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 Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse! 
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Joined: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:21 pm
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Post Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
You know the usual Roll to Die probaly. This one is a little bit other than the other ones (not just with the difficulty). I will use a simple cube (6 sides) to roll. Ill need first atleast 5 people to start the game, more can join if one dies or the activity is too low (Started due to low activity, more can join anyway). This one plays in a Zombie Apocalypse in North America. If you dont know that much about America, you can play in another Continent in another Country.

The Rules, because the game needs some.

If a player wont reply after a page, hes deceased. (Can start a new Life, leaving all his old stuff behind)
Guns WILL deplenish Ammo. Also, they generate noise (depends what firearm it is and if its silenced)
Be nice to everyone else. Expect the Zombies. You can be rude to them.
Dead Players can reanimate and attack you. If that happens, they will be Infected.
Only Headshots kill Zombies. Any other Body Part slows them down, expect if the Target is a Human.
Starvation and Dehydration CAN kill you or make you weaker.
You should know that you have to sleep, if not, your brain will someday shut down or you hallucinate.
Zombies can smell and hear better than you, so be sneaky.
A Horde wont be attack-able if you cant run away. (Meele Weapons wont help that much)
Be careful what you do. The concept of "Roll to Die" is to have luck of not dieing.
The biggest danger is, other people, as you may not know if they are infected or if they kill you. (Free for all, in other words)
A simple blood wound can attract zombies. They are like sharks, if they smell blood, they come there.
Sure, Zombies are just lying around there dead, but they may stand up.

What you need to write in first to join
Name: Boris Yugolev (you can enter the family name but you dont need to)
Gender: Male (You can write the gender if you want to)
City/Town/Village: Glendsdale [City] (The [] says if its a town, city or village, take any City/Town/Village you want to, im tired of you all joining Glendsdale.)
Job: Electrican (if you dont want any, you just write Civilian. Determines some of your abilities.)
Inventory: Some food (Canned Beans, Bread), a bottle of water, a bat, a pocket knife. (A max. of 5 things. Inventory will be bigger if you find a backpack or better)
Clothing: T-Shirt, Jeans, Sneakers, a Cap. (They will give some more information, like, how light you are, how fast or how well armoured.)

Information about some Things.
-Zombies: They are the most common enemy you will see. Sometimes have something with them. Just hit em in the head one.
-Cities: Have lots of buildings, like: Residents, Museums, Banks, Gun Shops, Supermarkets and much else, but also have the most enemies.
-Towns: Same like Cities, but less enemies and less buildings.
-Villages: Usually, in the wild. Have the least enemies, but also the least equipment. Only residental buildings and some shops.

Building Types.
Residental Building (Normal Home) - Its small, but contains some Supplies if it isnt raided yet. Contains the "Owners" and some "Guests" inside.
Residental Building (Flat) - Its bigger than the average Home, but contains moar Zombies, but also supplies. If you're lucky, you can find a Gun, just like in a Normal Home!
Shops/Markets/Grocery Stores/ Supermarkets - The best place to find Supplies! But they are also some common places for Zombies.
Gun Stores/Police Departments - You'll find Guns and Ammo here, still theres a chance for Zombies.
Department Stores - You find sort of everything here. Dont expect that no zombies are here.
Skyscrapers - Are you insane? Looting dis place would take days or hours! Lots of Zombies and lots of useless junk! What are you even doing here then?
Gas Station - Same as the Shops, but have Gas and probaly a Gun.

Random Objects
Abandonded Military Vehicles - Usually Convoys which were ordered to neutralize the Threat. Guns and MRE's (Meal Ready to Eat) can be found here.
Crashed Plane - Ok, what...the hell? Thats probaly the strangest thing to find in a bloody zombie-infested Place. I'd ignore it, as it has nothing good to find.
Abandonded Cars - Damn common. You find nothing useful here, but sometimes a pistol, if its a police cruiser, ofc.

Best way to get out of somewhere.
Car - Either a Bus, a Truck or a Volvo you wanted your whole Life. Find Gas for it and you can get out of here.
Boat - Zombies cant swim, or can they?. We dont know, but Boats are useful for getting out, but are rare because people wanted to get out of here so they wont die.
Trains - Either in a Subway or on the Ground. Useful for getting somewhere without getting annoyed by something. Or someone.
Helicopters - Strangely, people were too dumb to take helicopters. But since you cant fly that damn thing, you have bad chances, but lets improvise, ok?

Subway - This could be a safe way to change the places. But it would be better if you took a Flashlight. Nobody knows if a Boogey Monster could find you.

Sunny - It's bright outside and you can see everything. But its also a little bit hot.
Rainy - Its cold outside and if you wander around without any good clothing against that, you can catch a cold.
Foggy - Oh snap, you cant suddenly see that good, cant ya?
Thunderstorm - Odin is angry to day, isnt he? The Lightings irritate Zombies and you have a advantage to wander around. Still, theres a small chance to be hit by a lighting. Or some Zombies C:

Firearms and Weapons
Your Protection against anything which wants to hurt you. Who laughs now, Paper Cut?
Pocket Knife - You think you can use this small thing against a Zombie? It can kill one, if you ram it hard enough into someones Head, but i'd use it as a Last Resort.
Baseball Bat - Originaly use'd to batter Baseballs around and destroying someones Car Windows, this now is useful for using Zombie Heads as Baseballs.
Shovel - One of the easiest Gardener's Tools, and used to bury the dead, you now bring them back where they came from.
Small Furniture - They may be heavy, but you can throw it at them or barricade something. Dont take it with yourself.
Hammers - What do you say when you sneak behind a Zombie? STOP! HAMMER TIME!
Axe/Hatchet - A useful tool i say. Cutting Wood for a nice fireplace, or chopping the head off your enemies.
Machete - This strong blade will cut like a hot knife through butter. Sadly, it isnt a hot knife, but its stronger than one anyway.
Kitchen Knife/Cleaver - Used to slice food, now useful for cutting into heads.
Pistols - They may be weak, but their ammo is found nearly everywhere. It was weak in video games, but now its your best Weapon if you find one. Have small recoil and are nearly silent. (Can be silenced, for the really paranoid ones.)
Revolvers - You would'nt find one that easily, but they are powerful, and they have moderate recoil.
Shotguns - They are a idol for Zombie Apocalypses. Nice spread, big firepower, and loud as a Helicopter. The Ammo is common, thats a Plus.
Submachine Gun - One does not simply find them that easily, but when one does, he has a good protection for up to 500 Meters and a silent gun.
Assault Rifle - These are uncommon, but they pack a punch. Literally. You can smash ones head while shooting at the one which just wanted to bash your's. They are loud.
Machine Guns - They have lots of Ammo, and they REALLY hurt, and they are fast. Only thing is, they are used by the Military. So they are rare.
Rocket Launchers - These are VERY damn rare. They make a big explosion, dont care about where you shoot, and are loud. They are rare as their ammo.
Rifles - Usually a Hunting Rifle, they are nicely made and their ammo is not really that uncommon. While it helped you for hunting, it now helps you fight against the Hunter.
Sniper Rifles - Scoped Rifles which are loud and long-range'd. Rare, but useful if you dont want to come closer.
-Throwable Weapons-
Knifes - Yeah, you readed about them some minutes back, but they can be thrown too!
Grenades - Ok, this is getting out of control. Throwing these wont be a problem, but running away from its blast radius will be one. Use them for making distractions, or just simply having "fun".

Food and Water
You need it to survive, but what kind can you find?
Bread - You'll like it with some Meat and other stuff, but hey, it may save your Life.
Candy - Meh, i wont eat them, they taste good, but would it be worth it feeling kind of bad if you havent eaten anything after that?
Canned Food - Beans mostly, they taste good. Trust me, i ate a Can of Beans from 2009.

Where to find water.
Water Bottle- Some fresh water in a bottle, you usually find it in any Office or Resident Building
Water Container- A big Water Container! You find them in Offices or other Places. The Water is always fresh! But also damn heavy.
Ocean- If you drink Salt Water, you gonna have a bad time.
Pound- Usually after raining, yield a small amount of dirty water.

All they want is to eat your brains. BRAINS BRAINS BRAAINS! Attack you on sight. (Hostile)
Normal Zombie/Walker: The normal enemy you will encounter. Slow as a grandma and quickly dead as one with a hit. They are harmless alone, but are dangerous in Packs. They do noise so you can hear them.
Fat Zombies/Fat Walker: They are just a fatter version of the normal Walker. They are more dangerous but are slower.
Runner Zombies/Runners: These are annoying and dangerous: If they spot you, they will sprint at you, but they still can fall like you.
Loud Zombies/Sirens: If you met one of them, be careful not to draw attention. They are really weak but if you are surrounded by zombies which didnt notice will scream loud as a angry Monkey and you will be noticed. And maybe make you deaf, if you are close to it.
Gym Zombies/Strong Walkers: These ones are a mix of the normal walkers and the Runners. They are strong, fast and dangerous. Luckily they are rare.
Wild Animals
Usually, just some wild animals. May attack you on sight, depends on what animal.
Deer: Usually, they dont really like coming into populated areas like towns or cities, but because its a lot more silent, they can be seen sometimes. If you get the chance to kill one, you have a nice piece of raw meat. (Harmless, but also shy)
Wolf: Coming in packs or alone, they are a bad sign for the unarmed, or the slow ones. If only one is there, its not a big threat. If in a (Passive. Hostile if you come too close or they are hungry)
Bear: Not the best sign to see, but they are extremly rare, but also harmful. Has a big paw to kill you in 1 or 2 swings, and its bite is EXTREMLY hurtful. May roar if he sees you. (Passive, but also hostile)
Fox: They are shy, smart, and harmless to you. Expect you just annoyed it.
Usually a dog or some other animal, they can be petted and you can have a companion! Or dinner, for the really hungry ones.
Cat: They dont do much. Just roam around, try to survive. Useless, if you ask me.
Dog: Is the Mans best friend, still is the Mans best friend. They have good hearing, but also are loud. Sometimes are aggresive.
Birds: They fly like Valkyries. Pretty much useless. (Expect Chickens C: )

How to play:
Simple, you do a action by underlining it and i will roll a dice. Every Number means a fate.
1 means utter failure, meaning you fail at doing the decision. If you tried to sneak by the zombies, they notice you. If you attack/defend you miss or get bitten/killed. If you run, you aciddently fall down and have to get up.
2 means bad luck, meaning that you either get noticed and you have to get out of the area.
3 means nothing but the action you do. There is still a 50% chance of being noticed.
4 means good luck, meaning you do the action and it actually goes good.
5 means better luck, that means if you run away, hide or aim from the wide or scavenge, you actually success at it or you find more stuff.
6 is the best number. If you get this one, you just have very good luck. If you scavenge, you find very useful stuff (food, weapons), if you attack, you hit more zombies (if the weapon isnt meele and a small firearm) or you succefully run away and the enemy doesnt care about following you.

Dead List.
    Humans. (560,000 thousand, probaly infected now
    Some animals.
    Zombies ( 20,000 thousand)

List of Players:



MadeInKorhal [NO REPLY]


walid0303 [LEFT]


Starting Point: Your House. You wake up and see strange creatures outside. Quickly do what you want to survive.
So, as i begin: Stand up and go down the stairs and take my Inventory Items.

Last edited by Notsoscary on Wed May 29, 2013 2:32 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:34 pm

Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Heck, Ill join, you joined mine anyway and EVERYONE needs a start.

Name:John Allen Dared
Gender: Male
City/Town/Village: Glensdale [City]
Job: (former) Police officer
Inventory: Police baton, handcuffs, $500, small pouch with food in it (about 5lbs), a small radio, batteries. (if money counts and takes up that much space I will remove it.)
Clothing: Grey shirt, Jeans, Sneakers, Badge, Leather belt, baseball cap.
and before I forget, what year is it set in and how long has the zombie apocalypse been around?

Get up to do as I normally do i the morning, maybe look out the window to see how good of a day it is.

Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:47 pm

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
The Zombie Apocalypse has been around 2 years. Money doesnt take up space if you have a wallet. Dont worry, there is a currency. (And its not bottlecaps)

Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:53 am
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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Name: Arcturus Horriver
Gender: Male
City/Town/Village: Glensdale [City]
Job: Army (Recruit)
Inventory: A lunch, a water bottle, 5mm pistol with silencer (30 ammo), a machinegun (60 ammo)
Clothing: Military suit

Waking up in the barracks

Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:11 pm

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Well, due to low activity in this thread, i think im going to start it...
Notsoscary rolled a 1: You fall down the stairs and nearly break your leg. Thankfully you didnt break it.
Farrem rolled a 5: You go down the stairs and look out of the window. You see burning buildings. Maybe somethings wrong?
Korhal rolled a 4: You wake up in the barracks, but you see that other soldiers are in the barracks too. Maybe you should ask them?

New Turn.
Go outside to shop for groceries, due to no idea whats going on.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:57 pm
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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Noticing than those soldiers seem a bit suspect. Now going a little back, aiming then with the silenced pistol and asking them who they are.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:58 pm
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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Count me in.
Name: Darfred Ignuis
Gender: Male
City/Town/Village: Glensdale [City]
Job: Bodygaurd
Inventory: 9mm pistol (30ammo),a Pocket knife,Canned beans,bread,a Flash light,batteries
Clothing: Black suit,Sunglasses
Wake up and wear my suit

Also i should point out that i wont be always active, since day for me means night for most of you guys.

Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:08 pm

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
(For one, I already knew there was a zombie apoc)

Well, at least it isn't raining. Go to my backyard and look around.

Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:02 pm

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
You can join, but first do a action by underlining it.

Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:06 pm

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Notsoscary- 6
You go out to shop for groceries even that you dont know what happens, you get to the shop.
Farrem- 5
You go outside your backyard and look around. Burning Buildings are seen, and some strange sounds can be heard. Some screams too. You find some Apples from your Tree.
Korhal - 4
As you approach the other soldiers, you ask whats going on, and they tell you all about whats happening. They also introduce themselfs and give you some ammo. How nice.
Walid- 3
You wake up and go to the closet to wear your suit.
Shop for some groceries as usual.

Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:38 pm

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Gol and find out who/what is making the screams, maybe grab my weapons and gear while I am at it.

Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
You know what,Im out.
This dosen't look like its going anywhere and i don't have any spare time.

Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:31 pm

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Ok then walid, if you want to join later, you can ask again.

Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:26 pm
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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Going to the marketplace to get some food and water to store

Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:01 am

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Post Re: Roll to die Zombie Apocalypse!
Rolling the Dice...
Notsoscary - 4
As you arrive at the grocery shop, you find dead bodies, but also some supplies. Maybe pick them up?
Farrem - 4
You go and take your Inventory Items/Weapons and go to find out what makes the noises, but dont find anything, expect a standing man on the street. What is he doing here?
MadeInKorhal - 5
You arrive at the Market Place, but its empty, empty with people, not with food or water. You can pick it up, nobodies watching.

Pick up the Supplies and go back home.

Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:45 am
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