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Joined: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:06 pm Posts: 129
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B65 - 15 dec.)
Pretty epic mod.. Hmm I hate how sometimes you can see into tunnels beforehand (not a problem with the mod but most likely vanilla content). It ruins the surprise factor and gives you a jump on enemies you otherwise wouldn't have had (unless you brought a scanner etc.).
I played through a couple games, I was wondering though, I tried ordering units from the landing zones and it says "Lost control of remote body" (like you flew out of bounds). This was after trying to implement and use a custom mod so I thought I'd ask; is this normal or do I have to change something?
Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:21 am |
DRL Developer
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:34 pm Posts: 966 Location: Moscow, Russia
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B65 - 15 dec.)
No it's not normal, after you ordered something everything else happens as usual, landing mark appears, tehn dropship arrives and unloads it's cargo. It probably may leave at once if it's empty, that's the only thing I can think of.
Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:50 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:18 am Posts: 5
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B65 - 15 dec.)
Thanks for making this awesome mod, Weegee. It's a hell of a lot of fun.  I've been recording a couple of 'Let's Play' series for my YouTube channel (will start uploading a day or two) using it but have come across some 'unexplained things'. First off, I'll often be awarded a win on a map without a fight - usually as soon as I start mining or bring in forces. Secondly, Using the W40K mod, the AI doesn't expand well nor does it bring many foces into battle. TBH I found the AI Dummy's to be a much greater threat than any of the AI W40K troops. Is this a problem with the W40K mod or does the game have an issue using powerful units? As such, do you have recommendations of factions that provide the most fun to play with and against?
Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:53 pm |
DRL Developer
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:34 pm Posts: 966 Location: Moscow, Russia
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B65 - 15 dec.)
Das24680, yes you can auto-win if AI don't have any funds to buy reinforcements and you have about 3 times more troops than AI. That explains how you win by just bringing more troops. Killing a lone brain is mostly a routine, so the game just tries to skip it.
Speaking of W40K, the don't expand in strategic mode or refuse to attack you during tactcal phase? The former mostly depends on the will of random generator and player. If player don't expand his mining or science operations, then AI's won't either. The latter can happen in theory if we're dealing with some units with complex spawn scripts like Crobotech
Can't tell anything about other factions, I usually just test them for compatibility to make sure everything works as edvertised. Untitled are not bad and balanced, but tend to cause a heavy lag when there's too much of them. RETARDS might be a good enemy to fight against, I even gave them a huge dropship capacity bonus so they could create swarms. IMWD is quite overpowered and NWI is less overpowered but they will probably look quite the same on the battlefield. Crobotech are probably the most good-looking dudes for Let's Play because they are very polished and have lots of fancy effects, but they are also overpowered. BF are also nice, but very overpowered due to very low prices and extremely tough mechs.
Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:14 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:18 am Posts: 5
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B65 - 15 dec.)
Ahhh. Thanks. That explains a lot.  I made a 'house rule' of not expanding from my home province in one of the games until I was attacked or until all of the territories had been claimed. In the end I had to change this to attack on turn 800 because the other two requirements hadn't been met. When I did attack the AI had no money left after attacking each other so it was still all a little one-sided.
Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:15 pm |
DRL Developer
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:34 pm Posts: 966 Location: Moscow, Russia
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B65 - 15 dec.)
Yeah the game tries to be a bit fair and sometimes turns boring )))
Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:45 pm |
DRL Developer
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:34 pm Posts: 966 Location: Moscow, Russia
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B70 - 26 jan.)
Updated! Lots of fixes, thanks to Das24680  - New faction property - CF_UnassignableUnits. AI will never give orders to units in this list. - Fixed diplomacy button bug - Bombing intervals slightly increased - Better support for 720P resolution - Dummy superweapon now shoot 4 beams - Added General Industries to faction pack - You can specify that your faction comes with pre-equipped actors, check GeneralIndustries for details - AI dropships try to avoid collisions - ACrabs no longer walk away when delivered - Fog of war no longer appear after scan - Fixed mod_lowintensity - Fixed the bug when ACrabs were free
Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:53 am |
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:16 pm Posts: 26
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B70 - 26 jan.)
Awesome. You should be hired by datarealms to fix their game. Not only do you release quicker updates and fixes, they are better and more complex. Also more frequent. Pretty please consider allowing split-screen second player control for actors (coop only and split screen tactical map be damned i say).  Me and my friends love playing cortex command but the vanilla campaign after playing this is like eating gravel 
Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:19 pm |
DRL Developer
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:34 pm Posts: 966 Location: Moscow, Russia
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B70 - 26 jan.)
Unfortunately there is no way to start an activity with certain amount of players. You'll have to start the game with multiple players, manually set native 1280x720 or higher resolution to fit UI on half/quarter of screen, observe 2-4 copies of UI in strategy mode, finally restart Unmapped Lands 2 every time the battle ends, because it restarts current activity to clean the possible mess. Techincally I can make it work in a single activity, but I can't tell how long it will live before the crash. Too many tricks 
Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:27 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:18 am Posts: 5
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B70 - 26 jan.)
Been spending the last couple of hours playing the new version.  This is such a cool mod. Having the feedback at the end of the battle is great - doesn't leave you wondering. I like the balance better of how long the AI will stay in the fight before giving in due to gold. One minor 'exploit' I'm finding myself doing is attacking with a small number of troops and just wasting time mining. I can then call in all sorts of drop-ships when I'm ready. If the attacker didn't get the gold income from mining it would stop that exploit. Would also mean you couldn't chain attacks together in the same turn because you'd need to rely on the mines themselves to generate the gold.
Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:01 am |
DRL Developer
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:34 pm Posts: 966 Location: Moscow, Russia
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B70 - 26 jan.)
In B71 I've added attack cooldown of 20 ticks for each territory which should make it harder to wipe out the AI in one turn when it's out of gold. But you can still attack from multiple territories and do the same. I guess that's what about strategy games are - if your enemy is weak you just smash him like some roach  And I'll probably teach the AI to dig gold too to increase it's chances when it's out of gold. UPD: Updated: - AI digs gold when it's low on funds - Added territory attack cooldown, you'll have to wait before attacking again from selected territory - Some fixes for pre-equipped factions logic
Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:03 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:38 pm Posts: 122 Location: On a little island called Puerto Rico
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B71 - 27 jan.)
.  . Excuse me Mr. weegee your mods have always been awesomeness and always will But I have A smalllllll suggestion, you should add in little bandit raids. What I mean is that you can make a very small random chance that one of your outpost or enemy outpost's will be raided by bandits or something. The bandits could be a mix of different soldiers from different factions. It would choose random loadout's from active factions. You could do a scene where you need to stop them from getting from point A to Point B or whatever you'd like. Even if they win they wouldn't obtain the base but they would do damage to your economy or something for a random number of turns. .  .
Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:20 am |
DRL Developer
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:34 pm Posts: 966 Location: Moscow, Russia
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B71 - 27 jan.)
Well random encounters may appear eventually, but right now it's too much work and the result is questionable unless there are lots of new maps and plenty of randomness.
Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:58 am |
Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:13 am Posts: 151
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B71 - 27 jan.)
The UI of this lags like hell. It's quite irritating and prevents me from doing anything properly. :/
Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:54 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:38 pm Posts: 122 Location: On a little island called Puerto Rico
 Re: Unmapped Lands 2 (UPD: B71 - 27 jan.)
.  . Hello again weegee. I would like to make my Mu-Ilaak and other mods fully compatible with your mod. I was wondering If the Faction file you have of the Mu-Ilaak is fully... how do I put it.... Working I guess with the current build of Unmaped Lands 2 I'm not referring to the names of the stuff from the mu-Ilaak mod, I can fix that my self, I mean the script it self. I wasn't making my mods compatible with your's because at first it looked scary  (I looked at the WH40K script first to see how it was done. BAD IDEA. hugeee amount of stuff) but now that i look at the script again it isn't that hard. (I looked at the mu-ilaak script. I was like OOOOOooooo thats how you do it  .) .  .
Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:37 am |