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 Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak version 7.0 for CC B31 [03JAN15] 
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
Cat_Fuzz wrote:
Heya, I love this mod. The design of the sentry characters is great, plus the some of the sounds are nice and really give these guys character, plus it's also sticking to the vanilla without changing/overhauling the game too much. Great work...

There are however a few issues I'd raise. I've been trying to change and figure them out so I can upload a version with these changes, but I'd like to see if you'd agree / feel the changes would be needed.

1. It's a little unbalanced - Alot of the weapons are really quite powerful, this wouldn't be a problem if range/ammo capacity or something else was penalised for to compensate. Whilst the units themselves are weak and the weapons do tend to break easier than other factions, it's difficult to make use of such weakness when they've destroyed most of your army. This may be because I'm also running the smarter AI mod with the game though. But the two weapons in particular are the So-Aoto and the Mu-Baoni - both can quite easily decimate an army with one clip and for such a small cost.

2. Re-spawn - Undestandibly this part of the mod has only recently come to light, but there is this weird behaviour when a unit respawns from a crab - they automatically fall into "Brainhunt" AI. I don't know if this is intentional or a bug, but it can make setting up a defensive position quite tough. This is especially true when they then go headlong into enemy territory without reclaiming a weapon.

3. This could be a bug on my end, but if a change the "Loadouts" file and give a deployment the "Ki-Ratul" weapon, it doesn't show. I've even copied the name directly from the "machineguns" file, and it still won't work. Once more, if I'm playing a campaign and manually give a unit this weapon, save, quit and then re-load the game, the game crashes and the savefile becomes unusable.

I'm trying to sort these issues out on my own at the minute, but I was wondering if these were things you were looking into yourself as well? I was also going to make some changes to the "Heavy's" Sprite as they seem a like a re-textured Browncoat heavy.

But yea, otherwise great job. I'm really not trying to complain but felt like I'd bring these up in case anyone else was having similar problems.

Also RE: above post I like this idea, I'll try and see if I can get some sprites working for the weapon.

Sorry for the late reply, I just dident see this mesage here until now

1-I agree, the weapon's are very experimental but you need to take in question just how week these guy's really are but (again) The So-Aoto is really powerfull and I was planing on making the reaload time slower and the Weapon would be more pricey. Also these actor's arent using the smarter AI mod becouse they have there own seperate AI script's. I am planing on inplamenting the AI.

2-Actually I dont think you sould be using those Headcrabs for defence, there suppose to seek and destroy just in case the player cant micro manage on the battlefield. (HEAT OF BATTLE CONFUSION).

3-Yep I dont know how to fixed that problem samething is happening to another weapon im making that uses the same .ini. Could it be corrupted??? :???:

4-what makes him still look like a browncoat im gussing is the body and jetpack, I can fixed them real quick but.. you could take a shot at it if youd like. :)

Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
They are WAY too overpowered. The automated weapon shoots that 60 bullet in half second! And it cuts through everything! BUT, i really love the way they resurrect (am i writing it right? :???: ) . Maybe a bit fast, but pretty awesome! And the rocket launcher just exploded in my hand. lol... Maybe i'm the stupid and don't know how to use it but i can't use it the way it should work. Anyway, good work with this mod! I really love it! Keep up the good work! :D

Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:33 pm

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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
Grimmcrypt wrote:
Sorry for the late reply, I just dident see this mesage here until now

1-I agree, the weapon's are very experimental but you need to take in question just how week these guy's really are but (again) The So-Aoto is really powerfull and I was planing on making the reaload time slower and the Weapon would be more pricey. Also these actor's arent using the smarter AI mod becouse they have there own seperate AI script's. I am planing on inplamenting the AI.

2-Actually I dont think you sould be using those Headcrabs for defence, there suppose to seek and destroy just in case the player cant micro manage on the battlefield. (HEAT OF BATTLE CONFUSION).

3-Yep I dont know how to fixed that problem samething is happening to another weapon im making that uses the same .ini. Could it be corrupted??? :???:

4-what makes him still look like a browncoat im gussing is the body and jetpack, I can fixed them real quick but.. you could take a shot at it if youd like. :)

That's okay, I think it was my first post so they were kind of background checking me to see if I were human or not. :grin:

Anyhoo, I'll respond back to your points...

1. - I've been playing around with some of the weapons and still kept them deadly, albeit a little more balanced EG: the So-Aoto now has a roundcount = 40 and the shake has been upped slightly to widen the dispersal of the fire, plus I've added a short wind-up timer before firing and increased the reloadtime. It still keeps it just as deadly up close albeit with a slight delay, however it's enough to kill one maybe two opponents, and useful for withering fire at medium ranges. Still looking into the Mu-Baoni, as currently the only drawback is that the explosion is so huge it may kill the actor who fired it.

Anyways, if you want me to send you the files I've updated, PM me as I've also been through and changed the weapon sprites to the same green as the ammo magazines, it looks really nice - more acidy or plasma-like, plus I've created another actor based upon the Right hand piece of concept art that was done.

2. - I'm not using the headcrabs for defense, I'm using the regular guys. It's just that when the regular guys die, they turn into headcrabs (which is fine) however when they turn back again into regular actors, they are auto "brainhunt" and usually without a weapon, meaning that there abilites to stay alive are short-lived as they hurtle straight towards the enemy with nothing more that their own digits. I can see why, and it's a nice feature, however I cannot change their AI at all to get them to immediately seek weapons before doing anything else when they respawn.

3. - I've tried re-naming but havn't considered creating a seperate file and seeing if that could work. Hmmm...

4. - Kinda covered that at the bottom of the 1st bit so yea...

Also, I'm currently working on seeing if I can sprite the energy crescets so that some guns fire those instead of pixels.

Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:57 am

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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
Sorry to bug you, but where can I find the Lua files? :???:

Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:58 pm

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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
If it's not currently on anyone's mind, may I suggest the making of some sort of Mu-Ilaak behemoth? If one is made, instead of relying on easily broken weapons,
(The drones destroy most of them, I find. xD) could the behemoth come equipped with a near indestructible melee weapon?
I'd love to see some huge, regenerating, red, clawed tank-like beast in the Mu-Ilaak's faction.

Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:05 pm
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
Farrem wrote:
Sorry to bug you, but where can I find the Lua files? :???:

There in the drone folder inside of the actor's folder.

Kasa wrote:
If it's not currently on anyone's mind, may I suggest the making of some sort of Mu-Ilaak behemoth? If one is made, instead of relying on easily broken weapons,
(The drones destroy most of them, I find. xD) could the behemoth come equipped with a near indestructible melee weapon?
I'd love to see some huge, regenerating, red, clawed tank-like beast in the Mu-Ilaak's faction.

Well to be honest I haven't been modding for long time, I had taken a....... Break but now that CC has a couple updates(motivated :D) I'll be doing some thing's here and there. Now for the behemoth... humm.... let me see. Well the Coalition has a Gatling drone that takes hit's and the dummy's have one two but the thing is, in order for melee weapon's to be effective it has to be in the hand's of a human not AI. AI been built for distance i guess if he tries to fire a melee weapon it'll be from a distance and he wont close in unless some lua can be done to make him close in one the enemy and then attack but that is alooooooooooot of work. Or maybe I can turn down he's view range sight bla bla something. I don't think the walkpath's would be hard thanks to the walkpath creator program made by AzerathAngelwolf.

here's a small preview of thing's to come from a faction that I'm making called Hob Kingdom, there small creeter's and little dudes, some are huge tho.


and yes those are trudger's from xeno

Last edited by Grimmcrypt on Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:41 pm

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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
I notice that when I try to set a meelee weapon as a tool they tend to try to use it as an actual meelee weapon, or more specifically, a digger. They try to get close to you before activating the digger since b27 and 1.0. (not sure about the b27 part) Maybe you could copy paste the AI from base.rte that tells them to do that so that you don't have to change the meelee weapon into a tool class? I'm sorry if I'm stupid but I don't know much about modding.

EDIT: Oh, crap. How did this post get here? It's supposed to be in the Star Wars Faction mod... :/

Last edited by Someone64 on Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:37 am
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
I love seeing concept art come to life, whether DR makes official use of it or not. Mu-ilaak are the only truly alien faction described in the AndroidArts fluff page, and that really brings in the fun of this space fiction backstory. And they do feel much more naturally part of CC rather than yet-another-mod-faction; it's a great addition.

I'd like to help with sprites and .ini coding, but I will finish my vanilla factions infantry brain units for 1.05 first.

But I have a few ideas, based out of the official fluff.
Remnants of Mu-ilaak (story only)
These alien robots of unknown origin and age are found dwelling on the moon of the planet. Unfortunately they wake up and show hostile intentions.

Gameplay: These are found on the moon a bit into the story line. They are powerful robots/cyborgs, and can replicate without using facilities aboard a Trade Star. Everyone gangs up on them eventually. Yeah, it's the "united against our common enemy" plot device. In reality FreeTrade wants to get rid of them because they're bad for business.

Analogy: Initially superior, bad guys.

Colors: Red and silver.

I'll start with what defines their strengths, their weaknesses, and speculate from there for necessary balancing since the storyline campaign isn't a use for them.

They're alien, so their weapons and units ought to behave asymmetrically to the way the human-derived Techs' do. Techion are kind of weird compared to the other factions, but Mu-ilaak have carte blanche to blow the doors off the usual ways of killing things...

Regeneration is one utterly different mechanic (and fits with their revival in the lore).
Lore says they "replicate" units without TradeStar Midas, meaning they ought to have a means to gain units without ordering them. The "mosquito-like" head unit is suggested to "rebuild body" using what appear to be bare bones. We also see concept art of an "interrogated" human, which looks to me like a cybernetic version of a Halo combat-form Flood creature-- which is pretty cool!

My thought is that Mu-ilaak actors could, in addition to regenerating their bodies (if mostly intact), slowly generate new "infection form" flying headcrab things to "interrogate" their opponents, converting them into lesser Mu-ilaak drones (concept shows less armor, and oddly no hands...).

Balance issues come up with any ability to steal actors, but the mechanic is very cool! Limiting which Mu-ilaak could generate interrogators and how quickly goes a long way toward answering that. Also, since gibbed actors settle to dirt, as do simply dead ones after they stop moving, opponents will probably need to be alive when the interrogation begins, meaning a chance to defend themselves and thwart Mu-ilaak attempts to expand.
And if "True Mu-ilaak" units are very expensive, then the Buy menu ceases to be an easy way to get reinforcements (other than Zombies). Basically, the Mu-ilaak strengths of regeneration and body snatching could be balanced against the need for time to expand from an expensive first few units.

Following from the idea of wounding or disabling opponents in order to most quickly take over their bodies (or else take a long time putting their gibs back together), Mu-ilaak weapons ought to include means to disarm, dismember (partially), and bleed down opponents in order to give interrogator crabs their best chance of grabbing a live actor and injecting Lua into them for fun and body snatching.
Seeker ammo and smart projectiles are more balanced if they're lower damage, which suits this strategy perfectly. Mu-ilaak could pair "fire from cover" weapons with a set of bunker breachers (and a couple of "eh, let's just kill everyone" heavy weapons) to be especially effective.
I like the comments about plasma-based weapons as in some games they seek energy and tend to ignore armor, again suiting a Mu-ilaak appetite for beautiful corpses, while low damage would give opponents time to outmaneuver and beatdown these old robots who'd been sleeping since Uzira. That should be fairly balanced-- Mu-ilaak gamble that they can weaken and interrogate their enemies from cover or gib their prizes and make do with inferior numbers of semi-superior units (again, fitting the lore).

Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:43 am
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
Well well Mr. Brendan. You just motivated me to work on this mod again. I love all the ideas but I personally still have to finish my Hob Kingdom mod, I only need to finish a craft and a couple other devices for it and then Ill be back on this mod to finish it. (I'm one of those people who need to do different thing's in order to stay entertained) Anyway Is that your concept artwork in the spoiler. I like it a lot :)

Well when you finish your Mod, would you be interested in joining forces to create things of greatness?

-Our first task would be to finish the Mu-ilaak mod.

-Second, we would do Uzira's faction.

-After that I guess.... ummm... maybe.... Starcraft Zerg or Warhammer 40K Tyranids. just kidding but Id like to make a biological faction or whatever you'd like ass long as the concept is cool.

oh and lot's of the thing's you mentioned are going to require lot's LUANESSS.

I only know .ini coding and sprites work. I've tried lua but it has proven to difficult for me. In other words we are going to need a Lua guy for the more fancy thing's that you have mentioned. (Although we could probably scavenge around for codes with permissions of the authors off course)

Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
That's Arne's artwork, not mine!
I'm just the guy who keeps poking at the CC Wiki.

So, we both have other projects at the moment. If I release anything, you'll know about it. More likely you'll have released yours first, and we'll see where I am then. But it sounds like fun! Faction/Tech mods that fit in with vanilla CC (or successfully convert the whole game) are my favorites, though this game makes a lot of random fun possible!

I've learned that you go to mod with the team you have, not the team you want. So I'd expect not to find a Lua coder and plan accordingly. This community has a lot of existing code written by people who are happy to share, so I plan on lots of tinkering with snippets from here and there, like CaveCricket's homing bullets.

As for behemoths, I love what LowestFormOfWit started, but they're very complex to make and ultimately a bit unbalancing. I've soloed for hours with one Dummy Brain Suit versus skirmish waves and only die due to stupidity.
However, I have thought some about a Mega Crab-based mecha. It could be coded to convert enemies triggered by having crushed them like the Exploration mission one tries to do.

Honestly I think AI is going to be the biggest challenge for making Mu-ilaak units effective.

Gonna go test drive your creation now. :grin:

Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:32 am

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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
I was about to say "Did you just steal those without permission" To the trudgers until I saw the almost unnoticable text under the picture.

Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:50 am
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
. :skull: .

Alright I need opinions real quick. I'm gonna add the crescent shape effect to the weapons but I was thinking on the bullets to act like the Techion weapons do since there plasma based they should burn or go sisssssss when they hit something. What do you guy's think :?:

If I get no opinions I'm gonna go ahead and do it anyway.

. :skull: .

Last edited by Grimmcrypt on Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:57 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
I don't feel that "sissss" sound effects will fit in there..

Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:09 pm
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak update 3.1 With regen [WIP]
StanT101 wrote:
I don't feel that "sissss" sound effects will fit in there..

Well the sound effects are changeable but I'm referring to the way the techion bullets act when they go sissssss. Its like they burn up.

The effect's will be green so it will look different to the techion one.

It will be shaped like a crescent.

Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:20 pm
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Post Re: Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak version 4.0 for CC 1.05
. :skull: .

UPDATE v4.0 FOR CC 1.05

See main post for change log.

I believe that they should put up a 1.05 Icon since some mods aren't compatible with CC 1.05

lua error wise that is.

. :skull: .

Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:48 am
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