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 [RTD] A Dying World 
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
Much more serious.

Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:27 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
That's all I ever wanted to hear.

I'll start building a char momentarily.

EDIT : Bing.

-Name: Johnathan Roberts
-Brief Desc: A fairly muscular man, approximately six foot two. He's a Brit, from Birmingham, and it shows - He's fairly heavily scarred across his body, with a large slash mark down the diagonal of his face, from the top left to the bottom right. He has dark hair, and dark, blue eyes.
-Backstory: John comes from the formerly industrialized part of Birmingham. Like most Brummies, he had a simple choice in life - Enlist in the army, or, become gang hardass. His family chose the latter, and ended up dead for it, while he chose the former. John had always favored close combat, since he always loved to see the fear in an enemies eyes as he steadily advanced towards them.
---SHGT7 Heavy Pump Shotgun 72+12
---Beretta Nobl-1 Break-Action Single-shot Shotgun 25
---Standard Issue Military Long Blade
---3x medpack; minor wounds
---1x medpack; moderate wounds
---Standard issue heavy body suit
---Military rations
---Standard military equipment: Radar, flashlight, PDA, communication systems
Fire and Advance : John's primary tactic in a fight, is to close range with the enemy, firing and advancing as he moves in for the kill. +1 to to firing and moving, but only if he is moving towards the enemy he is firing at.

I don't really feel like making an Uber character story and background and description and all that.

Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:32 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
oh we did get 8 players sweet
Roll 1 - Day 1

Harzipan - Evagria 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?

Lucem - Siobhan 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?

Arcalane - Cassidy 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?

TheKebbit - Charlie 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?

CrazyMLC - Jonathon 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?

Izen - Jacob 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?

Maart3n - Herbert 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?

CaekDaemon - Johnathon 0:
You, along with the rest of you squad, arrive back at the camp where you are stationed after a short skirmish about 5 miles north. Your current location is in a cold forested area northwest of the New Russian Federation. You are in unclaimed territory, and that's why you're currently fighting; to claim it.
There is about 1 hour's time before your next mission, which hasn't been revealed yet.
What will you do?


You all have 1 hour to waste. What do?

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:20 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
> Cass: Find out what we're actually here for, and what our mission is. Failing that, get some proper information on the situation here.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:43 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
> Create an obscure forum game on an online messaging board and go to sleep. Proceed to never update it again.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:06 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
oh also
i need everyone's colors
pick a color from the font color list on the side and it will be yours
arcalane i assume yours is that orangey one right?

Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:17 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
give me the grey

Camp fortifications; dig a trench, and set up a few wooden palisades.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:27 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
Yellow works fine for me.

Assist Charlie with the fortifications.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:08 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
>Set up perimeter defense. Patrol and stuff
Also, I enjoy green

Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:27 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
> Siobhan: Familiarize myself with the landscape, make conversation with squadmates.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:38 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
Miggles wrote:
oh also
i need everyone's colors
pick a color from the font color list on the side and it will be yours
arcalane i assume yours is that orangey one right?


Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:10 am
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
This will be mine.

Find somewhere to sit and clean my shotgun.

Don't worry, it's a different color than Hyper's moderator text.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:08 pm
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
Create some traps, like holes with sharp sticks in them, around the fortifications.

Also: This will be my colour.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:57 pm
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
I'll just do this.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:01 pm
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Post Re: [RTD] A Dying World
Roll 2 - Day 1

Harzipan - Evagria 5:
You notice Charlie heading off with a shovel and several long wooden poles and immediately understand what he's going to be doing. You decide to tag along. Spotting you and giving a silent nod of approval, Charlie lends you some sticks. You know what to do.
The both of you set to work, with Charlie digging and you placing the wood down, you set up a palisade around the camp in about 20 minutes.

Lucem - Siobhan 8:
You walk around the camp and get a layout of the land. It's all flat, with the exception of one large hill to the northeast. The camp is hiding behind that hill, in fact. That hill is the reason the camp is in this spot here. That and the clearing.
Loitering around the base, you notice Johnathon cleaning his gun.
"What's up?":
"Hmm? Oh, hello Siobhan. I'm just cleaning my shotgun, as you can see."
"Oh, OK."
He doesn't seem to pay much attention, as he is focusing on the gun. Gosh, he is so boring.

Arcalane - Cassidy 10:
Oh, you know why you're in Russia. Territory disputes, of course. Well, technically NOT Russia. The point is YOU guys want it instead.
Anyway, the world has engaged in WWIX, this time including pretty much every nation that people have heard about. Basically 90% of the world. You're part of the 9th Reinitiated Allies, so naturally you're the "good" guys. But who can say who REALLY is the good guy? Moral relitivity, eh?
You and your squad just came back from a small fight with soldiers from a small nation claimed by a group of rebels in what used to be Canada, named The People's Democracy of British Columbia. They're sided with the Axis powers. You feel they could take the camp here if they were to try, but they appear to be disinterested.
Anyway, with the amount of sheer violence and turmoil in the world right now, you doubt that society will ever rebuild at this point. Highly advanced weaponry, including bombs capable of permanently damaging the Earth, has already been developed and are being held by both sides. It has already come down to a double-sided ultimatum, but both sides are stagnant.
There is currently no information on your next task.

TheKebbit - Charlie 11:
Evagria comes over to you and decides to help put up the rods. You're greatful. Just the shoveling in itself is hard enough, having someone else create the palisade is incredibly helpful.
After 20 or so minutes of speed shoveling and teamwork, the palisade and trench are finished. The wonders of modern diggery!

CrazyMLC - Jonathon 9:
You head to your tent and watch as everyone else goes off to do things about the base. You pull out your computer, of which you have many. Carrying any less than 7 computers at a time is absolutely ridiculous! You need that many.
You decide to go onto the internet, which has become very inactive since the war. The entirety of it. Most people are too concerned with the war, whether it be sheltering in the underground or actually serving.
Regardless there is still a small forum you visit that is still fairly active. It's for some obscure game nobody cares about, or something. You don't actually play it though.
After thinking for about 5 minutes, you spontaneously come up with the idea for your game and post a thread on the forums. In about 3 more minutes, 2 people have already signed up. Little do they know, they will be met with disappointment. You aren't actually going to START the game! You're too "busy" with the war!
Your plan is genius and you are genius.

Izen - Jacob 14:
You go around the camp, looking for supplies to create some defences. In your searches, you see that Evagria and Charlie are already doing that. You leave them to their work and walk around the encampment, looking for anything of interest. Nothing catches your eye, and you do not see any enemies.

Maart3n - Herbert 6:
You notice that Evagria and Charlie are setting up a trench and palisade, so you set to work on creating some simple traps. You dig some holes quickly and put up a few simple spike traps. You grab a turret kit from the munitions depot and set up an automated turret above the camp's watch tower.

CaekDaemon - Johnathon 7:
You sit on a stump outside one of the tents and disassemble your shotgun for maintenance. You clean out the barrel and ejection port, and oil the internal mechanisms. You shine the exposed areas of the gun and reassemble it, all in 30 or so minutes.


After some waiting around, the squad is given a signal to head to the notifications area.
A familiar face appears on the screen. Your commanding officer. Each of you gives a short salute and listens.
"Hello, soldiers. I know it's only been an hour, but you have more duties. There are readings of enemy troops approaching to the south-southwest. They are on course with another of our bases, 20 kilometers west, where the Toucan-5 squad is stationed. They have also been alerted of this danger. Your orders are to take a vehicle directly to the base and help defend against the enemies. Do not worry about your camp, as I will send a large area camouflage device at the end of this message. Remember, defend the base. Over and out, troops. Good luck."
With a small buzz the CO disappears and a medium-sized boxy-thing arrives. The camo unit. Charlie quickly sets it up and the camp is now invisible to any nearby enemies.
Time to head out!

Last edited by Miggles on Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:00 am
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