Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Roll To Mech: Khorosho Rolling with a D20, 10+ to succeed. Variable modifiers based on situation, eg: +to hit for large target, -to hit for fast target, etc.
Six active players at a time, standard waiting list system.
Backstory: More than ten years have passed since the Great War. Corporations had grown to such sizes that they had dominion over the world. But in their greed they ended up fighting each other for control of resources. When this Great War finally ended little of the Old World was untouched by the ravages of war. Now in the devastated ruins of a once glorious civilisation scavengers and tyrants rule.
You are members of Khorosho, a succesful mercenary group. Originally a small band of Mechs Khorosho grew in strength over time. But after discovering a barely functional Armament Fortress that houses a small manufacturing facility Khorosho became a force to be reckoned with. Later on after raiding a Corporation facility they discovered a stash of Cyclic Plasma Injection Systems, reactors used in the most powerful of Mechs. Using these Units, a series of Mechs were produced for their top pilots, highly specialised and virtually unmatched in potential strength. Now with their overwhelming power Khorosho are in search of something, and it has lead them near to The City, one of the few places that managed to survive the Great War.
Character Creation:
Your mech has 20 points to start with, choose a # of points per "item" Default chassis has no equipment, no armour, no Boosters You can choose what the shape of your Mech is, be it humanoid, spiderlike, or something else. [feel free to provide images] - make sure to say if your Mech has hands or not. - If you want to have a transforming Mech try to have a semi-realistic transformation, eg: bipedal mech that drops onto all fours in order to use a back mounted sniper cannon. [Being able to Tansform costs no points, but generally adds no direct advantage over not being able to do so]
the things you can spend points on: -Boosters - Allows flight, you can also GroundSlide if you have boosters, this is slower than flying but has the advantage of being on the ground and thus extra stability. -Jump Jets - Allows jumping/dodging, slower than Boosters for distance speed, but better for short bursts of speed/dodging. -Musculature - represents run speed, physical strength, and melee agility all in one. [Running is generally slower than GroundSliding but has its own advantages] -Armour - protects against all attacks, more points: more armour. -Energy Shields - Provides protection against inbound weapons fire, regenerate at a constant but slow rate, two types, Barrier, and Field. Barriers will stop attacks completely assuming it has the energy to do so. Fields will reduce the power of attacks that hit the Mech, assuming it has the energy to do so. [damage reduction amount is based on Fields level] -Weapons - Energy or conventional, [melee weapons are allowed] name the ammo type if the weapon uses ammo [specify percentages of ammo if you want multiple types], all different types of weapon will have their own drawbacks, eg: Sniper Cannons are high power low ammo/firerate. [Energy weapons will either overheat, need to recharge after firing, or suffer from damage drop-off over range] --Single Shot Weaponry - You may choose to have single shot weapons [usually missiles] such a weapon will either pack a serious punch or have some other advantage over a weapon with lots of ammo. --Handheld Weapons - Ammo fed handheld weapons will need to be reloaded after using so many rounds, but have their own advantages over internal ones. -Systems - Will either add to rolls or add entirely new abilities, eg: Advanced Sensors, Booster Overdrive, etc. Make sure to say what sort of effect you want the system to have. --note: just saying "Anti-Missile System" is not decriptive enough, using that as an example An "Anti-Missile System" could be a Jamming device, flares, or Point Defense Weaponry, and each would behave differently. [Point Defense Weaponry would require you to have a weapon to use for the Point Defense, as well as a System specialised for Point Defense, the others would just need the system]
You must specify where the mechs cockpit, weapons and systems are mounted [Locational damage allocation is in use, so if you want to put everything in your Mechs Torso you can do that, making its limbs expendable, but damage to the Torso would be more of a threat] - The Mechs Reactor is always mounted in its chest [any reactor associated systems will also be mounted in the chest] - Boosters are located on the Mechs torso primarily [generally booster related systems will also be torso mounted] - Jump Jets are distributed between the Mechs legs and back [Jump Jet related systems will be mounted in the Legs/Back] - Energy Shields are mounted next to the Reactor so any Shielding associated systems will be mounted in the chest with them
The more points spent on an "item" the better it is, but may still be outperformed in some areas EG: a 4 point Machinegun is better than a 3 point Sniper Cannon in most situations
If you want to have more of your armour in a specific location then say so.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions about the mech creation process.
- Example Mechs:
Chassis Name: Maxis Shape: Humanoid Bipedal [both hands] Items: -Right Shoulder --Railgun [Ammo- 80% Solid Slug / 20% Flechette Cluster] *8* -Armour [Slightly less on arms, more on head] *6* -Boosters *2* -Head --Advanced Sensors [improved targeting and enemy detection] *4*
Also you have a character that is the pilot of the Mech, be as in-detail about their description as you feel is needed. -You are a mercenary, not some supergenius 13 year old who built a mech out of scrap. -If You wish to have any "character traits" that add to your rolls etc. I will add a negative that will balance things out, eg: "Brawler: +1 to melee" could be balanced by "Shaky Hands: -1 to ranged"
Khorosho: Player faction, a group of Mercenaries. Cyclic Plasma Injection System Unit [CPIS Unit]: Mechs powered by a CPIS, only known ones are in the Hands of Khorosho. Armament Fortress [AF]: A giant mobile weapon, heavily armed and just as well armoured, were the main weapon of war in the Old World, but are now extremely rare in the Post War era. The City: a city that be it by merit of fortunate placement avoided the worst of the devastation caused by The Great war, currently led by a man only known as "Uncle" The Great War: the war that led to the devastation of most of the world, times before this are referred to as being in the "Old World" and after as in the "Post War era" Pushka: The AF that Khorosho are based on, when it was found its main weapons array was virtally a pile of scrap metal, only one of the Six cannons colud be salvaged, it still has most of its armour intact, but its weaponry albeit devastating is rather poor for an AF. Neural Tracker [NT]: A type of light Mech named after the revolutionary, at the time Neural Control system which allowed the user to operate the Mech like it was an extension of their body, this technology is now in use in all moderm Mechs. Master Arms Unit [MAU]: Based on the NT the MAU is a more advanced Mech made from modular components, this allows for fast repairs and relatively simple customisation. Reavers: the name given to bands of murderers, slavers, bandits and the like, more than likely to try and kill you and take anything you are carrying as soon as they see you. 1st Generation MAU: The earliest MAUs, have fusion reactors for power, severely restricted in their usage of energy weapons. 2nd Generation MAU: The most common MAUs, use pulse generators for power. 3rd Generation MAU: The most up-to date/experimental MAUs, use experimental generators, highly powerful. >FURTHER DATA ENCRYPTED<
Encountered Units:
M1c3 Medium Tank A generic Tank, armed with a single Cannon. CA T-Stork: A bipedal NT with no arms or seperate head, has a single chin-mounted Machinegun. CA T-Egret: A bipedal NT with no arms or seperate head, has a Rifle mounted on either side of its body. CA T-Dodo: A bipedal NT with no arms or seperate head, has a Grenade launcher mounted in its torso, as well as tough armour for a NT. IWM01 Club-l: A bipedal MAU, an early design that is considered rather poor by modern standards. IWM02 Axe-e: A variant of the Club designed to be easier to operate, has Gatling guns in place of arms. IWM03 Hammer: The final 1st Generation MAU manufactured by International Weaponry, an overall improvement on the Club. #FURTHER DATA PENDING#
Combat information:
The <S:#> after a weapon denotes its maximum number of shots per turn, if it has +R:# then you may "rapid fire" the weapon for that many extra shots. "Rapid-firing" a weapon has a chance to make it jam, jammed weapons are inoperable for one turn. If you rapid-fire more than once then the chance of jamming increases.
Repeatedly firing on the same target with the same weapon slightly increases that weapons accuracy until you fire on another target.
Weapons with multiple ammo types must first switch to the ammo type they wish to use. [virtually instantaneous]
Weapons, like Railguns with [UNCHARGED] by them must spend one turn charging before you can fire [charge stays for a few turns]
Heat/Charges: these increase/decrease when the weapon is used and decrease/increase when not in use.
Artillery weapons target everything within a radius of the "main target", and get more accurate the more targets within that radius.
If a weapon is "heavy" or "quasi-heavy" marked as <H> / <QH> in your charsheet then it is subject to special rules. "Heavy" weapons can't be fired if you have moved, because they need bracing/etc. "Quasi-Heavy" weapons suffer negative accuracy if you have moved, varying on speed of movement and just how heavy the weapon is.
You can fire as many weapons at once as you want, there are slight negative modifiers if you combine different types of weapon [missiles don't cause [extra] negatives though]
You can fire on multiple targets in a single turn, but this will cause negative modifiers, which increase the further apart you two [or more] targets are.
When taking a large amount of damage in one hit you are staggered, this temporarily lowers accuracy/speed next turn as you recover from the hit, bigger hits cause more stagger. Superior musculature makes you more resistant to stagger, and having more armour also makes you harder to stagger. Certain weapons also increase the strength of the stagger they cause as an innate effect.
Last edited by Amazigh on Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:04 am, edited 18 times in total.
Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:26 am
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Mech Name: Starbanger Shape: Humanoid Bipedal, Left arm only Right Shoulder: Railgun (Ammo - 75% Fragmentation, 25% Solid Slug)*8* Torso: Targeting Package (Sensor nodes on Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder, lower Torso) *4* Back: Artillery Cannons (2 on either side of head, angled forward, can adjust angle independent of torso, Ammo - 100% High Explosive) *4* Left Arm: Dual-Barrel Autocannon (Ammo - 50% Armor Piercing, 50% Scatter Rounds) *4* Targeting Package: Can Lock On to target in combination with selected weapon, +5 to attack rolls against target, requires 1 turn to lock and 2 intact sensor nodes. When not Locked On, +1 for each intact Node to sensors.
Pilot name: John Freemech Description: An energetic man with a fearsome beast of a goatee.
Cockpit mounted in chest. Boosters on back, jump jets on legs/feet.
Character: Barqa Octavius A veteran warrior with a temper, got sick of fighting for the companies and went rogue. Took his mech and a few loyal engineers with him and started taking jobs from the highest bidder, eventually settled for Khorosh and found his place in life. His military grade mech eventually evolved into a progressively lighter and more aggressive model. Eventually settling on the design he affectionately calls the "retiarius". Although he has a short fuse the man is still far more intelligent than he looks.
Jet charge(+2 to the first attack made against an enemy with the lance)
Last edited by maart3n on Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:32 am
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:05 am Posts: 3878
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Chassis Name: The Lumberjack Shape: Humanoid Bipedal, right arm only Armour: frontal being tougher, backside not so much *6* Right hand: power axe *4* //no hand, just an axe blade Left shoulder: plasma annihilator cannon *5* Torso: missile countermeasures, jamming *3* Energy Shield, field type *2*
Pilot name: Harald "Hardrada" Blomgren Description: A broad of build but rather short figure with a magnificent red beard. Doesn't talk much.
Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:36 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Cockpit is located in the "Head". Long-ranged Pulse Laser located on chest. Boosters and Jump Jets located in wings, Anti-Missile Missiles System located on shoulders on back.
Pilot Name: Markus "Mark" Tullen Description: A light-skinned skinny 26 year-old man who used to work in an engineering bay. He doesn't say much, and is described as being "in the zone" when working. Ability: Zen (+2 Accuracy, -2 Movement/Evasion) (2 Turn Duration, 3 Turn Cooldown [after end duration])
Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:13 am
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:09 am Posts: 1115 Location: Being The Great Juju
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Chassis Name: White Flash Shape: Humanoid Bipedal [Left Hand] Armor: Balanced on limbs, more concentrated on torso and head, mostly frontal for torso and head *2* Right Hand: Disabler Edge - A multipurpose diamond-bladed longsword, can be used very effectively as a regular sword, but is also capable of discharging an electromagnetic current capable of stunning or permanently disabling mech systems (EMC would have a short cooldown) *8* Left Hand: Hand - Capable of wielding a weapon or being used to punch/grip another mech. Currently no weapon equipped. Musculature: *4* Jump Jets: *4* Overdrive: Jump Jet coordinator/optimizer that allows for a massive burst of speed in a single direction. This speed can be used to launch an unavoidable melee attack within 50 meters of a target. Three roll cooldown *2*
Cockpit in head. Jump jets on feet/back of legs. Overdrive system in legs.
Pilot Name: Johann Metzger Pilot Info: A friendly and easy-going fellow of German descent, he's a deadly speed demon in his mech. Excellent natural reflexes combined with his quick top-of-the-line mech enable him to dodge nearly any attack, even from multiple opponents. At close range, he's able to destroy, disable, or overpower nearly any mech with his deadly Disabler Edge. If flight is absolutely necessary, his mech is capable of outrunning and evading nearly any pursuing mech. Passive Abilities Brawler (+1 Melee / -1 Ranged)
Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:18 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Rag we need to pair up and be the ultimate tag-team.
Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:36 am
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Mechs? Oh yes.
Chassis Name: Bloodhound Mech Name: Delta Shape: Quadruped - Wolf-like, no hands Chassis Description: A powerful and sleek quadruped design, the Bloodhound is a fast-running hunter, capable of operating alone or with teammates with equal efficiency. It's designed to support teams and disorient enemy units with a mix of electromagnetic weaponry and electronic warfare, or as a sniping weapon platform. The cockpit is located in the head. Chassis Appearance: Think Command Wolf. Mech Description: Delta is outfitted in the electromagnetic weaponry/electronic warfare role, painted a slate blue with darker navy blue markings. It has an added 'rollcage'-esque component around the cockpit for added protection without sacrificing too much of the field of view. Items:
Armour - Ultralight Composites. Evenly spread across the frame. -2pts
Musculature - Heavy-Duty Hydraulic-Assist Myomer. Fast, and capable of powerful long-distance leaps and jumps unlike normal musculature. -4pts
Back - ENERGY WEAPON: Twin Disruptor Beam Cannon; Disruptor Beams don't do much physical damage, but cripple electronic systems like sensors and shields. -3pts
Torso - MISSILE WEAPON: Vertical Missile Launch Array; Foosh! Lots of little missiles to overwhelm PDS and confuse the ♥♥♥♥ out of people/sensors. Good against aerial targets, as the sheer number of missiles is hard to evade/counter. -2pts
Torso/Tail - SUPPORT SYSTEM: Hybrid Electronic Suite; Jam enemy sensors, interfere with their weapon targeting, generate sensor ghosts/false positives, and hide self+allies from detection. Lock onto enemies, relay targeting data to allies, track enemies at long range, pick up incoming signatures over long range. Counter enemy ECM/electronic warfare suites. That sorta thing. The torso holds the majority of the processing hardware, whilst the tail basically acts as a big aerial/antennae. -6pts
Head - MELEE WEAPON: Hydraulic-Assist Jaws; Terrifying crushing power up close, capable of tearing mech limbs clean off or biting straight through them. -3pts
Pilot Name: Irvine Callahan Description: A lanky, tanned American pilot who lost his right eye before joining the mercs. It doesn't seem to have negatively affected his piloting skills. Calm and confident. Catchphrase:"It's not bragging if you have the skills to back it up." Combat Style: Mindgames, Son: Irvine softens his opponents up with various distracting/disabling tactics, either so he or his teammates can move in for the kill. Ability: Evasion Focus - sacrifice accuracy to focus on evading enemy attacks. Scaling/variable skill; the more evasion gained, the more accuracy lost. ex; Evasion Focus (3) = +3 evasion, -3 accuracy. Evasion Focus (5) = +5 evasion, -5 accuracy. And so on.
Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:04 pm
Fail Flail
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:40 am Posts: 1059 Location: I chose my fate, do not pity me.
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Sign me up for this ♥♥♥♥, love me some mechs. (sheet later)
Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:47 am
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:10 am Posts: 1531 Location: Ye Olde England
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
Aboard the Pushka: Most of the off-duty crew are enjoying themselves in the rec-room as a message sounds over the speakers: "This is Commander Mikhail Voroshilov, Mech Team 2 Report to the Briefing room on the double." After a brief scramble the six members of the team rush to the Briefing room, don't want to keep the commander waiting after all. They arrive to find the Commander already there and looking decidedly unhappy with someone or something. "Alright Men, it seems that Uncle is being paranoid as ever, and wants us to do a little house cleaning before he lets us in." He proceeds to tap a button on the desk and a holographic map of the area springs up. "As you can see here a band of Reavers have set up camp in the area just north of The City, and he wants us to clear it up before we can get in." "You gents will have the pleasure of getting your hands dirty, expect to face a mixture of Light Vehicles, Tanks, NTs and a few substandard MAUs, nothing all that heavy, but don't get sloppy out there." "Now then men, head to the Mechbay and get ready to move out!"
TorrentHKU Pilot name: John Freemech Description: An energetic man with a fearsome beast of a goatee.
maart3n Pilot name: Barqa Octavius Description: A veteran warrior with a temper, got sick of fighting for the companies and went rogue. Although he has a short fuse the man is still far more intelligent than he looks Ability: Jet charge [+2 to the first attack made against an enemy with the lance]
Natti Pilot name: Harald "Hardrada" Blomgren Description: A broad of build but rather short figure with a magnificent red beard. Doesn't talk much.
CaveCricket48 Pilot Name: Markus "Mark" Tullen Description: A light-skinned skinny 26 year-old man who used to work in an engineering bay. He doesn't say much, and is described as being "in the zone" when working. Ability: Zen [+2 Accuracy, -2 Movement/Evasion] [2 Turn Duration, 3 Turn Cooldown [after end duration]]
Ragdollmaster Pilot Name: Johann Metzger Description: A friendly and easy-going fellow of German descent with excellent natural reflexes, he's a deadly speed demon in his mech. Ability: Brawler [+1 to Melee attacks / -1 to Ranged attacks]
Arcalane Pilot Name: Irvine Callahan Description: A lanky, tanned American pilot who lost his right eye before joining the mercs. It doesn't seem to have negatively affected his piloting skills. Calm and confident. Ability: Evasion Focus [Scaling/variable skill: Evasion Focus (3) = +3 evasion, -3 accuracy. Evasion Focus (5) = +5 evasion, -5 accuracy. Etc.]
>Information Bank Updated<
Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:52 am
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:09 am Posts: 1115 Location: Being The Great Juju
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
"Hurry up, boys, or I'll mop up all those suckers myself!" >Run out of room and towards Mechbay.
Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:11 am
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
> Head to the mech bay, suit up, and get ready to head out!
Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:24 am
Loose Canon
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:07 pm Posts: 2992 Location: --------------->
Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho
"Ya, ya, so you say. I can be a lot more useful if I can get to some higher ground. If you guys take out the camps bordering the hill to the north, I can get up there and start raining hell." > TO ZE MECHBAY.
Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:31 am
Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:52 pm Posts: 13144 Location: Here
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