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 The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better) 
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Faction: Ronin

Gun: M1 Garand

What I like about it:
Almost everything, good range, good price.

What I don't like about it:
Stopping power, it just doesn't seem powerful enough, am I suppose to be holding the weapon that George Patton said was the greatest implement in war, or some gun that I would never give my front line troops.

Faction: Ronin

Gun: Kar98

What I like about it: It's the Ronin's only sniper, and it has good range but...

What I don't like about it: It's got the power of a mentally challenged squirrel, seriously? It took three shot to finally make that white bot's head come off. GIVE ME POWER OR GIVE ME DEATH!

Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:00 am
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Well, they're weapons from WWII, they're not neccesairly all that effective against killer robots in the future.

Try the M60 instead.
They work great against humans though.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:22 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
painbringer1998 wrote:
*stuff about the M1/Kar*

You're kidding, right? Unless they got significantly nerfed in recent releases, the Kar is a monster sniper weapon. The Ronin being equipped with it in "SHIELD Under Siege" made missions into something of a lotto, because you had to kill them before they could get an accurate shot off, or they'd basically oneshot your dudes.

If they still are, then I'm gonna go with what Lizardheim said. They're older guns, designed to kill people, not robots.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:18 pm
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Arcalane wrote:
You're kidding, right? Unless they got significantly nerfed in recent releases, the Kar is a monster sniper weapon. The Ronin being equipped with it in "SHIELD Under Siege" made missions into something of a lotto, because you had to kill them before they could get an accurate shot off, or they'd basically oneshot your dudes.

If they still are, then I'm gonna go with what Lizardheim said. They're older guns, designed to kill people, not robots.

Yeah, that was fun wasn't it :)
But I've gotta agree with arc, the kar is second only to the heavy sniper in ridiculous power, and it can shoot a lot more quickly and easily.

Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:13 pm
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oh god pls no realism arguments in balance discussion.

Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:54 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Gun name: Impulse Cannon
What I like about this gun:
Its not horrible anymore.

What I don't like about this gun and I think should be changed about it:
Its very overpowered, one-shots any craft or actor in the game (robots has a slight chance of just flying away at crazy speeds), grenades fly really fast making it easy to hit stuff with it, and it is rather cheap. Easily the most powerful weapon in the game right now, at a cheap price.

Additional notes:
Who need a 300 G AA actor with 2 missiles when you have a 10 G zombie with a 90 G instant-killing grenade launcher?

Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:07 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Bad Boy wrote:
Arcalane wrote:
You're kidding, right? Unless they got significantly nerfed in recent releases, the Kar is a monster sniper weapon. The Ronin being equipped with it in "SHIELD Under Siege" made missions into something of a lotto, because you had to kill them before they could get an accurate shot off, or they'd basically oneshot your dudes.

If they still are, then I'm gonna go with what Lizardheim said. They're older guns, designed to kill people, not robots.

Yeah, that was fun wasn't it :)
But I've gotta agree with arc, the kar is second only to the heavy sniper in ridiculous power, and it can shoot a lot more quickly and easily.

Yeah I guess you guys are right, maybe it's because I tried arming Ronins with a bunch of Kar98s against the techion, I never got much to experimenting with the Kar98 but when I was defending my fort in skirmish defense against my friend (who just happens to love using the actors from wermacht) I blew his soldiers apart, so I was wrong, I admit, now please don't hook me up to a board and throw stones at me.

Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:37 am
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the offsets on the ronin guns are all messed up.

turning left with most of them disengages the support arm if the actor has one. that actually functionally effects gameplay as well as cosmetically.

just in general you guys need to polish the offsets a bit.

Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:11 am

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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
Dummy Frag Nailer

What I like about this gun:
It's a rather powerful explosive weapon for Dummies,a faction with very few explosives,which gives the Dummies a nice strengthening against the other factions with their room-clearing explosives and all that.

What I don't like about this gun and I think should be changed about it:
It's a rather powerful and fast explosive weapon that's rather cheap(and small),fires 4 powerful exploding shots,and fires sticky bombs.
A bit overpowered,if you ask me.The grenades rip guys up and there's little you can do when 4 soon-to-explode orange things are literally stuck to your face.I think it would be a bit better if it was more expensive or the bombs didn't stick to people so unstoppably(maybe only some of them stick,the other grenades just falling down?)
Also,the sprite is a little small for such a powerful grenade launcher,perhaps adding some weight and size to it would make it more grenade-launchery?(unless the tinyness is part of the intended design philosophy,as a sort of irony for a powerful gun looking like half a peashooter)

Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:17 pm
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The idea behind the size of the grenade launcher is that grenade launchers can be quite small, so stick 4 small ones together into a single gun and you get a relatively cheap 4-shot grenade launcher.

The idea behind the Frag Nailer was that Dummies, being as fragile as they are, usually don't get many shots fired out of their weapons before dying, so they needed a weapon that they could dish out damage as fast as possible before their gun breaks/they die.

Further gameplay testing with the weapon will be done, however, to make sure that it is properly balanced. As well as the Impulse Cannon.

Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:09 am

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The Diggers.
The Light one (and the weakest of them all) is cheap, and can make small tunnels in some seconds, even though its not capable to break through stones or anything else, its a good cheap digger.
The Medium one (currently, the best one) is fairly priced, but is better than the heavy digger with the faster RoF and it mines faster than the Heavy one. ^^^^'s you up if you come too close.
The Heavy one (the slow one) is kind of underpowered in digging. Its rather slow and concrete? Its a hard job. It could be a little bit buffed up, like, look at the MDC Digger, hes cheaper than the Turbo Digger (which is fast) but also more effective than the Medium Digger. The Heavy Digger NEEDS a buff.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:12 am
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Yeah, the heavy digger should use slightly tougher particles and more of them. For balance it the RoF could be reduced a bit more, but still, it's supposed to be the strongest digger of them all.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:34 pm
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I've noticed that dummies wuth blasters often just stare at each other. They don't move probably because they see enemy. And they don't shoot, probably because they know the range of their weapons and enemy is unreachable with it. Also it's just not fair that their main weapon has so short range.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:33 pm
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)

Pros: Really awesome, powerful and usually gets their job done. A good bang for the price. Has some nice fancy lua so you can actually disarm enemy mines and re-deploy them, giving them an epic strategic feel.

Cons: It's NEVER used in game. I mean, during the campaign, the enemy should set them on their bases, I dunno, on the entrances maybe or something like that? Why does the engineer loadout come with a disarmer if he will never have to use it? It's just a wait of money right now.

I demand mines in my enemy bases!

Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:34 am
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Post Re: The guns in CC and your thoughts (so we can make 'em better)
From the "official" factions in-game, my favorite weapon would be the Ronin pumpgun.
After v1.0 release (or was it before, anyhow), it was buffed so much that I believe it is safe to call it overpowered.
Using a Ronin soldier to execute a gatling gun-clad Browncoat with only a single round from the pump gun sends an orgasmic sensation you've never been able to feel before its buff.
Aside from power, it is relatively light and portable, along with the fast reloading speed.

My favorite weapon from from some great mods out there is the scoped FG-42 from The Wehrmacht mod.
Its scope covers great distance, and 25 rounds of nearly recoil-less ammunition suffice for an unnoticed kill.
Again, I highly value its portability, affordability, and versatility. I usually arm my guys with FG-42 and the Shyoto Type 5, which is also a great sidearm from The War to End All Wars mod.

Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:14 am
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