'm pulling this ♥♥♥♥ out of YOUR head, or my ideas are just too damn cliche'd.

I am betting on the third.

EDIT - Just to make sure you know, that was just me expressing how upset I was on a spur-of-the-moment thing. It was not intended to be any sort of attack, though it is tragic how this keeps happening.

If stuff keeps up at this rate, though, I might just abandon all the extra work I'm doing to fill the world with stuff. I may just use the tried 'n' true classic D6 or D10, and wing the entire thing. I'd rather not though, because I want to make a fully functioning world that somewhat makes sense before I decide to run an RtD with it.

Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:01 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
First, create your universe "rules" that dictate what is possible and what is not.

Then, start your world/s. How did things come to be? Evolution? Gods? Aliens?

Think about the nature of the beings that live within your worlds. Are they prone to greed, corruption, heroism, and kindness alike? Create factions that come about for specific reasons, think about how they grow and how their nature changes them.

Make more of these factions.

How does your universe laws affect them? Do they war over resources, beliefs? Both?

Simulate this in your mind, jotting notes down, think about key battles, travelling forward through time.

Your characters are political figures, heroes, villains, and non-spectacular people thrown into messes.

What are these characters like? Family structure or family issues? How were they raised? What influenced them in life? What is their history and what are their aspirations?

After your universe has progressed a good amount of time where your universe has a healthy amount of 'stuff,' pick out where you want things to lead, create a handful of key characters to give it a nudge in the right direction, and throw in the players near those characters to give them some sort of goal.

Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:53 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
While factions are a bit lacking, I think I have a world-wide story down well enough. What I'm really worried will take too long is the ecosystems and animals... considering I'm not going to use a single real-world creature.

Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:28 pm
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Post Re: FG Lounge
If you want a hand with fluff give me a shout and I'll throw a few ideas your way, just pm me some details and i'll have something for you in around 24 hours.

Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:36 pm
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Post Re: FG Lounge
I won't give names, but a certain RAGNAROX AKA RAGDOLLMASTER is preventing me from rolling this lovely Friday evening.

I'm thinking about pulling one of my current RtDs off of hiatus so I at least have frequent roll activity.

Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:15 am
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Post Re: FG Lounge
I'm rolling sunday, guaranteed. I need to start just setting up a routine so I stay consistent... it's the only way to counter my horrible, horrible laziness.

Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:21 am
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