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 Generic weapon names 
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Post Generic weapon names
For a specific reason a had to include a bunch of really generic weapons in the mod I'm working on: some SMGs, couple of shotguns, rifles, pistols etc.
The problem I faced is that I am unable to come up with some sensible names for those weapons, so I decided to ask you, guys, for ideas :)
Post any weapon name you think sounds okay and I will consider using it for one of my weapons.
Also, you could write a description of what the weapon with your suggested name should be like, and I will possibly create a new gun for my mod using your description. Adding sounds/sprites/whatever you think can help to your post will be greatly appreciated in this case. The main requirement is that weapon should have a characteristic of "generic" one - nothing really special, just another bullet-sprayer or something. I have a reason for that.

Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:45 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
For an assault rifle,you could have something like an AR-83,or a B56-Mk2.
A shotgun could be something like a Model 37 Shotgun,or something simple like a Slugger Mk5,or even just call it a Close-Combat Weapon.

For more professional,military-style generic names,putting letters and numbers randomly together often works :V

Fri Dec 28, 2012 5:20 pm

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Post Re: Generic weapon names
Military designate out of Acronyms. AR-16, M16, The M could have multiple meanings.

Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:13 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
Well, I thought about numer-letter codes, but what I'm looking for is something that would give a weapon some character, you know, like "Desert Eagle" and such.
And giving a revolver a name of ZT-679 would seem rather odd, given that these weapons are not meant to be futuristic of any kind, wouldn't it?

Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:30 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
Mad Alex wrote:
Well, I thought about numer-letter codes, but what I'm looking for is something that would give a weapon some character, you know, like "Desert Eagle" and such.
And giving a revolver a name of ZT-679 would seem rather odd, given that these weapons are not meant to be futuristic of any kind, wouldn't it?

Play Borderlands 2, it has all the names you need.

Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:27 am

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Post Re: Generic weapon names
If you want to give a weapon a generic name, usually just two letters, a dash and then two numbers does the trick.

Eg. "RT-98", "AR-34", "GN-50" etc.

Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:32 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
I've already responded to the very same idea a couple of posts above. You aren't being attentive enough, my friend.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:00 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
You can be very creative with weapon names. There are plenty of weapon names out there that have no meaning and are hardly consensual to the weapon itself (ie. M16A4, AR-15.) and might just represent the model of the weapon. Then there are weapon names that are known as a nickname or surname to its purpose or producer (Glock, HK USP, Kalashnikov, etc.). Or maybe even a combination of both (FN FAL, FN SCAR.).

What I did most of the time when making weapon names for my mods is I chose some kind of letter that kind of synergizes with the feeling of the weapon (call me crazy), and then start with the number 0. Then for every time I tweaked with the weapon I added 1 more to the number.

Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:16 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
Just some acronyms that to use for said weapons, some used in-game and others just made up;

HG - Handgun, P - Pistol, HP - Heavy Pistol, AP - Auto Pistol, REV - Revolver, GP - Grenade Pistol, SP - Shotgun Pistol, SM - Submachine Gun, SG - Shotgun, AR - Assault Rifle, MG - Machine Gun/LMG, BR - Battle Rifle, SR - Sniper Rifle, HSR - Heavy Sniper Rifle, GG - Gatling Gun, CN - Cannon, CA - Artillery Cannon, GL - Grenade Launcher, ML - Missile Launcher, RL - Rocket Launcher, FT - Flamethrower, FL - Flame Lance, IN - Incendiary, PY - Pyro Weapon

May have missed some, that's all I can think of right now.

Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:14 pm

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Post Re: Generic weapon names
Handguns: Beamer, Operator, Ranger
Assault Rifles: Rebel, Unifier, Commissar
Snipers: Lightfoot, Bandit
Shotguns: Scythe, Conqueror, Punisher
Heavy Weapons: Crusher, Pounder, Beast

Add on letter-numbers as needed.

Hope this helps, and hope I'm not way too late. If I am, I'll just see if I can use these myself.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:58 am
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
a bit over three months too late, also scythe sounds more like a sniper rifle name to me, being that a shotgun isn't really the head-shot kinda gun and was more meant for "shoot at him but don't take your time aiming" kinda fighting

Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:37 pm

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Post Re: Generic weapon names
I'd think Scythe is a name for a weapon that deals death very rapidly, but yeah, I see your point.

I guess I'll just try my hand at piecing together a custom weapon set.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:26 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
AW-T1 (Assault Weapon - Type 1)
Standard Automatic Assault Rifle

AW-T2 (Assault Weapon - Type 2)
Semi Automatic Assault Rifle

CPDA (Close Proximity Defence Arm)
Standard Close Range Shotgun
Multiple Shot

HDS (Heavy Duty Suppression)

You like..?

Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:45 pm
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Post Re: Generic weapon names
Unison wrote:
AW-T1 (Assault Weapon - Type 1)
Standard Automatic Assault Rifle

AW-T2 (Assault Weapon - Type 2)
Semi Automatic Assault Rifle

CPDA (Close Proximity Defence Arm)
Standard Close Range Shotgun
Multiple Shot

HDS (Heavy Duty Suppression)

You like..?


You can also make the two-three letters of the weapon manufacturer. example, an AKM (Izmhath Avtomat Kalachinokova Model 1959) you can call it Izh 59 or AvkM

Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:57 pm
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